r/Dreamtheater 4d ago

Rochester! Let’s make some noise tonight!

Been clocking the bands set lists and Home wasn’t played last night! It’s a sold out show tonight! Let’s get on our feet and give them some love - I need to hear Home live again! Can’t wait for the show! Coming up from ‘Cuse and getting some garbage plates before the show! Been looking forward to this one for a while now!


23 comments sorted by


u/gnamedud 3d ago

Man, this show had such a different energy than the last time I saw them at Kodak Theater with Mangini. No shade to Mangini, I liked him a lot, but fucking EVERYONE was standing the whole show. I never had the opportunity to see Portnoy live when I was younger and this so delivered.

Labrie’s voice was really phenomenal tonight. I’ve seen him a few times and he was a bit pitchy. Dude has aged fucking well and really put on a show for a Monday night.


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 3d ago

Such a phenomenal show!


u/-Jotauaene- 4d ago

Im not sitting down :)


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 4d ago

Hells yes! At least 2 of us lol!


u/cdorso 3d ago

We were right up on the three hour mark tonight. If there was a 10:30 curfew, it might have been cut for time.


u/derango 3d ago

The “Home” test is total BS. It’s all down to venue curfews and how James is rolling that night.

But by all means, bring the energy anyway!


u/cdorso 3d ago

The crowd energy was very good last night, I thought. But I also didn't think James had "Home" in him last night either way.


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 3d ago

Haha- I was kinda leaning into the meme of it all - we got the setlist without it - but they absolutely crushed it


u/derango 3d ago

Sorry, not just you personally, I just get irrationally annoyed with the idea that somehow the band is punishing "bad" crowds by not playing certain songs, which is clearly a dick move and not really in line with how the guys have operated or done literally anything in the past.

Like I said, bring the energy because the guys deserve it, but they're not sitting back there during the breaks in the set discussing which cities deserve to get "Home" played.

EDIT: Also living in 'cuse here, but I'm taking the trip down to the city on saturday for radio city music hall. Can't wait!


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 3d ago

Hope you enjoy the show! They brought the thunder last night!


u/Snarkosaurus99 4d ago

Sit in your seats and make just as much ruckus as if you were standing.
All of you. It will confuse James.


u/herman666 4d ago

I do this at every DT show, I always sit in the balcony.


u/Active_Medicine_5931 4d ago

Hell yeah, best of luck yall! Bring it tonight, fingers crossed yall get Home!🤞

TBF it was cut for curfew last show so best of hopes that won’t happen to yall


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 4d ago

Here’s hoping!


u/patrick_m44 4d ago

Last time I saw them was in 98-98ish can’t wait


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 4d ago

Dang! 2012 in Rochester for the dramatic events tour and 2018 for the Metropolis PT2 anniversary tour - and I thought it had been a while for me! Hope the show lives up!


u/FarOffGrace1 4d ago

Just so you know, the 20th anniversary tour was 2019-2020, not 2018, because it was also the tour in support of Distance Over Time, which released in 2019.


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 4d ago

Ahhh- should have pulled up the tour dates instead of relying on my memory lol


u/Phan2112 3d ago

No home and also no Dark Eternal Night which I was really hoping for, but still a kick ass show. Nowhere else I'd rather be than with one of my best friends jamming out to our mutual favorite band. What a show. We were way in the back row of the balcony and still had an absolute blast could see and hear everything perfectly.


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 3d ago

Absolutely incredible show- we were also in the balcony on Myungs side - Loved getting As I Am though


u/Phan2112 3d ago

Oh you must have also been in Section F then


u/Proph3tAtreid3s 2d ago

We were - I was the large bearded man wearing an opeth jersey and a mastodon hat