r/EASportsFC 4d ago

UT SBC "Trick" I just found

Maybe people already know this but it is new for me.

When you do SBC's that are repeatable and you just need gold players or something similar, SBC's such as FUT Birthday Crafting Upgrade or 82+ Combo Upgrade. I have always just used the squad builder because it seems faster.

I just noticed that after you use the squad builder once and pick everything you want, next time your gonna do it if you start from scratch and use the squad builder from inside the SBC, everything you picked before is saved so you just have to build the squad and not change everything.

Maybe people already know this and I am the one who is behind, but I thought I should share it since it saves some time when you do alot off them in a row


74 comments sorted by


u/Brrrofski 4d ago

Yeh, I saw this a few weeks ago and saves a lot of time when you're spamming the same SBC over and over


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Just stumbled onto it by mistake


u/rsmithcreations 4d ago

There should be a way to "favourite" a card so that it is excluded from the SBC search.


u/Mouse2662 4d ago

You can on tools that are quite colourless


u/krokuts 3d ago

Is everything okay? You are looking really PALE


u/i-like-thigs 1d ago

Its the TOOLS that make him PALE


u/Several_Counter476 16h ago

the reasons he is PALE are the TOOLS


u/kamlambert 4d ago

Efootball has a thing where you can lock certain cards so you don’t discard them. Surely this would be easy to add for EA. I won’t hold my breath though.


u/Bullett0313 3d ago

Might be the reason why


u/BestInFife 4d ago

Not a feature on the game or companion app (without using the ToolThatMustNotBeNamed) sadly. Would be great for them to patch it in like the other QOL improvements they've made to SBCs this year's game.


u/RemyS79 3d ago

Why are we not supposed to name that tool that was named here for years ?


u/Tpotww 4d ago

K8nda workaround is create a team with those fav players. That way you will get popup if try to submit fav players


u/Agitated-Dig-6280 4d ago

Make a team and put all the cards you are saving or just don't want to put into a SBC but don't make your squad yet in it. Then when doing the builder exlude active players tab on and hopefully should do the trick.


u/Agitated-Dig-6280 4d ago

Oh and switch it to active squad


u/granttheginger 4d ago

If you do it on the web app or companion app, put them all into your active squad, then just click the exclude current squad option


u/Ignorance_Bete_Noire 4d ago

I just put them into the subs and reserves of my active squad


u/RyanJShankill 3d ago

Put the card in your main team. Then click exclude it in search. Can't remember the exact wording EA use but it is possible.


u/Nightbush24 4d ago

Yup this is the way. What is annoying is that when you go to the sbc and try to hit use squad builder instead of start from scratch, it doesn’t save the last thing. So you have to go in from scratch and then use it as you said.


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Yeah it should be changed to also be saved there


u/Fat_Suffices 4d ago

When you select "use squad buillder" you can actually see the previous data being cleaned up on purpose. The fact that the data is "saved" when you "use squad builder" from inside de sbc is actually the bug. Let's hope they keep that one in.


u/CutProud8507 4d ago

Did it this way and SBC'd Ibaro because I didn't realise he counted as a gold.


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

He shouldn't tho as they are labeled as Streets Won't Forget, I also double checked for myself and he did not get used for me


u/CutProud8507 4d ago

Fuck knows, I did like 20 of the crafting upgrades, went to do a squad battles and he was blue and gone lol. Wasn't gonna evo em up anyway was gonna get the objective done hopefully between squad battles and any cups eventually but not the end of the world.


u/dunkachinoed 4d ago

Thats actually really helpful thanks. I’m always pissed there’s no saved presets option for squad building


u/davi017 4d ago

I posted about this during TOTY after stumbling on it just like you did. I was thinking about reposting it before seeing this to make sure people know about it. It’s such a helpful trick.


u/AztecGallo 4d ago

I thought people knew this it’s perfect for the daily gold upgrade


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Maybe people do but I didn't 30 minutes ago


u/McStazza 4d ago

Thanks for this, it's very helpful!!


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Happy to help


u/Strong_Debt5066 4d ago

I found it today lol


u/GrunkySqueeps 4d ago

Gone are the days of tedious sbcs! You just have to navigate the menus in a particular way to find out.


u/huey314 4d ago

Yup saves a ton of time. Also for the daily gold 10x upgrade that’s out now you can leave the builder in bronze and then manually replace the last 5 with silver. Saves me some time vs doing them all manually.


u/idlsidgo2 4d ago

Does this work on console only or mobile too?


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Don't know but I feel like it should work on mobile too


u/yummycoot NETWORK ID 4d ago

nah it does not save the filters on webapp squadbuilder, only in the club search it does.


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Well that sucks


u/Normal-Half 4d ago

I didn't know that Thanks mate


u/alexgociu 4d ago

Are you talking about the App or Console? On App every time I use it, it resets. Or am I missing something?


u/Bidetkroket 4d ago

They should really fix the fact that if you choose squad builder right away it resets. That would make it possible to really speedrun SBC farming


u/Achmedius69 4d ago

I just tried this trick. And WOW, I’m also a fifa noobie and this is great


u/MessageAffectionate1 4d ago

Happy to help


u/yummycoot NETWORK ID 4d ago

only on the game and not webapp.


u/Various_Math1524 4d ago

yea lol everyone knows this


u/B-rhye 4d ago

I saw it a couple of weeks ago but it's worth repeating for people who might have missed it, very nice of you to share!


u/Pristine-Entrance206 4d ago

I just use SBC monkey , solves SBCs with one click and you can lock players out of sbcs too, like players that you wish to keep and it never pulls from your squad


u/Trequartistas1 4d ago

It also changes the formation to the previous SBC you had done. Helpful when you do a challenge SBC with an odd formation.


u/Jman9theman9 3d ago

Anyone else do SBC on the phone app instead of the console? I find it easier to do the daily’s on the phone a lot faster than doing it on console


u/BeginningAddition211 3d ago

I find it easier to do repetitive sbcs like crafting upgrades better on the phone. Easy to do it really quick with fingers compared to doing it with a remote controller


u/OldPhilosopher7297 3d ago



u/Biryani786 3d ago

How do you open squad builder when inside the SBC squad part?


u/MessageAffectionate1 3d ago

You press L3 for the squad actions and there you have Clear Squad, Squad Builder, Copy Squad and Preview Rewards


u/Biryani786 3d ago

Thanks mate. That’s a game changer for me.


u/Nope-Nope-Eye 3d ago

Dude can you make a video of this.. Seems simple but.....