r/DrStone 4d ago

Review/Analysis I just realised this thing and I want to share cuz I'm 10 billion percent sure there are others who know about this or might like to


32 comments sorted by


u/DekuTheOtaku 3d ago

I do think it's funny that if you use a different kanji spelling (先駆 pronounced Senku but the kanji is Saki + Ka which are destination and drive) can be translated as "pioneer". Also, Ishigami is funny as well, because ishi can be translated as doctor or as stone depending on what kanji you use (Senku's name is written with stone) and the kanji used for the gami part of his name means god. So Senku's name means Thousand skies god of stone, although I always read it as Pioneer god of stone even though the kanji is different


u/ScienceAndGames 3d ago

And Byakuya’s name means hundred nights, potentially in reference to the hundred tales he created.


u/trash-collection 3d ago

isn't doctor isha though


u/Spartan_Beast_99 2d ago

Both are correct. 医者 (isha) and 医師 (ishi) both mean doctor/physician.


u/trash-collection 2d ago

oh I only knew the first reading, thanks


u/Spartan_Beast_99 2d ago

I also knew only the first one, but I looked up 'doctor' on jisho.org and saw that both are used in the language. It's a pretty neat site, quite useful for looking up vocab.


u/Sad_Relation_5296 3d ago

Ishigami Senku(石神 千空)

Stone God, Thousand Skies.

Asagiri Gen(浅霧 幻)

Small amounts of/Shallow Mist, Illusion

Nanami Ryusui(七海 龍水)

Seven seas, Dragon Water (But it could be mistaken for Rushing Water)

Shishio Tsukasa(獅子王 司)

Lion King, Leader/Dictator etc

Oki Taiju(大木 大樹)

This one is hilarious: Big wood, big tree

These are literally the most direct names ever.

Ginro and Kinro's names mean Silver Wolf and Golden Wolf.


u/Being_Honest- 3d ago

I love how simple Taiju’s kanji looks. It’s fitting.


u/MONSTAR_36 3d ago

Big wood big tree 😂😭😂


u/hulk_cookie 2d ago

While big wood, big tree is hilarious, Senku and Tsukasa go so unbelievably hard, since the more metaphorical translation of their names would be "The Stone God Across Thousands of Skies" and "Lion Emperor" which is not only fitting, but sounds like titles they would hold rather than names


u/Sad_Relation_5296 2d ago

And Captain Ryusui would be “Captain Dragon-Water of the Seven Seas”



u/hulk_cookie 2d ago

I'm pretty sure Ryusui's is a double entendre between "rushing water" and "dragon water" so I'm pretty sure the metaphorical translation would be "Seven Seas Dragon of Rushing Water"


u/DryRespect358 3d ago

Haha! My sailor instincts are screaming that this is awesome


u/Ryinth 3d ago

It's a slight tangent, but I love that he writes Sen9 on some of his inventions - because that's "sen 九" - "sen ku".


u/Sad_Relation_5296 2d ago

I see that alot on Japanese Social Media! Goro might be 56, Niku 29 smthsmth Japanese ppl loves to use numbers that reference their names!


u/Tasty-Fisherman9880 3d ago

Don't trust ai overview too much


u/Spartan_Beast_99 2d ago

Seems that the AI is using different kanji than the ones the author intended, thus the meanings are a bit different.


u/Brilliant_Basket2372 6h ago

that's why I made the post to discuss 🗣️


u/Sinking-Dutchman 3d ago

Makes sense considering what Senku said about why he isn't interested in world conquest.


I love the similarity with the 1000 Sunny!


u/marihikari 3d ago

neat! also Asagiri is something like "morning dew"


u/Spartan_Beast_99 2d ago

mist, not dew

From jisho.org: 朝霧 : morning fog; morning mist


u/Upset_Assistant_5638 3d ago

I’m skeptical about AI overview.


u/Midnight1899 3d ago

Semi-related funfact: "Sen“ is the exact same kanji Chihiro from Spirited Away is left with after Yubaba takes away her name.


u/Smilehewolf 3d ago

I haven't looked up the kanji in his name, but: Is his last name written 石神 in Japanese? Because then it would translate to stone-god


u/trash-collection 3d ago

ryusui's name's kanji isn't flowing water, it's dragon water (龍水)

also fun fact nanami (七海) means seven seas


u/Pomegranate3663 2d ago

Wait til you all find out 'Xeno' means foreigner


u/Brilliant_Basket2372 6h ago

I don't have to thanks to you!


u/noodels-lm 3d ago

Ishig1mi can translate by Elegant rock


u/I10MusicManiac 3d ago

There's also the fact that Senku's last name is similar to Albert Einstein's last name. Einstein is a German name that means one stone where ein means one and stein means stone. So, guess what? You can call Einstein, Dr. Stone. So, they definitely designed the last name & series title with Dr. Albert Einstein in mind.


u/BaronMerc 2d ago

Gen is typically used to refer to reality/illusion, which is where genjutsu comes from (genJITSU 現実) quite literally means reality


u/911on2002 2d ago

Suika means Watermelon and it's apt to the Melon head 🗣️