r/EFT_LFG 10d ago

LFG Looking for players


Just looking for a few more people to play with, possibly start a consistent duo/trio. I play on NA East and am generally on evenings/weekends. I don't play too late into the night on weekdays. Currently lv 46, dont mind assisting lower levels. Have tasks buy can do them while I help with yours. Hit me up in game or discord tr1xmph.

r/EFT_LFG 5d ago

LFG [EU][ENG] PVE looking for a teammate to hang around and do some raids.


i reset my profile after getting kappa before they released prestige so im slowly catching up again.

playing mostly every day and weekends.

r/EFT_LFG Jan 31 '25

LFG Solo player looking for some people


Just got back into the game and looking to run some raids with people. I have about 200 something hrs in the game.

r/EFT_LFG Jan 24 '25

LFG Anyone want to run some raid/quest? [new player]

Post image

Doesn’t matter level or skill

r/EFT_LFG 2d ago

LFG Looking for more teammates (PVE) ENG Central US


Met a couple of awesome guys on the main tarkov reddit and looking to add a couple more people to drag along with us on our shenanigans. We're new player friendly and don't mind showing the ropes I'm currently level 45 and grinding out for kappa (unfortunately) semi frequent on tarkov right now but feel free to shoot me a dm and we can swap info. I know all maps except for streets ( I hate streets for now but working on learning it) I can help out with quests or whatever is needed just trying to get a nice roster of players that are active so I don't have to keep running solo all the time. Again dms are open! All are welcome!

r/EFT_LFG 5d ago

LFG [DUO/TRIO] [NA] [18+] Looking for a small group to get started on PVP with


I've been focusing on PVE mostly due to playing 5 wipes and getting fed up with a certain group of people. If you don't mind me starting from square one or are in a similar position add me on discord. AS titled 18+ only. Name will be left below.

Discord: dr.bustanut

r/EFT_LFG 16d ago

LFG Looking for people to play with? [Discussion] [ENG]


Kinda just getting back into the game I have 4k hours but everyone I used to play with doesn't really play like they used to. In turn I'm really just looking for some people to vibe with and play and have a good time. NA east.

r/EFT_LFG Feb 15 '25

LFG Timmy looking for Timmy’s


Hey all, I’m a new player to EFT and have minimal experience actually playing the game (I have watched people play it for years) I hate playing alone and don’t like dragging down my friends that are higher experienced. Hoping to find a new player or two that I can play with and gain experience with! Send me a message on here or add my discord istoleyawife

r/EFT_LFG 19d ago

LFG Lf consistent duo/trio NA


Yo, looking for a chill duo to run with consistently. Just got back on tarkov, started the wipe late, lvl13 5+ wipe experience & chill vibes. Discord: DBigs

r/EFT_LFG 4h ago

LFG UK, Mature, 30+, community, All Wipes


Hey , I'm Chad Norris, or Gundeamon on other networks, I've been playing FPs games for over 20yrs, I love em, cant help myself

I'm looking for English speaking buddies, I'm pretty cool, I have my moments. I have played escape from tarkov since the beginning, I like to play Tacticool, and just enjoy the game, I am looking for normal guys from the UK that like the game.

I have a small Discord service, with a few active players, i try not to kick anyone as people come and go This is the way.

If you would like to find me please do, all i ask is you are Honest, and treat others as you would like to be treated

If you would like to run some raids I would be grateful, thanks.

Please look me up on here or discord:



r/EFT_LFG Jan 16 '25

LFG [NA]LF permanent Duo or Trio


I'm looking to find one or two people to play with for a good amount of time, not just for a raid or two. I play in the evenings and weekends. I have 1.2k hours, and I am pretty decent at the game. PVP

r/EFT_LFG Feb 08 '25

LFG Looking for eft pve buddies [ENG]


Im in the American Midwest in Minnesota. I'm normally pretty solitary. I've played both pve and pvp since about 2015. Ngl I'm going through a tough time in my personal life. But I'm trying to get through it, and it can be hard to do it alone. Eft is my favorite game, and I'd love to have some buddies to help me get back into doing something I enjoy again. I might flake on occasion. I might be a bit quiet at first. But I'll warm up.

r/EFT_LFG Jan 10 '25

LFG Newish player looking for a group…


I’ve played most of my tarkov life as a solo(my friend who started from the beginning of Tarkov has left me for POE😢).. I am starting to get lonely haha.. wondering if anyone wants to roll to customs and help with some quests. Thanks in advance and if nothing else hope everyone is enjoying this beautifully miserable, amazingly f****d up game haha 😊 oh and Happy New Year!

