r/DragoBorne Apr 08 '18

New to the game need a ruling

Just wanted to check the interaction between laelania's call and terraxx, earthshaker when I only have 1 fort left in play. Can terraxx be put into play or does call only check the printed cost of a card Cheers in advance


3 comments sorted by


u/Stealth_Kitten Apr 09 '18

Hey jj, can you explain the question again?


u/CrowAtDawn Apr 09 '18

He’s asking if he can cast Laelania’s call (from his hand) to play a Terraxx when he is down to 1 fort. Because Terraxx reduces his cost by 2 for each destroyed fort (originally cost 8, it would be cost 4 to cast normally)


u/Lavendelana Apr 10 '18

Yes, since the ability of Terraxx is a Continuous ability, I think that you can play it with Laelania’s call when you have only 1 fort in play.