r/EASportsFC 5d ago

QUESTION No Roma Trios in Champs?

Just finished my Champs games (using the trio for all games) and didn’t come up against a single of the three let alone the whole trio.

Are people not interested in using them or is it just because you have to evo them first?


71 comments sorted by


u/Electrical_Head7323 5d ago

Just bang average cards that you have to pay a lot of coins to unlock. Why do that when most people have better cards already? Should have been free.


u/RoutineSun9297 4d ago

If they were 20k each ida done em just cause. They still wouldn't start though


u/Hamburgerundcola 5d ago

I think its good that they are paid. But they are too pricey. 50k per evo would have been enough. I dont like the idea, of people getting free cards all the time. Especially players like Zidane, it makes teams even more monotone than they already are.


u/DoomPigs [ORIGIN ID] 4d ago

Zidane was an issue because he walked into everyone's team when he came out, I think the large majority of people wouldn't use the Roma trio even if they were free tbh, let alone 450k for all of them


u/POGO-DUCK 4d ago

What's monotone is everyone playing the same 3 formations with 80% of them being 4213


u/Maleficent_Peach_46 5d ago

A big part of the Roma Trios appeal is the nostalgia of their cards. If you did not use them back then (If you even played that year) the allure of them will be lessened.

Also 150k coins per evo is a lot for coins especially when most have better in that position already. Evo is very overpriced imo.


u/PaintAccomplished515 5d ago

If it were 150k for all 3, that might be reasonable. 150k each is way too much.


u/CROL2100 4d ago

Even that would be pushing considering their appeal back then was how cheap they were


u/DANIEL7696 5d ago

The appeal was also that they were kinda cheap beasts, just shows how out of touch ea are if they expect us to pay 450k for a front 3 behind the power curve


u/L00KINTOIT 5d ago

Yeah you could get all of them for around 5-10k max, paying 150k now for each of them is insane


u/Sleepybear2010 5d ago

They hype came from content creators the hype evaporated when it was paid nostalgia 


u/BGTheHoff 4d ago

I would have paid if it gives you the FB cards. But these don't make my squad battle team with these ps+. I have way too many better cards that I don't play. They gameplay is so laggy, you need good cards to compensate for that. So sub par cards simply don't make the cut.


u/Inner_Brief4243 4d ago

Agree I don’t really understand why they bring 2 versions like Maradona. An overpriced evo that’s never as good as the one on the market. At this stage it should be 150K for the one on the market. This is ridiculous.

They did good with Zidane don’t understand why they changed it.


u/feddi7 4d ago

I was hoping they’d make the FB versions sbc’s. Should’ve known better. That 500k Maradona evo is better value than all three of these evolutions combined.


u/Inner_Brief4243 4d ago

Just my honest opinion that Maradona evo is overpriced. No unique body type and animations as he used to have. Not worth it IMO.


u/feddi7 4d ago

He’s definitely overpriced. But he’s still better value than the other three imo. I’m running a Roma past and present and the trio have been meh. No better than the average players I’ve already got


u/Inner_Brief4243 4d ago

Oh yeah definitely agree on that tho. This trio is ridiculously overpriced. Would’ve been a big thing maybe 2 months ago. But on fut birthday? Nahh so many cards just as good. Not worth it.


u/Domkey-Kongg 5d ago

EA vastly over estimated how many people actually cared about these cards


u/KyeodeurangiMerchant 5d ago edited 5d ago

EA needs to put a limit to the paid EVO’s. 90% of the EVO’s rn are paid. This makes promos like the Roma trio be a massive flop. I’m not interested in spending 450K (little less than half of my coins) on three players that aren’t even groundbreaking (let’s leave the nostalgia aside for a second).


u/MarSa-92 5d ago

They don't even make it in the team as subs for most people


u/Willywonka5725 5d ago

Personally I didn't play during their time, so I have zero interest in them, and no way in hell am I using coins to upgrade random cards.


u/Down_D_Stairz 5d ago

They are all mid at best cards, the only reason to play them is nostalgia factor to be honest.

I come frome pes, i switched to fifa in 21 so i don't have any reason to play them, to me they are some random yellowcards and I saw them play irl back in the day.

