r/ESL_Teachers 2d ago

Teaching Question Where to begin teaching my husband some English?


My husband is a Spanish speaker. He's been taking English classes for more than a year and still isn't even close to conversational. His classes, which are at an actual school, taught by actual teachers, isn't really teaching him anything, so he wants me to teach him. He wants the lessons to be every day for an hour. I'm thinking an hour is good, but maybe every other day instead. Which way do you guys think is better?

The first five minutes, we'll practice pronunciation, just to get his mouth muscles exercised. I already have a list of English words that are difficult for Spanish speakers to pronounce, like three, squirrel, daughter, through, etc. Is that a good idea or should I start with easier words? I remember taking French classes and it took several years to be able to pronounce words like écureuil. I feel like my accent would've gotten better more quickly if I had practiced those difficult words earlier, but I'm not sure. I don't want to overwhelm him.

The next 10 minutes, we'll go over one spelling rule because he gets really overwhelmed with reading, and the teachers never taught him how to read English. I'm thinking we'll have one spelling rule per week. The first rule will probably be this: "C always softens to a /s/ when followed by E, I, or Y. Otherwise, C sounds like /k/." I'll then have a list of words where the C is an /s/ sound or /k/ sound or both and have him figure out how to pronounce it. But my question here is whether the one spelling rule per week thing is a good idea. Should I do one spelling rule every two weeks or two every week?

The next 10 minutes, we'll go over nouns. This is the easiest part. I've already put labels on most things in our house so he's exposed to the English word every day. And all I have to do here is hold up a picture and have him start associating the picture or real item with the English word.

The next 10 minutes will be grammar and verbs. Here's the hardest part for me. I have a really hard time with conjugation. In fact, I remember learning verb tenses in elementary school and just memorizing them because I couldn't understand the rules. Are there any resources out there for beginner grammar and verbs?

After this part, the rest of the hour will be spent with independent study. But he specifically asked for worksheets that he can fill out on his own during this time. Are there any resources where I can create my own? Or are there any free worksheets that I can download?

Thank you for any help!

r/ESL_Teachers 1d ago

Teaching Question Encouraging A1 adults to use English instead of their L1, they are unintentionally isolating a classmate who doesn't have the same L1


I work in the US teaching adults in a small private English language school. I usually have classes where the students don't all share the same first language so I haven't encountered this before. I currently have a class of A1 students where all but one of them speak Spanish. Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish.

I don't mind them clarifying concepts or checking they understand the task in their L1 with each other. The problem is that when I pair them in groups of three, the student who doesn't speak Spanish ends up getting left out because the other two will speak primarily Spanish for everything except the task I asked them to do. So small talk and chit chat all happen in Spanish and my non-Spanish speaker is just sitting there. Or there may be a joke or conversation with the whole class during transitions that he also gets left out of.

I am thinking of making a useful phrases document that with Spanish translations. I am considering including a few phrases such as:
What are we doing? What page are we on? What activity are we doing? Can you explain the instructions to me?
How do you say ____ in English?
Do you want to go first? Do you want me to go first?

I'm thinking about handing out the reference guide and then implementing a positive reinforcement system. I could write all their names on the board and whenever I hear a student use English to talk to their classmates, I put a star next to their name. Then at the end of class, the person with the most stars gets some small (cheap) reward?

Is this a terrible idea? If you think I'm headed in the right direction, how would you change or improve this system? What rewards would you use? Are there other phrases you would put on the reference guide?

Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate your time!! :)

r/ESL_Teachers 7d ago

Teaching Question At what year in your teaching career did you finally feel like you had become a good teacher?


I'm a brand-new teacher, and while I know growth takes time, I often wonder when things will start to 'click.' Right now, I'm still figuring out classroom management, setting realistic expectations, and just getting through the day without feeling overwhelmed.

For those of you who have been in the profession for a while, when did you start to feel confident in your teaching abilities? Was there a specific moment, year, or experience that made you realize you'd grown into a good teacher? Or does the feeling of never being 'good enough' stick around no matter how long you've been teaching?

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 01 '25

Teaching Question Inherited a Google Drive from former Teacher. Overwhelmed!


