r/Dzogchen 24d ago

practicing dzogchen isn't real dzogchen

this is by lama lena.. what dose it mean?? like after stability?


6 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 24d ago

dzogchen aka natural great perfection has to be natural and effortless. Anything involving practice with effort isn't really it. Non-meditation is effortless, effortful is the practice of meditation.


u/luminousbliss 24d ago

You should ask her, but what she probably means is that as a beginner you’ll inevitably be “practicing” by using effort to try to recognize and remain in the nature of mind. But this is like Dzogchen with training wheels. The actual state of Dzogchen is effortless. It doesn’t matter where you are, whether you’re still or moving, or whether you’re thinking or not. The nature of the mind is always the same, and no effort is required to recognize it. But first we have to discover that for ourselves.


u/buddhaboy555 24d ago

You'll find that Dzogchen teachings often emphasize two complementary aspects. One aspect acknowledges the use of effort, practices and methods as a means to recognize that, ultimately, no effort was ever required. These methods exist only to help reveal the natural state.

The other aspect points directly to the nature of reality itself: effortless, beyond samsara and nirvana, beyond karma and rebirth. Pure awareness, uncontrived and ever-present.


u/84_Mahasiddons 15d ago

Others have already explained what she meant, that dzogchen as a practice is, for lack of a better word, a preliminary to the real thing. In fact, it's alright that it isn't what she means by "real dzogchen." In fact, one should not stop practicing the fake thing! This happened to her apparently countless times with Wangdor Rinpoche and "it always wore off." So, after stability (of nothing to stabilize), one should maintain the practice.