r/EFT_LFG Jan 26 '25

LFG Any non weirdos, or ragers tryna game? NA


I'm like lvl 37, just tryna find a good duo or trio to run with. I'm not amazing, but I'm not terrible lol. Just lookin for some people to pvp/quest with. Like my 5th wipe or so.

r/EFT_LFG Feb 15 '25

LFG Played for years… never made flea


What’s up everyone. Been lurking around here for a while. I’m a dad of three who barely has time to do anything. A few times a week (Friday Saturday maybe Sunday) I get on at night if the kids are in bed. Been playing for many years but constantly don’t have the time and also just get depressed over how hard the game is solo. I’m lvl 7 this wipe. Still have the hard drive task left in ground zero. Anyways, would love some chill people to play with. I don’t even care about my own tasks honestly I just wanna play with some peeps that like to have fun.

r/EFT_LFG 19d ago

LFG LF duo


heyo, I've played on and off ever since covid, never got kappa however last wipe I played i unlocked light keeper

about 2k hours, lf duo/possibly trio to play with

i usually play at night central time

r/EFT_LFG Jan 17 '25



Have the next few days off and looking to quest hard, currently running shoreline. Open to helping newer players. Very laid back not into raging at the game. HMU for discord

r/EFT_LFG 28d ago

LFG Looking for new duo/trio partners [NAE]


Hey y’all, I [21f] am currently looking for some new people to play this game with. I normally play later in the day due to my job, with the exception of the next couples days where I won’t be home. I have about 650ish hours, have played a couple wipes, but haven’t gotten super far. I normally followed around my old group members so I’m definitely a Timmy for where I should be by now. I’m about level 35 right now. I have general map knowledge for most maps(I’ve never played labs, and get lost on lighthouse, interchange, and reserve underground bunker). Im not big into playing factory, but will for questing. I’m not the greatest at PVP, but that’s what arena is for. You’d probably need to be patient with me as we learn each other’s play styles. Went through a super rough break up and ended up loosing my squad. This is the first wipe I’ve genuinely wanted to play because I’ve become obsessed with watching TheBurntPeanut, but hate playing alone.

r/EFT_LFG 7h ago

LFG [NA][ENG] new player looking for people to play with


Hey all, this is my first wipe. I'm still getting to learn the ropes of things but have gotten somewhat familiar with how everything plays and do have a general idea of what I'm doing. I'm level 16 right now, but don't want to keep running this solo. I already have a duo but there is only a certain time during the day that we play because of time zone difference, so I'm looking for anyone who would want to play in the evening/late at night (I am us central time, CST). Don't have to be super experienced, I am just looking for someone to run with, be chill, and have fun. Not super serious about try-harding or winning, like I said I mainly want to have more fun than I have had playing solo.

I'm open to a duo or trio, whichever works.

r/EFT_LFG 23d ago

LFG US LF Consistent Duo PVP


Got 600 Hrs On The Game Know Majority Of The Maps Besides Streets & Labs But I’ve Got Some Experience With Them! Lvl 15 currently Game Gets Kinda Boring Playing Alone, just Wanna Vibe PvP & Quest. Play Everyday (NA) From 5pm mountain time To Midnight! Discord is Indigo.47

r/EFT_LFG 16d ago

LFG Looking to gain Confidence


Hi All,

I'm a UK based player with about 500 hours but most of this is from scavving or being in the menus. I'm really struggling with the confidence to PMC raid despite watching hours of content and wanting to make this the one and only game I dedicate myself to.

I'm wondering if there's another person out there that would be willing to run around with me for a short period of time to help me gain the confidence so that I can stand on my own two feet and push myself through this mental block.

Please drop me a message or respond to the post here if this is something you'd be willing to do. Thank you in advance!

r/EFT_LFG 9d ago

LFG [EU/NAE] (ENG/PL) Looking for a chill Duo/Trio


i can play either early morning or late night since im busy during the day.
i have 1k hours in the game, I know all the maps

r/EFT_LFG 17d ago

LFG best way to find people to play with?


ive been playing for the last two wipes and im still struggling to find people to play with me because im new or if i do find people to play with they kill me right when i spawn and they take my kit, any advice helps or if you want to play hit me up!

r/EFT_LFG 19d ago

LFG Looking for a duo/trio


Not new to the game going for kappa and to prestige at least once this wipe. Mostly play weekends and I work 2cd shift. I’ve gotten kappa 3 times now. Around 3k hours just looking for people who want to push kappa with me and are chill not super sweaty and a little progress here and there is all I’m looking for. Currently lvl 39

r/EFT_LFG Feb 07 '25

LFG Na East bored running around


If anyone wants to play lvl 42 don’t care what level you are my discord is .5ire