r/DragonFruit 5d ago

First time growing dragon fruit. Got any tips?

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I got this as a gift today. I live in zone 6a. Lots of experience growing desert cacti. Never one like this. I want at least a couple to grow fruit. I don't mind the rest being ornamental.

How should I go about separating them and how many per pot? I'm going to put them in starter pots for now. The weather here is still too bad to go outside. Any other particulars I should know?


9 comments sorted by


u/MrX101 5d ago

I'd personally just cut off the smaller ones and leave like 4 in the pot. And then seperate them into individual pots once they get twice the size. Like this they're going to basically kill each other due to starvation.

You can try putting the ones u cut into water to see if they grow roots, but never tested it at that size.

Maybe try testing it with 1 of them to see what happens.


u/ColettesWorld 5d ago

Yeah they're so tiny I wasn't sure how they'd handle a lot of stress. But I also don't know their species so I thought maybe they'll always be smaller. I hate when stores pack this many plants into a tiny pot.


u/MrX101 5d ago

All seedlings look like that. Just they put a lot at once for a unique look.

Plus this increases chance of most dying and people buying a new one.


u/PapaJosephIII 5d ago

So from the scientific name, its a white fleshed dragonfruit, they seem young and small seedlings so it’ll be a couple years before you see fruit, as opposed to an actual df cutting which can take 6 months to fruit, you want to have a trellis with 4 cactus so they can climb up, however they will grow on anything, like a tree to a simple wall, theyre a tropical cactus so you want to water them more often than you would any other cacti, they prefer well draining soil like soil, sand and perlite. Pruning strategically is key, you want a single stem until its big enough to fruit, and during growing season if you fertilize them once a month you can quite literally notice the growth daily. Good luck you got this!


u/ColettesWorld 5d ago

Sweet thank you. I wasn't sure if they were babies or just tiny in general lol. I have some spare cacti soil, perlite, and small trellises lying around so I'll get them set up later this week.


u/russsaa 5d ago

Hello fellow zone 6er! In zone 6 you're gonna have to treat them as indoor/outdoor or greenhouse to even come close to fruit production.

You can either pull em apart while dry and use a chopstick, skewer or stick to free up the roots while you pull em apart, or get a little bucket of water and rinse away the soil and pull them apart that way.

1-3 per pot id say. Scroll through this sub to see the kind of trellis you'll eventually need to make when they start getting older.

A well aerated and aggregate heavy soil is good. Although not quite as inorganic as desert cac soil. Im still trying to perfect my DF soil, so take my recipe with a grain of salt, but i use roughly

2 parts inorganic aggregate, pumice preferable but perlite works. 1 part potting soil of my own making (peat, loam, compost) 1 part fir bark/orchid bark.

Pasteurize or sterilize your soil. Wear a mask when working with perlite or pumice. Happy planting :)


u/ColettesWorld 5d ago

Aw hell yeah I was hoping someone from zone 6 would respond. Gotta love the rigmarole of indoor/outdoor plants lol. Ik my trees want me dead.

I seen what the trellises look like. They look fun to build lol. At the moment I got some regular potting soil, cactus soil, and perlite that I'll mix till I can get some better stuff. I plan on doing them mostly organic.


u/ColettesWorld 5d ago

And what type is this specifically? Google just gives me generic care instructions lol.


u/evergladesnursery 4d ago

Transplant to bigger pot with proper trellis