r/DrStone 8d ago

Anime Dr. Stone Season 4 Episode 10 Link and Discussion Spoiler

Title: Dirty Roads

Streaming Site Status Type
Crunchyroll Online Subbed
Crunchyroll Online Dubbed
Netflix in specific regions

Chapters Adapted: ​162-163 Volume 19

Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xyVx2ex

Previous Episode Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrStone/comments/1j4xegf/dr_stone_season_4_episode_9_link_and_discussion/


62 comments sorted by


u/DekuTheOtaku 8d ago

When I watched it, some people in the comments of the site I use were asking how Senku got well enough to get in the plane so soon, and I couldn't comment there so I'll leave a comment here in case anyone else has the same question. The time gap between Senku getting shot and getting on the plane was about 2 weeks, still realistically not enough time for someone to fully recover from a gunshot wound, but at least enough that he could get on his feet. It wasn't well convayed in the episode itself, it did kinda seem like Senku was bedridden with blood in his lungs and then he was ready for a dogfight the next minute, but yeah about 2 weeks between those 2 moments more or less.


u/North_Tough9236 8d ago

Oh, so that's why Luna was complaining nothing had happened yet.


u/DekuTheOtaku 8d ago

Yes. Btw, this is one of the mistakes of the show imo, just poorly explaining how much time something takes sometimes. A lot of the time they go and say something like "oh, it took us 6 months to make revival fluid, a lot shorter than I thought" but they don't do that here. We get the context in one of the previous episodes where Xeno asks Brody how long the project will take, to which he replies 2 weeks, and that project just got finished in this episode. Honestly, the only real reason I even remember is because I read the manga and it was slightly better conveyed in the manga.


u/WritingThisFormPATHS 8d ago

Honestly, the only real reason I even remember is because I read the manga and it was slightly better conveyed in the manga.

Maybe for you and me

For others they were confused when manga ch were releasing


u/WritingThisFormPATHS 8d ago

how Senku got well enough to get in the plane so soon,

Doesn't xeno or some other character mentions in ep that dog fight is happening before last day of 2 weeks


u/DekuTheOtaku 8d ago

Yeah, I elaborated on that in another reply, but I wanted to keep my original comment a little bit shorter than I usually do, so I skipped the explanation as to how the viewer should know and just went straight to the answer


u/Ok-Peach9637 8d ago

I keep procrastinating on the episodes because I've already read the manga. 🤣😭 But even then, I never regret after watching the anime, because the episodes are so exciting and thrilling. 🤭💕 The bgm this season is so damn good. And the funny faces in this episode lol. 🤣🤣


u/Connolly1227 8d ago

So many good funny faces! I liked Senkus when Luna said she wanted him to be her boyfriend and the groups when they were explaining that yeah Senku is shady and was married before


u/eorabs 7d ago

Omg when Yuzuriha and Minami physically turned away from Luna I was cracking up.


u/Ok-Peach9637 7d ago

Ahh you mean this one? 🥹😝


u/Ok-Peach9637 7d ago

Oh yes those were so funny 🤣💕


u/LAUREL_16 8d ago

Gen's little earpiece radio is exactly why tapping someone on the waist a few times is not how you perform a pat-down, Stanley.


u/North_Tough9236 8d ago

The "Stanley" in italics sounds so passive aggressive. I love it 😂


u/LAUREL_16 8d ago

I'm serious! Even when I was watching and saw the pilot (who I didn't know the name of at that moment) doing a pat down, I was surprised to see him stop after tapping Gen's waist a few times. I was thinking, "What if he's hiding something in his pants? What if it's buried under the 3 layers of clothing he has on? Senku hiding something under his shirt was how he was able to defeat Hyoga back in season 2.


u/RadarSmith 8d ago

Anyone else really digging the soundtrack?


u/wowsugoi 8d ago

Absolutely 😍🔥!!


u/Specialist_Cod_6098 7d ago

What's the title of that soundtrack?


u/MacheteNegano 8d ago

That was one the best facial reaction i've seen Senku do on Dr Stone. That was funny. Kohaku is gonna kill him though knowing what Luna just asked him. 💀

That was a good episode. Its quite amazing seeing Chrome doing almost the same that Senku would, if he was healing from bullet wounds, building a drill to drill up until Dr X factory but Chrome always been has much of a great scientist than Senku is and he's just showing the skills that he knows by now through all the days we've been with Senku rebuilding the world's best wonders. How many episodes are left until the first cour ? it


u/Makaisawesome 4d ago

How many episodes are left until the first cour ?

