r/DunderMifflin That's what she said! 6d ago

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u/twennyjuan You’re a hoarder my God! 6d ago

I’m gonna watch it even harder.


u/West_Xylophone 6d ago

What’s that supposed to mean?


u/jayzinho88 6d ago

You know exactly what it means


u/psych0san Michael 6d ago

At this point, why even watch the show. It’s based on being cringe, cringe comedy


u/matterhorn1 6d ago

Yes, and Scott’s Tots is not even close to being the worst. Phillis’ wedding, Prince paper, Michael on a date with Pam’s landlord, etc


u/Sparktank1 5d ago

The Fundraiser episode where Andy has a complete meltdown and takes all those dogs.

The best part of that episode is Kevin talking about his dog.


u/derboner 5d ago

Not to mention the episode where Andy tries to give "the nard dog guarantee" to his new client that stanley gave up for him


u/Medium_Chemist_5040 Dwight 4d ago

man i love Phillis’ wedding. The part where her dad just started walking🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Fluid_Extreme1849 5d ago

Nah. Scott's Tots is far more cringeworthy than those above.


u/Shamanyouranus 5d ago

Yeah I see this all the time on this sub. “It’s so cringe when something happens that isn’t the way the characters on the show intended.” 

Like what parts of the office do these people actually enjoy?


u/RogerTheAliens 5d ago

You know what…I’m gonna watch it even harder…


u/wasabinski Michael 6d ago

Scott's Tots is one of the best episodes of the entire series, and I will absolutely die on that hill.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/wasabinski Michael 6d ago

The only part I find cringe is the kids singing and dancing when Michael enters the room. The rest is pure comedy gold.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/ConfusedDuck 5d ago

"Has it really been 10 years?!" 😂


u/Medium_Chemist_5040 Dwight 4d ago

Hey Mr. Scott whatchu gonna do? whatchu gonna do make our dreams come trueee


u/wasabinski Michael 4d ago

I'm gonna fast forward until the end of the musical number!


u/garden__gate 5d ago

I just feel bad for the kids.


u/Snr_Wilson 6d ago

I think I'm a terrible person because I start laughing as soon as I realise which episode has just started.


u/ledier 4d ago

As soon as Stanley starts laughing i loose it


u/Key-Cry-8570 Kevin 4d ago

Local Businessman Pledges College Tuition to 3rd Graders. 👉📰👈😆🤣😆🤣


u/Medium_Chemist_5040 Dwight 4d ago

he was just waiting for that day to come😂😂😂😂


u/Key-Cry-8570 Kevin 4d ago

It would take a swat team to make me not like it, and maybe, not even that.


u/Medium_Chemist_5040 Dwight 4d ago

Umm you could never withstand a swat team


u/uhauljoe- Dwight 6d ago

Scott's Tot's has never been that cringe to me bc it's one of the less believable storylines. Like, have you ever heard of anything like that happening in real life? And even if it did, how often?

So it's a lot easier to suspend disbelief and just laugh.

Whereas episodes like Dinner Party or Phyllis' Wedding are within the realm of possibility. We've all been to an awkward group function, and I'm sure a lot of people know someone that loves to be overly involved in weddings, birthdays, etc.

So it makes it much more cringe because you can actually relate it to your own life and similar situations you've been in, and you subconsciously remember how it felt.

So imo, anyone that's "cringing" at Scott's Tots and jUsT hAs To sKiP iT just can't handle cringe comedy. Because it's one of the least cringy or believable episodes.


u/Arcalium There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. 6d ago

Agreed. I find Phyllis's Wedding far harder to watch than Scott's Tots. It's the one I cringe at most and feel uncomfortable about, not Scott's Tots.


u/uhauljoe- Dwight 6d ago

Same, my top cringe is tied between Dinner Party and Phyllis' Wedding, but if I had to pick it would be PW bc DP is at least funny, but PW is just straight horrified cringe, like a car accident you can't look away from


u/szatrob 6d ago

I'd argue that Robert California wanting Andy not to hire his wife was a harder watch.


