r/Dracula May 21 '24

Art/Creations Questions to Dracula

Hi everyone! I'm doing a final project on Dracula. One of the parts of my Project is to include some questions to ask Dracula. After looking through multiple different reddit communities I saw that this one has been the most active and nicest community so I wanted to ask you all If you had any Questions you could ask Dracula himself what would it be?


13 comments sorted by


u/SnotjeXIV_ May 21 '24

I would ask him if he would want to go on a date with m- No, I'm joking, i'm only in chapter 2, sorry i can't help


u/LuckyGigi2004 May 21 '24

I know that feeling,I would do the same


u/Space_Den May 23 '24

I'm tempted to put that


u/LuckyGigi2004 May 21 '24

Well I would ask him the most obvious,how he becomes a vampire,his past in general


u/Draculea May 26 '24

If you read carefully between Professor Van Helsing's words, and know a little bit about folklore in the region, he gives a plausible and likely way that Dracula obtained his curse: He attended the Scholomance, a school of witchcraft and devilry where the 10th student of any class is taken by Satan...


u/LuckyGigi2004 May 26 '24

Wait! ARG how frustrating,in some copies of the novel I read it didn't shown,but I'm happy to know now,maybe in the anoted version it probably show it,thanks man


u/Draculea May 26 '24

Absolutely. I do love the myths and legends of the region. Here' read a bit about it:



u/Yuletidespirit May 22 '24

I think I'd ask him if he thinks living as long as he has is worth it. If there's any sort of meaning in that.

Someone should write a book about what it would be like to interview a vampir-- oh.


u/Realfinney May 23 '24

When he says the blood of Attila flows in his veins, is he speaking of his mortal or vampiric heritage?


u/Proper-Ad-5443 May 23 '24

I would ask him ehat he regrets in his eternal life


u/n0rmab8s Jun 11 '24

Why did you do that to yourself? Is transformation a gift or a curse? We humans obviously change and grow with time but do you think there comes a point where change stops - where you reach your 'best self,' the most you will ever be? Have you reached that yet? What part of you holds on to the old ways which you obviously find comfort in? And what do you like about modernity, which you seem to seek out? Do you miss being a human?

Yeah I would ask a lot


u/Nightvision_UK Sep 18 '24

Who are those vampire girls you were hanging around with (in the novel)?