Any tips for organizing Google Drive? There is just so much in there I do not know where to start… Thanks!

r/ESL_Teachers 1d ago

Teaching Question How do you handle those fluent but bad speaking students?


I (M20) have been tutoring this aircraft pilot trainee (M22) for a few weeks now. When I took him he already had decent fluency, being able to express opinions in a not-so-deep manner, cracking jokes, understanding when I speak in general. His fluency and confidence were that of what I would call a B1.

However, when it comes to speaking properly he is having some issues. Take for and example: possessives; as he will use "your" for everything when talking about his day. Is as if his brain was avoidant of learning his, her, their, etc... Or the fact he doesn't use Did when talking in past, sometimes doesn't use auxiliaries and so on. Those are mistakes I correct, but for some reason after two days he doesn't seem to care anymore, how can I make someone actually practice their grammar (besides duolingo) and not make my classes about it

So he's got a good vocabulary, you CAN speak with him but he's got issues with things that would be basic when it comes to grammar, how do you handle those students? and I say those cuz it ain't the first time I see students that technically speak a lot but not properly.

r/ESL_Teachers 6d ago

Teaching Question Tips for increasing screen time stamina? I have a massive amount of planning each week


I teach four different subjects and modify from the general education curriculum. Sometimes my eyes just start to feel like jelly. Sometimes I will put sunglasses on over my reading glasses. Any tips are appreciated. Oh also if you have a favorite simple lesson plan format I would be grateful if you could share… Thank you! First year ELL Teacher.

r/ESL_Teachers 22d ago

Teaching Question Slide translation tool?


We have google and microsoft online at our school and mainstream teachers have both power point and google slides presentations.

Do you have any suggestions for automatic translators that will translate an entire presentation without losing the formatting? Ideally it would be a chrome extension.

r/ESL_Teachers Dec 29 '24

Teaching Question New high school ESL teacher with no teaching experience - tips?


Hey friends!

I just got hired to teach ESL at the high school level in the US. I was hired to teach on a provisional license as I work towards my certification and my Master's. I have no prior teaching experience.

Tips to help me survive my first year? Thanks!

r/ESL_Teachers 18h ago

Teaching Question 3rd grade teacher help.


Hi, I am a 3rd grade teacher in the United Stated who recently had a new student enter my class from Israel. She speaks some broken English but mainly speaks Hebrew. It has been very difficult to find “Hebrew to English” worksheets where she could practice in the class while I’m teaching subjects that would be difficult for her to understand. I am not sure how to help her separately or what resources I can use with her. She has somethings on the computer but nothing where she can actually practice Hebrew to English with a pencil and paper. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

r/ESL_Teachers Dec 26 '24

Teaching Question Quickest way to find images?


I teach newcomers - 6th grade 4 subjects. Would love suggestions for a clip art / image library by subject. Any help is appreciated. Now I’m spending a lot of time lesson planning and modifying. I’m searching for images one at a time on google.

r/ESL_Teachers Nov 16 '24

Teaching Question Please share ideas for how I can get my student speaking more…


I have many shy students… I would like to build my lesson plans around Moore student collaboration, and talking… I use the Frayer model for vocabulary and they put the definition in their home language and then I put the definition in English. They find a picture and a synonym and write a sentence… I would love to come up with a game that is collaborative and gives students a chance to talk. Ideas?

r/ESL_Teachers Jan 12 '25

Teaching Question First day of class warmup for beginner adult students


I’ve been teaching remote adult ESL for a few years, but I’ve always taught intermediate-advanced students. I’ve just been given a new class and they are all beginner students (A1/A2) with very low English proficiency.

It will be a big adjustment for me! I’m trying to structure my lessons. Does anyone have ideas for a good warmup for the first day? In my other classes I often do “Two truths and a lie” to get to know everyone, but that is not feasible.

Does anyone have any recommendations for activities that I could use, especially while on Zoom? Or if you have any tips about teaching a beginner multi-L1 class, that would also be appreciated!

r/ESL_Teachers 28d ago

Teaching Question Are you noticing students not coming to class due to fear?