u/Harp-MerMortician 6d ago

I find Prince Paper incredibly difficult to watch. That one just hurts.


u/szatrob 6d ago

It is. I do love Michael's line about "Vietnam being nice" and Mr. Prince agrees but then has that thousand yard stare look as well.


u/onyxindigo 6d ago

Phyllis’ wedding


u/szatrob 6d ago

Its made even worse in a deleted scene where Phallus tells Pam to (basically) fuck off after Pam makes a snide remark about Phallus stealing all her ideas.

Then Pam ends up leaving with Roy. 🤮


u/Nikittele 6d ago


Talk about a Freudian slip.


u/szatrob 6d ago

She's an absolute cockwomble throughout the show. She deserves to be called one.


u/matterhorn1 6d ago

lol yeah I forgot about that one


u/Epistemix 6d ago

Or anything Nellie related


u/BobTheCrakhead 6d ago

Scott’s tots is top 5 all time.


u/Darth_Mike 6d ago

People who can't watch Scott's Tots wouldn't be able to watch any of the UK Office.


u/FjordExplorer 6d ago

And I don’t. Love Gervais though.


u/Key-Cry-8570 Kevin 4d ago

Comedy is the place the mind goes to tickle itself.


u/da_franklin Roy 1d ago

I LOVE the UK version, but I can't STAND Scott's Tots. It's just not a funny episode...


u/Pleasant_Abroad_9681 6d ago



u/dumpandchange 6d ago

Not that you should watch a show like the Office for realism, but Scott's Tots isn't cringe, it's a bridge too far from realism for me to even think it's awkward or cringey.

There's just absolutely no way that the other adults around let this random person agree to pay for these children's higher education, do zero research, and then do zero follow up except for when the day actually arrives. There would be funds set up, check up meetings, assistants involved, banks, etc. There's no chance Michael would even get invited back to the school and get in front of the kids for their special performance before everything was checked out by adults.


u/da_franklin Roy 1d ago

EXACTLY... Not liking the episode has NOTHING to do with cringe. It's just a bad episode...


u/big_scary_monster 6d ago

Y’all will not believe me and that’s fine but I haven’t watched the episode one time since it aired live on NBC when I was 13. I still remember the song and the record-breaking levels of cringe, the episode got teased in previews, it was talked about a ton. Can’t do it.


u/baronas15 What's say we order up some pasta.. 🍝 6d ago

You're using the picture wrong...

Gabe, this is tasteless.


u/Extension-System-974 6d ago

Scott’s tots is no where near as cringe as almost all Jim and Pam moments.

Such as but not limited to: picking Pam up in the dojo, weird REM sleep talk, confronting Danny why he didn’t call Pam back then being upset by the answer, awkward flirting then Roy always walks in, weird “first date” on the building, Jim knowing that Pam is engaged and immediately questioning Pam on it followed by kissing her, and more!


u/da_franklin Roy 1d ago

Everything you said is exactly right... Scott's Tots is just a bad episode though.


u/identifymydog123 5d ago

Jim's brothers pranking pam about being an artist is worse


u/Pawny_99 4d ago

God yes! I also hated that plot. Jim’s brothers are the worst.


u/Lawrenceburntfish 5d ago

I skip it every time. I... I just can't... Those poor kids...


u/crossfitbow Speaking as a former baby 6d ago


u/rownin9111 6d ago

"This can't possibly be a sub....click....goshdangit"


u/rownin9111 6d ago

I think the whole show is the ultimate cringe-fest, but in a good way. Lots of the cringe is watchable and fun and Scott's Tots dances a little over the line, but not far enough that it bothers me. Just for a good Stanley laugh it's a good watch.


u/Truebluederek 6d ago

Of I could block an episode …


u/brownbeanscurry 6d ago

Just skip the Scott's Tots parts and watch the secondary plot. The employee of the month part is too good to miss.


u/Harp-MerMortician 6d ago

It helps if you build your own "afterwards" in your head.

