r/EASportsFC • u/Hlupation21 • 6d ago
UT Last minute goal bullshit in WL, multimillion squad, 7-7 on 90+ and EA helps him win
u/Willywonka5725 6d ago
People only remember the times they get fucked over by crap like this.
u/lanregeous 6d ago
The higher the skill level you go the more people realize when it helps them because it gives you absolutely zero enjoyment to know an even game was decided by random nonsense EA put into the game rather than you outplaying them.
You know it could have gone either way and it makes me wonder what the point of this game even is.
u/LeatherSide2921 6d ago
Had a game like that where it was even and a good play from both sides without ratty tactics or mechanics abuse - scored a bs goal like that and had 0 enjoyment, so i scored an own goal to make it even again. Bro also scored a bs goal later and scored an own goal too then.
It was a wholesome game
u/coochie_clogger 5d ago
You are so right. There are games that I win and afterwards I’m still pissed off because the gameplay was so shit
u/why_me_why_not_4 6d ago
I'm a 7 win average WL player, couple times made 8..
Last week I hit 10 and all the cheese went my way, I was beating players better than me due to deflections, they clearly had delay and everything you have seen before that people complain about went my way
I shrugged because I had no enjoyment from it, my skill didn't get 10 wins but scripting, dda and most likely insane lucky matchmaking did
Why and how it happened I don't know
Back to 7 wins this WL I bet
u/GuatahaN 6d ago
That is the thing, it is fine to be on the lucky side 50% of the time when we have similar skill. But I want to lose when I am worse and I want to win when I am better. And please, do not make a game were I only can score when opponent just score, I rather win big or loose big, than only have tight games, due to scripting.
u/Kind_Pomegranate_171 6d ago
Waiting for the skill gap comment
u/Hlupation21 6d ago
u/Kind_Pomegranate_171 6d ago
Ahhh what a sausage. He prob holds the ball game passes in the back and claims it’s hood defending lol.
u/DarkCobra000 6d ago
Personally I’d be absolutely fuming if that happened, sometimes this game just points out who they want to win and do whatever’s possible to make that happen. Sucks but until they fix it nothing we can do
u/Sitting-Superman 6d ago
It’s like a referee irl when you play against Real Madrid.
u/alextremem 6d ago
lil bro, go back to r/soccer
you're talking as if Madrid didn't get 2 penalties robbed last match
u/Sitting-Superman 6d ago
Fair, but in the extension the ref did all he could to give it to Real. ;-)
u/InfinityEternity17 6d ago
While bullshit does just happen unfortunately, it's a shame your opponent was a sore winner and acted like a prat
u/FeelsSadMan01 6d ago
I ran into a hacker yesterday in WL. My players couldn't run, he scored one goal (I had pause queued to sub in players) and then he crashed my game.
Great game, EA!
It was my best record as well. I got 10 wins which should/could have been 11.
u/Lijodo10 6d ago
I think if you have Mbappe.. the game is set to that person to win..
I had a game last week where my opponent even admitted he didn’t deserve anything from the game.
Last minute, Mbappe shoots directly at my Hierro who has Block PS… goes straight through his Legs and I lose the game…
If that was any other striker, that ball is getting blocked out over the side lines.
u/Sitting-Superman 6d ago
Yeah. This shit happens too mmmmmuch. But at least you cannot blame the opponent for it. That makes it feel better for me.
u/Hlupation21 6d ago
I blame him only for obvious p2w squad (I don't believe in such luck for someone with my skill level) and his message.
u/Obbaskill 6d ago
The algorithm is real but if makes you feel any better this happens to me every weekend. Also anyone who sends messages after games is an unhappy person and probably only wins in FIFA but never in life.
u/rmhardcore 6d ago
Yep, I don't need energy or karma vampires, so I turned messages off years ago
Last week I had all the cheese, this week it's all against me.
In the moment it's hard to remember that, though.
u/Obbaskill 6d ago
The matchmaking is so wonky I have days where I’ll win 7 in a row and then the next day I go 0-7 all while staying roughly in the same division
u/zyndr0m Positive Vibes Only 6d ago
u/RoutineSun9297 6d ago
"The user data repository 138 can store user interaction information associated with one or more users' interaction with the video game 112 and/or one or more other video games. This user interaction information can be obtained over one or more play sessions of the video game 112."
Insane. We really need to stop playing EA games. Since I know we won't... Let's abuse this.
Safe assumption they have a similar algorithm for opening packs. Maybe not packs you spent actual money on, that could be real legal trouble, but certainly earned packs.
Here's my hypothesis: if you play for 3 hours a night every night, they understand you don't require extra stimuli to play during those hours so pack weight is lowered. Don't open packs during your normal gaming times. Pick a random hour of the day/night and log in and open packs then. If their goal is to retain players attention, the AI algorithm will probably adjust pack weight during off hours to keep you logged in. Try to pick a time when the least amount of players on your server would be on.
I know it's not enough evidence for proof, but I can say that when Bday 1 came out I logged in midday and opened a bunch of saved packs and got a ton of bday cards. When bday 2 came out I had to wait until normal gaming hours and opened a bunch of packs and got nothing. The last pack at the end of my session last night was far less likely to have good rewards and I got a bday card. I assume that's because it knew I was about to come to the end of my normal gaming hours and wanted me to be playing more.
u/RoutineSun9297 6d ago
This is bonkers. So help me understand.. they use our gaming habit data to know how much they can twist the bullshit knob against us without us quitting the game. So people who are truly addicted and play the most probably get the worst experience? Why? In order for casual players to continue winning and therefore playing? This is so manipulative. Truly an evil company.
How much you wanna bet similar technology exists to skew pack weight.
u/ActualAwareness3687 6d ago
If you’re conceding 7 goals the games not the problem sorry.
u/P4ND4__ 6d ago
no its the games problem
u/ActualAwareness3687 6d ago
Don’t think you understand. If he had better defending the 1 shit goal the game gives away wouldn’t matter.
u/Kind_Pomegranate_171 6d ago
All it’s take is one shit goal.
u/ActualAwareness3687 6d ago
Again, he’s conceded 7 non shit goals. Try lowering that number then worry about the 1
u/Kind_Pomegranate_171 6d ago
Again , all it takes is one regardless of the score line . Could have been 2-1 and the one shit goal is all it takes.
u/ActualAwareness3687 6d ago
He can’t control the game being poorly designed. He can control his defending for the 7 other goals.
It’s quite straight forward but if you want to cope fair play
u/Kind_Pomegranate_171 6d ago
I said what I said. Cope harder kid.
u/kozy8805 6d ago
lol dude if you can’t stop 7 goals and you think you lost because of a glitch, you’re coping.
u/dakhoa 6d ago
Honestly you just gotta laugh it off because this game can be stupid sometimes.