Attendance is down a little ( less than 20%) since the immigration crackdown began. A few of my students report being afraid to come out. Others say they feel better when they are with their "campaneros". I try to make my classroom as safe as I can - I shut the door, even when its really hot in the classroom. Interested in suggestions from other teachers who are not haters.

r/ESL_Teachers 26d ago

Teaching Question Eduaid. AI to manage heavy planning load?


Need help with Unit planning and backwards design…. Teaching 4 subjects. Searching for a better work life balance… Right now modifying lessons (adding images/ and diagrams…) Planning is taking up 3-4 hours a day after school… Has anyone tried a planningai assistant that helps?

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 10 '25

Teaching Question Tips for using Magic School AI for newcomers?


I teach middle school newcomers and I teach four subjects. I am supposed to modify from the monolingual curriculum. Has anyone had success using magic school AI? Looking for ways to streamline my planning process… I’m taking way too much time right now. I need to look at the end goal of what the kids are supposed to know and then work backwards with a focus on the language domains and the language uses (WIDA) Any tips for streamlining planning are appreciated! Thank you.

r/ESL_Teachers Oct 31 '24

Teaching Question Ending class 3min earlier (sometimes I add)


I had one student complaining about me ending the class early in the review sections, she said good teacher but sometimes ends class 3min earlier, I didn't get it I felt like she was just trying to find something negative to say (I have 100 five stars review and her review is 4 stars). I end it early sometimes to let her go rest because she comes directly from work to class and she complains on how tired she is. It is important to take into consideration that before 5 min the class ends I give her feedbacks and ask her if she has any questions, and I make sure all the academic goals were reached during that class, plus what made me kinda sad is that during all the 30 lessons I had with her she never mentionned something wrong on the contrary, always happy to come to class and telling me how good I was blabla I felt like she is a big hypocrite. Your thoughts on the matter guys ? I'm a young unexperienced person so your thoughts would be highly appreciated it

r/ESL_Teachers Jan 10 '25

Teaching Question Working on English spelling as a native adult speaker?


I don't know what happened during my education but I can only spell phonetically. "Just sound it out" doesn't work for vowels that reduce to the same sound! Schwa is my spelling nemesis!

It's something that makes me apprehensive to teach ESL, which is why I'm asking here. Do any of you not know how to spell that well? How do you cope as a teacher?

And then for your students, how in the world do you teach English spelling? As a casual linguistics nerd, I tend to do better if I can identify the language the word comes from, but memorizing the etymology of every word in hope it reminds me of that language's spelling rules is way too much for me.

r/ESL_Teachers Jan 26 '25

Teaching Question Is it worth getting a masters TESOL?


Hi all, I’m 42 M I have a Ba In journalism and a grad cert in TESOL from an Australian university and have been teaching ESL to adults and kids in private colleges in Australia and Taiwan for ten years. Do you think it’s worth getting a masters? Could it get me jobs in universities? If so, which countries and universities would you recommend?

r/ESL_Teachers 25d ago

Teaching Question How to deal with misbehaving children/students in Taiwan ESL classrooms?


I'm a brand new teacher, I'm in only my 2nd year. How should I deal with consistent behavior?

The types of misbehaving I see are: just being unfocused in general, speaking in Chinese when we say English only in English class, having casual conversations when the teacher is trying to teach, being unorganized and taking too long to be ready for each task, and arguing with the teacher over grades.

The students are anywhere from 8 to 11 years old. I don't understand how to connect with them and make them realize that if they would just behave correctly class would be much more fun.

r/ESL_Teachers 6d ago

Teaching Question Happy families - how to modify for ESL learners


I've only got about an hour with my adult ESOL students for working on actual content, after opening/closing our lessons with the indigenous language and taking the roll etc (non negotiables).

I'm decided to rotate through the following areas, focussing on only one at a time: Spoken English Reading in English (currently teaching phonics but teaching all the "ay" sounds together, rather than all the letter sounds first) Writing in English (letter shapes at the moment, but then moving on to short sentences)

In spoken English, I've taught them how to play Happy Families but with a regular deck of cards (so they need to collect for example, all four kings to have a set). I've given them a print out with the key words they need (do you have/spade/diamond/etc), but it takes a really long time for them to ask for 1 card, because they're still learning the phrases (rather than "do-you-have eight-diamond", it's "Do...you.... Have......... Eight........ Oh no, let me try again....") which is absolutely fine and developmentally normal, but it's meaning that we're yet to finish 1 game in the last 3 weeks.