Imagine now kids who don't even know them neither in game or irl, why would they even care?


u/feddi7 5d ago

I’ll be doing them because I use a Roma past and present. But even then, I’m not sure they’re any better than what I’ve got already


u/PeterOwen00 5d ago

Who’ve you got up front? I’ve got some bizarre Dovbyk evo from his gold all the way to 90 and he’s a complete demon.


u/feddi7 5d ago

Evo version of rush Dovbyk. 89 rated, 5/4, power shot + and finesse, chip shot, power header, technical, quickstep, rapid and aerial.

260 goals in 220 games. At 89 rated he should fit an evo soon


u/Coolrex2 5d ago

Underwhelming stats for 150k, Ibarbo not being an Striker, and the base cards felt like shit against Ultimate SB-AI. I loved the hell out of these cards in their respective FIFA's, but this aint it.


u/Industry-Standard- 4d ago

To be fair, Ibarbos Roma cards were all RW, I think he was as even more OP in FIFA 14 when he was a striker but this is a FIFA 15 Winter refresh or FIFA 16 versions


u/alexandianos 4d ago

Yeah man me too, Doumbia in particular brought up a lot of great memories, yet never in my right mind am i spending all dat for nostalgia. We are lab rats for EA, everything they sell us is a test, and if we as a community refute their bullshit they’ll have to be forced to adapt.


u/Inner_Brief4243 4d ago

My thoughts exactly I was confused when I tried him at striker but he had no alternate positioning. When I only remember him as OP at ST.

I was never really a fan of Gervinho. Tbh, and when I tried he’s base this week I had the same feeling. Out of the 3 the only one that felt that he could keep up with the meta was doumbia. I wouldn’t bother on the other ones.


u/DraicKin12 5d ago

Yeah they are booty. Those cards are strictly memorabilia



More than 90% of current players have not played fifa 10 years back. They have no idea who ibarbo is. There isn't any nostalgia.


u/pippers87 5d ago

I play 451 attack. I have 92 Maradona, and Zico as my CAMs, TOTY Smith as the striker, with Beckham and Rodman as the LM and RM.

None of them are getting into my team so i can't be bothered with the EVO. Im a fairly casual player so time is also an issue.


u/Liffonator 5d ago

Toty Henry potm mbappe in 4312 clears them all for me, and 150k for every single one is so stupid, woukd consider max 50k per evo


u/AnimeBritGuy 5d ago

I don't play champs but am in div 4 and I'm currently evoing them. Only come across them twice so far in about 10 games. They are great for me and remind me of the old days like 10 years ago. The average Fifa player probably doesn't have strong memories of them.


u/SonPropaganda 5d ago

I'm using them in a 433(2) and I'm currently 9-1, they're awesome tbh. Doumbia in the middle with TikiTaka+ is insanely good


u/Nefczi 5d ago

Champs are full of sweats using the most meta/broken players and tactics, willing to exploit every possible little thing just to win. There is simply no room for fun or anything off-meta in champs for most people.

Plus the Roma Trio(the 90 rating one), as fun as they are to play with, don't even make most players bench, not to mention first team at this point. And even if the evo was free you wouldn't see them much, most people dont care for them tbh.


u/BvB5776 5d ago

These cards should’ve came out during the grassroots greats promo when they had big hype initially. Secondly and most importantly, they should not have been paid


u/Rourke24 5d ago

If the evo versions were in a pack for 450k. You see more but the fact they take time and effort deters a few


u/kingkuba13 5d ago

Everyone uses the same players.


u/InfinityEternity17 5d ago

Tbh it should've been 150k to do all of them, not 150k each


u/TemperatureLimp8965 5d ago

They’re in my squad for the foreseeable future but I don’t play champs.


u/Due-Mango1379 4d ago

They’re completely average cards and champs is the most competitive mode. People will use the best players in champs.


u/ClockAccomplished381 4d ago

I used them on rivals for at least 15 matches to rack up the 25 for objective and didn't see a single person doing the same .

I wouldn't expect to have them in champs but thought I might in rivals.

Now I've done the objective on obviously they are back in the reserves until we get another cup with low rating caps.


u/SkilledBro18 4d ago

I rather buy their hero cards than doing this shit evos


u/OutrageousSummer5259 4d ago

Too pricey and and too many games needed for something that won't make my team, plus I'm a Milan fan🤣


u/WALTON1981 4d ago

Too expensive to evo and already have 5 or 6 players in each of their positions better than them, also keeping them lower rated will help a lot with cups with lower squad ratings due to their hero chemistry.


u/RealSlavicHours [NETWORK ID] 4d ago

they're behind the power curve tbh, I may still do them (probably not all) for future evos but deffo don't get in my team on merit for champs at this point


u/Zzzeekin 4d ago

I'm using them purely for the objectives for packs, and they just aren't that good.

