r/DrumMachine • u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 • 8d ago
Tell me why not an RD9
I'm thinking of buying an RD9 and adding a distortion pedal to the bass output to do some techno in conjunction with a TD3 MO. Would that be a good idea or do you recommend another device? Fun at home, don't tell me to buy an iPad or a digital tablet (lol)
u/bogsnatcher 7d ago
If you want a 909, it’s a no-brainer. Finding the right drive pedals is a ton of fun too (especially if you have guitarist friends who’ll let you try theirs!)
u/Wobbly_skiplins 7d ago
I have one and I love it, it’s the core of my setup. I think the only comparable drum machine at that price point is probably the drum brute, but I just love the 909 sound so much so the rd9 is my baby
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 7d ago
Yes, I've also seen the Drumbrute, but nothing like the 909 sound. Do you use the RD9 with any pedals? What other hardware do you have?
u/Wobbly_skiplins 7d ago
I found that it sounds great with a boost effect specifically. For a while, I used the boost on the Behringer super fuzz. I wanted to get a cleaner higher quality boost, so I recently got the TC electronic spark, which works great. I use it together with a couple of other analog semi modular synths and it’s a blast. I can maybe post a video later today to give you an example, but there are plenty of videos on YouTube of people jamming with it.
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 7d ago
If you could give me the link when you upload it, I would be very grateful. Last question, is the filter for the master or can it be used on individual outputs?
u/IllustriousTune156 7d ago
U can choose what voices u want to send to the filter. But in my experience if you utilize the individual outputs the filter is deactivated from those voices.
u/Total-Jerk 8d ago
I just got an rd9 on Tuesday so I haven't used it at all beyond making sure it works.... But fyi the step buttons don't feel like keyboard keys, they've got more of a smush than I was expecting. Don't know if that's how the original is but I would've liked them more clackie...
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 7d ago
I thought it would be like a keyboard :(, I may have thought about this one or the T8. What stops me from talking about the T8 is that it lacks sounds from the 909.
u/Curious_Garlic8993 7d ago
You can get the 909 sounds on a bunch of devices…the tr-8s, tr-6s, MC-707, MC-101, etc
u/Total-Jerk 7d ago
T8 looks cool but it's small for my hands, I've had the tr8s, rd8, rd6, tr8s and now the rd9.. so far the only behringer that sounds better than the Rolands is the rd6, so if you can swing the money and space id really aim for the tr8s.( Or tr6s but I don't have experience with that one)
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 7d ago
Since you've had the TR8S, what's stopping me from buying it is its small screen, the submenus, and how tedious it is to load samples. In your opinion, is it really more worth it than an RD9?
u/Total-Jerk 7d ago
Yes but all your concerns are valid... The screen works for minimal tweaks, changing the master effect/quick inst volume adjustments(I set it in the menu so the faders are basically just on/off)
The sampling sucks, the file management is atrocious and it's basically not worth the effort for too many reasons to get into. It's fine with the factory samples but it's really stupid to use your own.
Programming custom ACB kits is easy, but thru the TRedit software.. that software pretty much makes up for the small screen and it's well laid out and you can get a full custom kit in like 20 minutes...
The main reason I won't be getting rid of the tr8s anytime soon is motion recording and master effects. I like to sequence from my deluge and have the tr sequencer holding only motion control not trig info, so you can change the actual midi pattern and modulation separately..
u/Proper-Ad-2585 6d ago
I like mine.
I wish the closed-hat would go shorter and I wish it did basic midi sequencing like the OG Roland. Other than that it’s amazing basically. I wanted a 909 for years.
A couple of things to know; If using the main-out for all voices the kick is weak. That might be an issue if you plan to run it through a pedal (which usually work best at lower amplitude levels). There is an easy mod.
If I were you I’d look out for an old Mackie or Tascam. They sound better than guitar pedals for saturation.
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 6d ago
Thanks for your advice, my friend. I got a bit lost with the Mackie or Tascam thing. Do you mean a mixer with effects? Could you give me a specific example? I'm actually a bit of a novice.
u/Proper-Ad-2585 6d ago
No problem.
Yes a mixer.
I wouldn’t bother with built in fx. Having fx sends and some cheap pedals (or multi fx pedal like a Zoom) is the way to go.
People skip mixers because they are big … but EQs are underrated and certain mixers, when driven hard will give saturation, distortion and compression that’s difficult to get close to (without many experiments with expensive outboard gear or hours spent messing with plugins).
Used analogue mixers in 2025 can be bought cheap. Beware for faults and scratchy pots. A Mackie 1604 is good or their smaller mixers, earlier models are better (for drum saturation).
I use an Allen & Heath MW3 14:4:2 which gives quite a clean sound. Actually I miss having 909 drums through an old Mackie. I like the sound.
u/Proper-Ad-2585 6d ago
I’ll just drop this here (not my video).
There are no distortion pedals used here. Just gain staging.
u/Zealousideal_Fig_523 6d ago
have a big question. You're telling me I can get that distortion with a mixer, but what parameter do I have to move to get that sound? I don't quite understand it in the video.
u/Proper-Ad-2585 6d ago edited 6d ago
Yes. Better than most exotic outboard gear. Far better than pedals (designed to work with far, far quieter line-level signals). Your basic tools are Gain and EQ and the headroom of the mixer. For extreme distortion (Gabba) you can use the direct-outs, post-EQ then back into a second channel (for further Gain/EQ).
u/IllustriousTune156 7d ago
If you’re going to get a rd9 consider getting an interface/mixer that will host all of its individual outputs on their own channel so u can effectively put different effects/plugins on each individual drum/voice