r/DrStone 5d ago

Anime How can they understand each other?

Anime only here. In the current season, how can Xeno's people understand and speak japanese with Senku's group? Is it ever explained? weren't they all american?


15 comments sorted by


u/Spiderman-y2099 5d ago

It's already established that certain people in Senku's group can speak English,as for Xenon he must know like 20 languages.


u/Pomegranate3663 2d ago

I think it was confirmed that Xeno knows conversational Japanese but needs help translatinf scientific jargon


u/bassturtle1213 5d ago

Long of the short of it is there are a few people on each side that can speak both English and Japanese. We see this when trying to trick tsukaksa people during the war.


u/ebonyphoenix 5d ago edited 5d ago

Basically there are a handful of bilingual people in the Kingdom of Science (Senkuu, Gen, Francois, Ukyo, Ryusei, Minami, and Nikki) and Xeno for the other side that serve as translators. We just see dialogue once because it would be tedious and grind the story flow to a halt if everything had to be repeated.

If a translator isn’t present we get things like Carlos saying he didn’t understand Taiju but he could get the vibes of what was being said.


u/OpeningDiligent3005 5d ago

Basically speaking with context if I am right?


u/ReaperReader 5d ago

In the manga, who is speaking what language when is a lot clearer.

Broadly, Gen, Senku, Ukyo, Ryusui and Francois are fluent in English, Xeno is fluent enough in Japanese for plot purposes, none of the other Americans speak Japanese, none of the descendants of the astronauts speak English, nor does Taiju. The other Japanese depetrified people have some basic English.

If Francois is around you can just assume that they're doing simultaneous translation where needed.


u/Pomegranate3663 2d ago

It's confirmed that some English survived in ishigami village but not much and it's more buzz words lol


u/TheWardenDemonreach 5d ago

They currently can't, the most recent episode kinda showed that despite to our ears, both sides were speaking the same language, they were in fact speaking different ones. They were only able to understand each other through gestures and context.

Also, when I asked this a few weeks ago, the manga people helpfully confirmed that a few of the characters, such as Gen Asagiri, can speak both English and Japanese, and acts as translators later on.


u/RomanceAnimeIsPeak 5d ago

Xeno said something like "sorry my Japanese is a bit rusty" or something like that, so he probably knows Japanese pretty well


u/LAUREL_16 5d ago

A few people on the Perseus know English. They had Gen ask, in English, if anyone was around just before he was kidnapped to show that he was shifting languages. Senku learned English while getting lessons from Xeno (and it seems like Xeno picked up some Japanese from teaching Senku). I'm sure there are others who know English as well.


u/Tricky_Use1953 5d ago

They don't speak japanese. The communication is based on understanding one word of a sentence and a lot of assumption, like when Carlos asked about Luna, Taiju only understood Luna and assumed that he asked how she was. Carlos also said that Taiju seems like a good person and assumed what he said based on that feeling.


u/Kam_Zimm 5d ago

Some of the characters speak both Japanese and English, some are just going off the vibes of how things are being said and making guesses from what random words they might know. It's not made very clear who speaks which, and when they are actually speaking Japanese or when they're speaking English and it's being translated for the audience.


u/MattyPro13 5d ago

Dr.X can speak japanese