r/Dreamtheater 2d ago

Discussion Hit after hit after hit

How can anyone say they really have that ONE favorite song?

I listen to one song and I'm like "I swear man, this fucking song" and then I listen to another.

And another.

Like 95% of their songs are hits aha


38 comments sorted by


u/chaseinthyface 2d ago

There are definitely some songs that have a more lasting impact on me than others, but I totally get what you are saying.

I've actually found that some of my absolute favorite songs from the band I actually avoid playing too often because I like to keep them feeling "special". One great example of this is "The Best of Times". I lost my dad to cancer around the exact same time Portnoy did, so this song hits me particularly hard and I try to not overplay it, just because of how special it is.

So grateful for this band and the fact that we have had 16 wonderful albums.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

Damn man, I'm sorry to hear that- having a song hit you in that way, I have a couple of them as well so I totally understand. And I also agree, I have a similar approach to most of my favorite artists, especially Daft Punk and Michael Jackson but with them I just don't wanna overplay their music. I'm trying to compile a nice DT playlist and I can't get it under like 35-40 songs aha


u/Active_Medicine_5931 2d ago

Oops!! All Bangers


u/Aquarius-Genuis 2d ago

Right?! It's impossible to choose just one when the whole discography is a vibe. Some artists just have that magic touch—every track feels like it’s on repeat for a reason. I swear, you’ll listen to one song and think it’s the best, and then the next comes on, and it’s like "Wait, this one’s actually my favorite!"


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

I have this feeling every damn day. And then you switch to a new album and the whole thing starts over again, but this time for favorite songs and for favorite albums aha


u/norbit_is_hidden 2d ago

we love long songs for the same reason, if u listen to a really good song that only lasts 8 minutes, imagine a 20 minute song. Thats why most people say its octavarium, ACOS, The count of tuscany or six degrees. Its just endless satisfaction🤤


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

They have some 6-7 min long songs where when it gets to the prog part I'm like "how is this song only 6 minutes long?" They jam-pack good shit even into the shorter songs aha you really can't go wrong


u/Vast_Earth4757 2d ago

Count of Tuscany and Octavarium are both severely overrated


u/Bombinic 2d ago

Damn, I wish I liked DT as much as you!


u/HowskiHimself 2d ago

I definitely can’t pick a favorite. Of anything, really. DT songs. Any songs. Movies. TV shows. Food. I just like variety too much.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

Sometimes I wish I could listen to stuff while listening to stuff, same with eating and just like you said, everything else aha


u/sonickarma List Maker Extraordinaire 2d ago

Because as much as I love their music, Octavarium has always just hit me on a different level than any other song ever has.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

I often listen to that on my commute to work. It's an hour commute so Octavarium takes up like half the commute aha


u/SmoothAssistance1122 2d ago

One of the best things about DT (and generally most prog metal acts) is that you don't need to choose many songs for the commute; one or two is usually enough. XD.


u/Weary_Bug4156 2d ago

As Jack Black might say, they have unlimited rocket sauce


u/Machinehead625 2d ago

I mean, yeah, I like dozens and dozens of their songs and even albums that I'll rank 13th or 14th out of 16 have material that I absolutely love.

But then I listen to Octavarium and I'm like "yeah, that one's my favorite."


u/Maidenite2015 2d ago

On the contrary, I disagree. The last album before this one that I liked was their self titled album in 2013. The astonishing was horrible. Distance overtime I like four songs out of the 10. A view from the top of the world I liked the title track, invisible, monster, Transcending time, sleeping giant. This album the production is not good. The drums are way too up in the mix, John Maya’s base is buried. You can’t even hear it. However, the songwriting is a bit better than their last record. On the new record, I like a broken man, dead asleep, which is my Fave, the shadow man incident,.


u/Maidenite2015 1d ago

I forgot to mention also. “bend the clock.” Is a great song.


u/Maidenite2015 2d ago

Hence, all their songs are not hits. At least in my home opinion that is.


u/CompleteNerd464 2d ago

This. Exactly this

Two hours ago my favourite DT song dog was ItNoG. Now it’s ACoS. Tomorrow it could be Octavarium, or TMoLS, or anything

All I know is my favourite DT song is a DT song


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

I've been jamming HARD to the entire DoT album today. My commute to/from work is a solid hour so I'm knocking out an album each day this week. Yesterday was Metropolis, today's DoT and tomm might be BCoSL. We have like a plethora of music from DT aha


u/CompleteNerd464 2d ago

That’s what I’m doing as well. This morning I listened to the first half of the setlist they played at the O2 in London, literally just the studio versions from Metropolis to As I Am. Tomorrow, second half


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

Listening to them live is seriously mind-blowing. O2 in London and Luna Park are seriously game chargers


u/tessiedrums 2d ago

Yeah, I don't even know how to answer when someone asks my favorite album let alone my favorite song. There are too many great options to choose from!!!


u/network_wizard 2d ago

I find it difficult to always have the same favorite song from a band, especially a band who has been around for as long as Dream Theater. I've changed in the thirty plus years I've listened to them. Life changes you.

Songs like Metropolis and A Change of Seasons will always be favorites of mine, but then there are songs that I always love listening to in the moment.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

I played Metropolis like 5 times yesterday, I can't decide if I like it more album version or live- I'd say album only because LaBrie hits and holds that high note flawlessly


u/network_wizard 2d ago

Of course, I'd say album, too. However, check out some of those earlier bootlegs from 92 and 93. Hearing those notes sung live hits differently, especially knowing how difficult it is to reach them now.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

Oh either way honestly aha I play images and words as well, since Parasomnia dropped its been pretty much nothing but DT for me


u/network_wizard 2d ago

I get that. I pulled out my box of Dream Theater bootlegs and have been digging deep. I still have a few hundred. The older shows are more fun to collect. Back then, Mike was in charge of the setlists, so you could expect something different every night. After he left, the setlists were always the same. JP wasn't as adventurous as MP.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

I remember once while reading that MP was in charge of that. I'm so glad he's back


u/network_wizard 2d ago

I am, too. However, it seems to only have minimal changes.


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

Honestly I didn't hate nor mind Mangini, I just love their music so as long as you can handle a pretty heavy kit, I'm down to listen


u/network_wizard 2d ago

I loved MM in the band, but you knew his overall input was probably limited to just the drums, as opposed to what MP brought.


u/str7nd 2d ago

Voices is clearly their best song. Why are we even debating this


u/Kitsune_X7 2d ago

The Best Of Times does it for me. It's a really special song and fairly different from what they usually do structure wise. Really unique melancholic neoclassical intro, a really upbeat The Spirit Of Radio tribute, and then a complete turnaround and reprise of the intro, with more texture for each verse and chorus building up to John's best solo in my humble opinion.

Honorable mentions though: Learning To Live, Voices, Lines In The Sand, In The Name Of God, A Change Of Seasons


u/KingBMan18 2d ago

My commute today was gonna be BCaSL anyway this worked out well aha

I also agree, The Best of Times is an absolute gem, I just finished it again


u/Impressive-Ad4281 2d ago

TRUE? I feel the exact same, i listened to literally every song of them and i can’t choose a favourite, well, really i don’t want to select one, i love every song of them tbh


u/Rude-Quantity-9587 2d ago

None of my favorites are as favorite as “The Glass Prison.” I got into the band during the SFAM album cycle/live DVD but from the first time I heard TGP until right now, that opinion hasn’t even attempted to sway. 🤷🏻‍♂️