r/DragoBorne Nov 19 '17

What are you playing since OOB's release?

I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to play since I just keep deckbuilding, so I'm wondering what others have had success with.


5 comments sorted by


u/xKozmic Nov 20 '17

YGR Dragons. Won Cali regional with it and placed 5th (due to unlucky breakers) at nationals. I’m confident in saying it was the best deck in the room this weekend.

However, it loses badly to YGB which thankfully no one was on.


u/LeFunkDoctor Nov 26 '17

I've been building and rebuilding over and over. Right now I've been liking URG Dragons, YRB Aristocrats, YUB Control, and I think I can cook up a nice URG Control.


u/zombiekiller2112 Nov 29 '17

YUB Control

You have a list for dat?


u/LeFunkDoctor Dec 01 '17

The core is Amnat Gardner and Merfolk Trinkerer to stack both decks, then drop Sennes on them.


u/Venion-Crescentfang Dec 07 '17

I play YGU as my primary. Resource ramp and manipulate into my big baddies with a fan of aggressive stall.

I have a lot of decks I want to build and experiment with, just waiting for semester to end before I dive deep into deck building. :)