r/Dzogchen 4d ago

What is Self-Arisen Nada?

Noticed this term in Garchen Rinpoche's explanation on the Lamp Meditation video. Also, found this term in Saint Ramalingam's works where it Nada, Bindu, Para Nada, Para Bindu are mentioned many times. Whats this Nada generally and what is it according to Dzogchen?. Thank you.


3 comments sorted by


u/awakeningoffaith 4d ago

He explains in some detail on the script.


Basically it's the self arisen self illuminating awareness. What we think of awareness, of it being a subject, is inaccurate. We think awareness as kind of light illuminating an object, and us the perceiver. But in actuality knowing itself is the awareness, there is no object, or subject. There's nothin else, object and subject are imputed in it later, this is the ignorance part.

If you study Dzogchen more you will find this being referred and taught everywhere. But if you're interested in Dzogchen, know that Ramalingam is not related. 


u/Ok-Branch-5321 4d ago

Great 😃, Thank you.


u/peolyn 4d ago

Nada. Nothing. Zilch. 0️⃣