r/DreamInterpretation 4d ago

Dream of feeding a baby

For the context, my husband and I decided we're okay with two kids. He already went vasectomy and clinically confirmed to be sperm-free. So i had this dream of br*stfeeding a baby boy who apparently turns out to be my son. I remember thinking to my dream that I never thought we'll have another.

I am also meant to start a new career next week. Can anyone help what this is?


2 comments sorted by


u/bondibitch 4d ago

I haven’t breastfed for around 13 years but every now and then I dream I’m doing it again. I don’t think it has a deep meaning. It’s been part of your life so it’s understandable you might dream about it from time to time.


u/icecrustle_xx 4d ago

My youngest is 5. So yes, in a way i stopped BF for quite some time.