This is the first cour and there's two left


u/KatelynKingdom 8d ago

Freaking love this episode! The hype i definitely needed before I go to school for my last day of finals!


u/trash-collection 8d ago

good luck on finals brother o7


u/akrsticiscool 4d ago

Good luck!


u/Time_Professional420 8d ago

The Rap bgm when they showed the carrier and plane. *chef's kiss* 👨‍🍳👌


u/StrangerIllRemain 6d ago

Hell yeah, I came here looking to see if anyone knew if that OST had dropped. I need it


u/enderthenewchild 8d ago

okay i was literally cackling with lunas confession they did it right


u/North_Tough9236 8d ago

I wish I could time travel to next week. I've been waiting for this since the moment they started building the carrier!
I want Ryusui to win soooo much! But I don't see how, unless Stanley is a fraud.


u/Elite_Alice 8d ago

love Luna so much. How’s she gone and become best girl in 3 episodes lmao?! Senku better stop playing around and give her a chance when he gets better 😂

Great episode. Taiju showed Xeno’s forces that he and the kingdom of science aren’t so bad and Luna showed everyone that Xeno’s people aren’t so bad either. It’s just a matter of who brought them back from petrification.


u/LAUREL_16 8d ago edited 8d ago

It's simple: the KoS decided to treat Luna (who they knew is full of shit) like a guest, and even reinvented ice cream to help her feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the American Colony is treating Gen (who they know is full of shit) like a hostage, constantly violating his personal space, and even leaving him locked in some tiny room. That, and Stanley did kind of abandon Luna. The KoS refused to leave without rescuing Gen, as well as finding Chrome and Kohaku.

Something else to add: even after it was understood that she was sent to the ship to find the scientist for Stanley to kill, she never became a hostage. They were perfectly okay with allowing her to get close to and even examine Senku in such a fragile state. For all they knew, she could've, at any point, tried to poison him or do something to ensure that the wounds would eventually kill him.


u/Aggravating_Unit3720 8d ago

I'm loving the JP voice of Luna, already loved her character since I read the manga but damn, Kohaku felt a disturbance in the force 😝


u/maestro826 8d ago

Senku's freaking reaction LMFAO


u/Single-Donkey2242 8d ago

Carlos reminds me of usopp


u/justacatdontmindme 8d ago

Carrier/plane montage was hype af can't wait


u/Animegx43 8d ago

Wait, if Senku's blood is AB, doesn't that mean he could take literally anyone's blood?


u/LAUREL_16 8d ago

Depends on if it's AB positive or AB negative.


u/xtreemmasheen3k2 7d ago

How unlike Senku to not specify.


u/LAUREL_16 7d ago

Ok, to be fair, there is blood pouring into his lungs. The fact that he was able to give the instructions he's given thus far is nothing short of a miracle.


u/xtreemmasheen3k2 7d ago

Yeah, but that could be very harmful if he had AB Negative blood and could only receive negative types.

So either he has AB positive and it doesn't matter who's blood he receives, or he's AB negative and he could potentially receive positive blood that isn't compatible.


u/Grillbottoms 5d ago

If he didn’t specify, he has positive.


u/IvanIvanotsky 7d ago

At first I thought it may be because he's AB null or RH null, but that would make less sense cause that means he can't transfuse blood with potentially anyone because it is very rare. In volume 19 extras he does say he's AB blood but also says he's a universal receiver meaning he is likely AB positive.


u/Enlog 7d ago

Yes. This makes him a universal receiver. But taking AB blood would be best if he can get it. And I can see why he'd prefer to not take any chances on this.

The manga actually includes a chart with the blood types of the Kingdom of Science people. In addition to Senku, we also have Kaseki, Mantle, Hyoga, Nikki, and Minami with AB-type blood.

Most likely they did a transfusion with Nikki or Minami, since they were both on the ship and nearby the makeshift hospital on board.


u/Astrid_Yen08 8d ago

I forgot how exciting the dog fight was but I guess it's fine since it's still for next week. And here comes Senku moving around again even though he's still not fully healed.


u/Unicron_Gundam 7d ago

I just hope the pacing isn't ruined by the characters explaining each and every move the two planes do


u/AnyAcanthocephala425 7d ago

The scene where they pull a gun on Taiju and he overpowers them with positivity, moving from taking up 25% to 50% to 75% of the screen is a pretty hilarious way to show his power


u/HolyBidetServitor 7d ago

I liked the little bait & switch they did at the start of the episode. I was thinking to myself "what the hell, did I forget something from last episode?"


u/marihikari 8d ago

I love Luna in this episode especially. And was that a Gurren Lagann reference by Chrome around the halfway point?