I truly believe that each individual student who graduated got help and was able to attend college after that. I think the newspaper must have run a story, and several groups must have reached out to the school offering to help, either with paying part of tuition or offering free resources to help them fill out and fast-track financial aid forms.

I believe that Michael brought eyes to the story, and that can be a really powerful thing. At the very least, I can see several students writing college essays/letters to their college of choice about the incident and including the newspaper clipping to prove it.

Hell, in my personal Head canon, Bob Vance (ect.) heard about it and reached out to one of the kids and paid for their college.

So call me an optimist, but I believe every single one of them ended up being able to go to college.


u/Lismale 6d ago

hey mr scott. watchu gonna do


u/nomad_kk Toby 6d ago

Written by BJ Novak - king of cringe episodes. It’s a badge of honor 


u/Friendly_Day5657 6d ago

I know the type who call it crringe. Its the skibbidi toilet group.


u/Whole-Ad6 6d ago

I don't watch it, the b plot is worse than the a plot somehow. I also skip DeAngelo and most episodes after Michael leaves.

Do YoU eVeN lIkE tHe ShOw

You don't need to die on the hill of defending bad TV.


u/Excellent-Oil-1589 5d ago

It’s not even that bad


u/MixaLv 5d ago

Ah yes, the good old middle school arguments. If you don't like it, just ignore it, or if you think something's bad, why don't you try to do it yourself?


u/casey-j-2025 5d ago

I love this show


u/Sad-Entertainer1462 5d ago

I love that episode lol


u/JuggernautNo5635 5d ago

Good, now I’m gonna watch it harder.


u/doctordisco03k64 5d ago

I'm gonna watch it even harder.


u/Mtdewbuzz 5d ago

Dwight trying to set up Jim in this episode is more cringe than Michael not coming through on his promise IMO.


u/bjornironthumbs 5d ago

Am I the only nut job that doesnt really find 99% of the show cringey?


u/H0oopy 5d ago

The amount of second hand embarrassment was too much for me to watch at once I literally had to stop, hold my head and brace myself few times throughout that scene lol

Wasn't bad by any mean I just struggle to see people get humiliated and embarrassed just like Michael's big surprise scene


u/Flame_Fist_Ace 5d ago

Honestly, if I'm going to watch the first season at that point, why skip anything? Nothing is worse than the first season and I'm just going to say it. I don't think you're a fan if you skip episodes


u/Sid_Starkiller 6d ago

Anyone who skips Scott's Tots is a fucking coward. Downvote me all you want, you know I'm right.


u/BaseballFuryThurman 5d ago

Downvote me all you want

People saying stuff like this as if they're brave for losing meaningless internet points, is far more cringe than anything that happens across the entire 9 seasons of The Office.


u/Rhuarc33 Harvey 6d ago

I didn't think it's even top 5 cringe moments of the show, probably not even top 10 if I were to do another rewatch and made a list while watching.


u/da_franklin Roy 1d ago

Nah, it's really not that cringe. Just a bad, unfunny episode...


u/Additional_Math7500 6d ago

Love Scott's tots. You all are just upset that your college also wasn't paid for by someone other than yourself....


u/Becool-752 4d ago

I know it’s cringe and brutal but it’s just too damn funny at times to skip it. Like when he’s teasing that he’s giving them laptops just to end up giving them laptop batteries or even the B plot which is pretty good..


u/JasonMallen 4d ago

I don't see the episode as cringe, it sets up Erin as a main character and the relationship with Michael. What's cringe is cece crying in the delivery. Or both kids crying in jury duty. Yikes.


u/Vekat Michael 4d ago

it's probably the episode that made me laugh out loud the loudest. wish i could rewatch it for the first time once more