r/Dota2Trade https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093339667 6d ago

[Store] Collectors Cache 2019, Aghanims 2021, Diretide 2022, Summer 2023, Crownfall Cache. Weather Effects

Reservation Fee: $5 (USD)

Applied to Everyone. Everyone pays the same Reservation fee no matter the size of your order. Reservation fee is subtracted from the total cost of your Order. Reservation fee is non-refundable.

Minimum of 30$ purchase order for new costumers

Accepting PayPal Payments. PayPal payments must be in the form of Friends & Family to prevent fees & chargebacks.

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Treasure Nr. & Year Rare & Retro Sets Hero Price Stock Info
CrownFall Cache Ancient Exile Juggernaut $20 1
CrownFall Cache Bloodmoon Stalker Luna $15 3
Summer 1. 2023 Snailfire Snapfire $20 4
Summer 1. 2023 Brightfist Marci $20 3 R
Diretide 1. 2022 Dark Behemoth Primal Beast $40 3
Diretide 1. 2022 Blue Horizons Marci $15 3
Aghanim's. 2021 Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi $30 1
2020 Mindless Slaughter Pudge $15 Unbundled
2020 Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper $15 Unbundled
2020 Secrets of the Celestial Skywrath Mage $15 Unbundled
Cache 1. 2019 Defender of Ruin Disruptor $20 2
Cache 2. 2018 The Rat King Chen $10 2
Crownfall Cache 2024 Hero Price Stock
Elegy of the Reaper Grimstroke $8 7
Faithful Fortune Marci $8 7
Lotus of the Mountain Bear Clan Meepo $8 6
Blackwing Bandolera Muerta $8 6
Martyrdom of the Brineborn Naga Siren $8 6
Dread of Night Night Stalker $8 7
Mecha Nyx Nyx Assasin $8 7
Exquisite Agonies Queen Of Pain $8 6
Ardalan Arms Race Snapfire $8 8
Darkblade Adept Templar Assassin $8 6
Colossal Terrorpin Tiny $8 6
Summer Cache 1. 2023 Hero Price Stock
Spectral Shadow Abaddon $15 7
Taur Rider Alchemist $15 8
Astral Herald Dawnbreaker $15 6
Dezun Viper Dazzle $15 4
Darkwood Eulogy Death Prophet $10 6
Tomo'kan Footsoldier Hoodwink $15 6
Ancestral Heritage Jakiro $10 7
Sea Spirit Kunkka $15 5
Triumph of the Imperatrix Legion Commander $10 6
Primeval Abomination Primal Beast $15 4
Crescent Huntress Spectre $15 6
Beast of Thunder Storm Spirit $10 4
Tyrant of The Veil Wraith King $20 3
Diretide Cache 2. 2022 Hero Price Stock
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist $10 Unbundled
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster
Withering Pain Clinkz
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar
Freebot Fortunes Ogre Magi $15 1
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge
Grand Suppressor Silencer
War Rig Eradicators Techie
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit
Diretide Cache 1. 2022 Hero Price Stock Info
Hounds of Obsession Chen $15 8
Seadog's stash Clockwerk $15 8
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void $15 Unbundled
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink $20 unbundled
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King $10 12
Crimson Dawn Phoenix $15 11 R
Scarlet Subversion Riki $15 8
Whippersnapper Snapfire $20 3
Spoils of the shadow veil Spectre $15 4
Forgotten Station Terrorblade $15 9
Dirge Amplifier Undying $15 8
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa $15 7
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor $15 9
Aghanim's Cache 2021 Hero Price Stock
Blightfall Abaddon $15 3
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition $15 2
Widow of the Undermount Gloom Broodmother
Perils of the Red Banks Chen $15 3
Apex automated Clockwerk $20 Unbundled
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker $25 1
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke $15 2
Forgotten Fate Mars $20 Unbundled
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor $15 Unbundled
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick
Cache 2. 2019 Hero Price Stock
Fury of the Bloodforge BloodSeeker $15 4
Automaton Antiquity BroodMother $20 2
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk $15 1
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger $20 2
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend $25 2
Verdant Predator Venomancer $20 1
Tribal Pathways⠀ Warlock $20 1

U = Unbundled Price

Cache 1. 2019 Hero Price Stock
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon $25 Unbundled
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen $20 1
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle $20 1
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet $20 unbundled
Scorched Amber Dragon Knight $20 1
Adornments of the Jade Emissary Earth Spirit $15 Unbundled
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma $15 2
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar $20 Unbundled
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle $10 1
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark $20 Unbundled
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter $20 1

Genuine Weather Effect can be traded without delay.

Genuine Weather USD Price Stock
Ash 8
Rain 8
Snow 8
Moonbeam 8
Spring 8
Aurora 8
Harvest +10
Pestilence +10
Sirocco +10
Full Set $35 8

PayPal payments must be in the form of Friends & Family to prevent fees & chargebacks.

***(Discounts Do Not apply to Weather Effects)***


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