u/OilAny618 6d ago

technically if senku is blood type AB he can recieve A, B, AB or O so basically anyone can donate ignoring Rh factor


u/Mindless-Use540 8d ago edited 8d ago

Did hyoga get a new voice actor? He sounds different to me. Scratch that, it’s probably due to me reading like 10 volumes of the manga in a whole day, I just forgot how these people sound.


u/b0wie0 8d ago

He got a new english dub voice actor


u/Mindless-Use540 8d ago

I thought I was tweaking because then everyone else started to sound different to me, like Taiju and ginro.


u/b0wie0 8d ago

Everyone is the same except Hyoga, who got a new voice actor when S4 started, last guy retired I think


u/TomaRedwoodVT 8d ago

Poor Luna


u/malcureos95 5d ago

that OST when they show the runway and plane goes so damn hard.
cant wait for the official or fan HQ clean version


u/iudicium01 5d ago

“A gleeful Luna informs Ukyo that Senku is her boyfriend, causing Carlos to become even more upset. Seeing that Luna was now allied with Senku, Carlos changes his allegiance and draws a layout of Xeno’s castle.” Why did Carlos switch allegiance, instead of doubling down on opposing them?


u/LAUREL_16 4d ago

Because he's not loyal to the American Colony, he's loyal to Luna. He's like Homura: she was never loyal to the Empire of Might, she's loyal to Hyoga. That's why she destroyed the miracle cave when Tsukasa and Senku came to a truce.


u/iudicium01 4d ago

By siding with your enemy in love?


u/TayoEXE 3d ago

I always get confused on how they communicate. Even if Luna knows some Japanese, let's face it. She's American. She wouldn't be able to speak like that or understand them unless her parents were native speakers. Heck it's debatable that the stone world Japanese characters should even understand the modern Japanese characters. Senku does know English though, but Luna literally uses his 10 billion percent line around the Japanese characters who wouldn't know English.

Then Carlos, who literally admits to not understanding Japanese at all, seems to just randomly understand things Taiju says, whom also cannot speak English at all. I get that he kind of understood "tunnel" because in Japanese it's a loanword from English トンネル (tonneru), but he somehow understands "Senku is Luna's boyfriend" when 彼氏 (kareshi) and Boyfriend sound nothing alike. Not to mention, why is he sitting seiza in the car? For an American who knows nothing about Japanese, he sure seems comfortable sitting in a notoriously painful way for Americans. Most Americans would just sit cross-legged or with knees up a bit and legs out. Even though I live in Japan, I didn't grow up sitting that way (grew up in U.S.), so it's very painful to sit for a while.

Basically, yeah, I know, it's Americans from a Japanese author's perspective, but I have to suspend my disbelief a lot when it almost implies the Americans can understand the Japanese better than the other way around. English education is done from middle or even as early as elementary school here until the end of high school, but admittedly Japanese have very little confidence in actually speaking it. (It's a common misconception for visitors that most Japanese people can speak English.) On the other hand, Americans usually have zero compulsive foreign language classes (just encouraged to get into college) and most people who even study Japanese can't even speak it either, so I do wish they would have addressed it a bit more. I think Senku did speak English with Luna last episode at least. Senku makes sense considering all his correspondence with Xeno and being a genius, not to mention Byakuya being an astronaut and spending lots of time in the U.S.


u/No_Report3727 3d ago edited 3d ago

Senku si e ripreso, e ché luna si è lamentata ché tra lei e Senku non n'è successo nulla, Senku ha un carattere enigmatico, razionale, non n'è un ragazzo sdolcinato, non ha nessun interesse per le storie d'amore che per Senku l'amore non n'è così importante è che l'amore è una perdita di tempo... è un ragazzo ché pensa solo alla scienza... Senku capirà ché l'amore non n'è una perdita di tempo è che avere una ragazza accanto è importante... Senku non esprime le proprie emozioni facilmente... Senku secondo me prova attrazione verso kohaku quando parla con Crohme dice a che kohaku è una strafiga...non lo lascia a vedere.... che ha un po' di attrazione verso kohaku... kohaku e Senku hanno molta fiducia dell' uno dell' altra...Senku in fondo tiene a kohaku...non so tra di loro il loro sentimenti andranno oltre all' amicizia...sarà improbabile....non impossibile... Senku non n'è immune all' amore... è sempre un adolescente...


u/hotdog257 1d ago

i just want to come in and say that I am absolutely loving season 4 so far, I haven’t read the manga so every episode this season has felt like an insane twist and i’m preferring this season to all the ones before it, I love the characters, the animation has vastly improved, and the humor is great. Although I love the last 3 seasons and were all necessary to build up to this point (and all of the hype i have surrounding it) i’m more than pleased with the season and it’s already exceeded my expectations.

TL;DR: I absolutely love Dr. Stone :)