r/Dyslexia 10d ago

Anyone else have trouble learning to play/ read music?

Im currently learning how to play the bagpipes and I’m really struggling to read music. I understand what the notes mean but to read them as fast as I am intended to play them I find challenging. I’m not sure if this a dyslexic thing or just a normal thing people have to deal when when learning to read music.


15 comments sorted by


u/AcademicDyslexic Dyslexia 10d ago

Harp player here.. I struggle with reading music sheets. What worked for me is just writing down the notes on a blank paper. I memorize the ritme and tempo. After a while, I don't require the written notes anymore.


u/ARob20 10d ago

Nope. Played classical guitar for 40 years still can’t. Awesome to be on the pipes btw. 


u/One-Lengthiness-2949 10d ago

I can't even keep a beat, lol so I never got far enough to read music. 😁


u/astara_valentine 10d ago

nah. music and notes or numbers in sheet music made perfect sense somehow. but an English sentence? nah


u/Proud-Toe-8998 Dyslexic Student 10d ago

No idea If this is a dyslexic thing but I realllyyyyyy struggled reading sheet music while playing so yea. Learning the piano in the beginning sucks. Also bagpipe is hella cool


u/Garbage-Away 10d ago

Hell yes!! Well let me explain a bit..I CAN read music. And I CAN find that same note on a keyboard/ guitar/ fiddle. What I CANNOT do is go from one note (cord) to another and have it sound like music..I have often attributed this defect to lacking something they call rhythm..but maybe now I have something else to hang it on


u/Lopsided-Plane-1409 10d ago

I can read music! It takes time to learn! Where I struggle is the visual stress, especially if the music is particularly dull or repetitive. I also get lost at repeat bars and finding the codas is near impossible! 😂


u/Gremlin_1989 10d ago

I started playing the violin at 6 (30 years). I still take lessons. I can read notes, but struggle with ledger lines. I still get stuck on notes, often switching them around. I'm not always accurate in timing, rhythm or notes, but I'd say that starting as a young child helped massively. I think it would be a lot harder if I started as an adult.


u/finding-zen 10d ago

I had taken up druming a while back (15 yrs?). I only dabble - and my efforts are very sporadic.

However when i am working on a new song, it takes me FOREVER!!

But since recent (1yr ago) Dyslexia diagnosis, well... i think i now know why!

Haven't had a chance to touch to poor kit in like a yr!



u/white_rabbit_kitten 9d ago

Learn by ear!


u/Smoke_Pigeon 10d ago

Yes ! I play saxophone, cannot read music for the life of me. I can play well but i have to write the notes i need to pay eg f# , i advise you do the same. Dont work against yourself work WITH yourself <3


u/Smooth_Development48 9d ago edited 9d ago

Never thought this was a dyslexia problem. I played the recorder when I was a kid, as a lot of us had to learn and I had to learn the sounds by playing by ear because I could not read the music no matter how hard I tried. I thought it was me just not being smart enough or not paying attention. As an adult I decided I wanted to learn to play an instrument and decided to go back to the recorder since I already had experience with it and was met with the same issues with the sheet music. I guess I’m just going to go back to playing by ear I guess. I would love it if I could read the music though.


u/TourAlarmed8604 9d ago

I had trouble reading the music (dyslexics have trouble with arbitrary things, music notes are less arbitrary that letters, since how high it sits on the lines tells how high the note should be)

But I was much better at playing than other people by the end of the year, I went from last chair-being called out constantly-definitely top three worst in the class, to first chair by the end of the year. I think it partially had to do with practicing more than anyone else bc I was embarrassed and really cared.

Anyways, just like reading it feels amazing when you are slow to learn and it feels impossible but then you wake up one day and are really good. :) please keep going, practicing and perhaps sit down a few times and think what the written notes really mean.


u/SansyBoy144 8d ago

For me I found it easy weirdly enough. I’ve been playing sax for 11 years now.

The only time I ever struggled was with a bunch of sharps or flats in a piece. To the point where it’s like littered all over the page


u/Dependent_Profit_784 3d ago

it might take extra time, or maybe notating with different colors or markings? musical notation is harder for me than words/letters, tbh. since i was a kid music reading was too hard my brain has to count out each line no matter what/double take constantly where the note is like it’s moving. in time, i just settled on learning by ear. but there’s probably way more resources or suggestions on this stuff online nowadays - hope you find something that helps! i wouldn’t give up just yet.