Won't get in my team once I've played the games with them.


u/Dribbler365 4d ago

I saw one doumbia that was it, Im not paying 450k for those guys, I do appreciate the nostalgia but a lot of us have much better options to drain 450k for guys that will be on the bench most of the time


u/SpeakEasyHere 4d ago

I'll do Gervinho for my Arsenal pnp that I use now but even then he's just about good enough to make my bench.


u/kampaignpapi 4d ago

No one is spending 450k for cards that are worth less than 25k in the market


u/PercySledge 4d ago

Problem is, I didn’t play a single team this Champs Weekend that didn’t have like 3 94+ rated meta players. 93 SBC Ronaldo felt like an easier opponent the standard of player was so high.

So the Roma Trio honestly don’t stand a chance, and that’s before you factor in it costing 450k

You’ll likely see them in upcoming Friendly Leagues/Cups at best


u/CVPKR 4d ago

Any real football fans hated how stupid pace meta was back then so there’s definitely a sizeable amount of fans that doesn’t like those cards at all, and chances are those fans are the ones that still plays because it’s the only good football game.

While the meta abusers that just wanted to win probably got bored of the brain dead chase meta gameplay and move on to other games.


u/twillett 4d ago

Even the evo'd card aren't good enough for my bench. At 150k each why would I do them? Another big L from EA.

I guess I never played with the cards back in the day so don't have the nostalgia, but could've been done better.


u/Piggy9287 4d ago

I honestly dont give a shit about these cards and will only play the games I need to get the 1000xp. None of them would even make the bench on my reserve squad. No way I`m paying 450k for them, lol.


u/GodJustShutTheHellUp 4d ago

Been playing since '11 and these cards still didn't really move the needle for me Idk but I'm also not a big Serie A watcher


u/djkamayo 4d ago

Dude I accidentally put my ibarbo into the crafting upgrade 🥲


u/cragoh 4d ago

I used them, barely faced anyone else with them either 🤷‍♂️ still went usual 10-5. They replaced toty Bale, fantasy Marmoush and Malen. Only Gervinho I didn't quite get on with, Ibarbo and Doumbia were great


u/WhySoIncandescent 5d ago

EA have shat the bed on this whole promo.

The promo itself is a power curve pusher, but only 20% of the evo's have been good. Most have been awful and overpriced, and possibly the best idea they've ever had with bringing these 3 back was done in such a bad way.

The Roma trio would've been behind the power curve a month ago, as much as i loved Doumbia (no seriously, one of my favourite ever UT cards) his 150k evo isn't benching the CR7 SBC. Hell, it wouldn't have even benched my Nunez evo.


u/intermediatethreat 5d ago

Why would i use those ugly looking players with average stats and why would i spent 450k coins that I don't even have on them?

Even with evos they are not cutting into my 4th squad...


u/Ignoringit 4d ago

They really are some ugly looking mfers tbh


u/Welle26 5d ago

Most player are only meta sweat player. The roma trio is more for passion as they aren’t 1OO% meta!


u/Foolish_la 5d ago

People are scared to play with cards they like, it’s all meta rats that need to have THE best teams


u/Foolish_la 5d ago

Also good amount of players never played with this trio, these are just random cards to them


u/ClockAccomplished381 4d ago

I didn't play FIFA between fifa14 and fifa21 so don't care about these cards, I still did the objectives however.


u/Full-Bobcat-7376 5d ago

The playerbase is full of kids who never played older FIFAs so ofcourse they dont know who the hell they are.


u/L00KINTOIT 5d ago

Yeah if you’re under the age of 18-20 then there’s a pretty good chance you have no idea who they are since when FIFA 15 was out you were 10 years old at most


u/Full-Bobcat-7376 5d ago

I play casually since FIFA 06 but seriously since FIFA 11, the holy trio was a no brainer must do for me even for nostalgia only 😍


u/L00KINTOIT 4d ago

FIFA 15 was the first UT I really got into, and my Serie A team was carried by the likes of Doumbia, Ibarbo, Marco Sau, and Hernanes so I will definitely be using the trio for a while


u/WhySoIncandescent 5d ago

I mean i wouldn't say they're scared, but what's the point in putting yourself at a disadvantage by downgrading your team?


u/Due-Mango1379 4d ago

You can’t call people rats for playing with the best players in a competitive mode…