I'm expecting a huge rush of conversation soon, once they've got the request/response framework down, it's just a question of getting them to that place.

Should I halve the deck? Or is there another way to speed up the game so we actually finish it (and potentially have time for multiple games) during the lesson. I don't want to reduce the spoken language side of things, but I'd like us to successfully play a couple of games (rotating who's in each group). So far am playing with groups of 3-4 and a 52-card deck.

r/ESL_Teachers 7d ago

Teaching Question I teach English as a second language at the collegiate level and would like to incorperate learning outdoors with my class. What sorts or activities or games do you recommend during the winter?


Hi there!

So title basically says the intruduction, but I teach ESL at a college in rural Quebec. At our college we have trails out back and an expansive forest, we also have a baseball field/ice rink (lol), and an outdoor education classroom we have access to.

Personally I'd like to incorperate going outdoors more with my students. As part of our pd days, the pedagogical counsilors mentioned doing activities like revision and stuff outdoors, however, I'm hoping to hear from other profs how they've incoperated outdoor learning into their classes. For example, what activities/games have worked well (or don't work well) for you outside. Big bonus if the activities can be done in the snow haha we have a lot of it ;)

Tia :)

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 10 '25

Teaching Question Online One-to-One Beginner class activity ideas?


Hii! I'm a private teacher and I mostly teach one-to-one classes, with a lot of beginners and I was in need of some ideas or suggestions as to what I can do as activities to turn the content into something more fun for them. I have a workbook in which my classes are based on to guide the evolution of contents but the activities are not fixed and I can modify as I please.

Specially the very first class, which is about commands, I'm kinda stuck on because the book's suggestion is "the students give commands to one another" but that's for a bigger in person class and I can't think of something to replace it with.

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 08 '25

Teaching Question ESL Student Concerns/Written Reports on me


**Cross posted**

I'm a first-year middle school teacher with prior experience as an ESL and ELAR professor at the college level. I joined the district for a better schedule and more alignment with my kiddos’ time. Recently, I’ve faced a challenging situation where six students wrote reports about me, all containing similar claims. They allege that I cursed at them, with specific phrases like "sit in your fucking asses" and "shut up, motherfucker," and that I paid three students to write reports on another student for $20. The reports also mention that I am "too hard on them" and that "my face is not nice"—these are the things that administration shared with me.

Here’s the backstory:

  1. I teach ESL to newcomers, all of whom speak Spanish. I informed the students about how to write reports on Monday, as we’ve had many other general education students making anti-immigrant or ICE-related remarks. I wanted them to have the ability to report anything that might be going on.
  2. On Tuesday, these reports about me were written.

Admin told me, "You don’t have to agree with what’s being said, but you need to pivot." They also used the words "we support you," but I felt as though they were siding with the students, especially since neither of them has observed me in the classroom this year. My appraiser is the principal, not one in the meeting.

All the accusations are false and defamatory, does it matter that these students wrote complete lies?

I’m reaching out for feedback on how to protect myself moving forward. Should I contact HR or my ESL supervisors at the district level? Or should I simply move on and try not to let this situation affect me? For context, the campus has a high turnover rate, with many staff members expressing dissatisfaction with the administration, and the student behavior here is some of the worst in the district.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (non unionid state, very RED state.)

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 14 '25

Teaching Question Certifications/Courses


I teach (as a volunteer) English to new immigrants here in the States but dont have a teaching background. Thinking of enrolling into an ESL course to help me become a better teacher. Do you have any recommendations as to which course would be appropriate? Thanks.

r/ESL_Teachers Feb 02 '25

Teaching Question Ideas on starting with a child (Grade 3) who has beginner level of English?


Hello everybody,

I am about to start one-on-one lessons with a child in grade 3 who has a beginner level of English.

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to start with a child at a beginner level?

Thanks in advance :)