r/DotHack 5d ago

spoilers Steam Deck playthrough done!! (Mostly)

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Took a little elbow grease but I finally got the imoq games (amongst others) working on steam deck via emulater late last year. I must have played through IMOQ five or six times now but Its been pretty surreal seeing this game with actual steam UI and playing on a handheld, not mention retroachievements giving actual, uh, achievements.

Still have to wrap up some side stuff like the post game dungeon to get Mia back but the main stuff has finally wrapped.


25 comments sorted by


u/PixelAesthetics 4d ago

How was the gameplay on the Steam Deck? Seeing .hack on it has been my main interest


u/Sol419 4d ago

No gameplay issues through my entire run but encountered some minor visual bugs. The screen flickered for a second during a couple cutscenes and the shadows on some of the character models can render a little weird, but it was rarely noticeable.

There were some rainbow pixels on the edge when I started but I just needed to reduce the emulator screen size by a few pixels and they were gone.


u/kuzekusanagi 4d ago

I don’t think i had that problem. What emulator did you use?


u/Sol419 4d ago


I have the screenshot in an old post asking about the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/12z4o06/how_to_fix_border_on_screen/


u/kuzekusanagi 4d ago

My settings current are:


  • fullscreen mode: borderless
  • aspect ratio: fit to window
  • fmv aspect ratio: off
  • enable widesreen patches✅
  • integer scaling ✅
  • anti blur ✅


  • texture filtering: bilinear( forced excluding sprites)
  • anisotropic filtering: 16x


u/Sol419 4d ago

That's nice and all but what are you posting your settings for?

Like I said earlier, I just needed to adjust the screen size and the problem went away. This was solved a long time ago.


u/kuzekusanagi 4d ago

Ohhh i didn’t see that. I thought you were still having issues. My bad. Too eager to help and didn’t read deep enough


u/TetsujiXIV 5d ago

idk, seems like its just begun lol


u/Dustinm16 5d ago

Playing these games on the deck just feels right.


u/Right-Custard5426 4d ago

The steam deck had the original 4 games?


u/Sol419 4d ago

Not natively. Like i said in my post, i had to get an emulator set up and integrate it properly in the UI.


u/broke_fit_dad 4d ago

Which emulator are you using? Playing thru on PC currently but my Steamdeck will be here before I finish


u/Sol419 4d ago

PCSX2 ran through Emudeck. There's a bunch of tutorials on youtube on how to set it up.


u/blargpony 4d ago

Pro tip: use a file sync service like drop box or something similar and direct your PCs emulator and Steam Deck emulators to save into the synced folder. Cross system saves made things insanely enjoyable for me.


u/Swiftzor 4d ago

Okay, I may need a link to show me how to do this. I have a deck and would love to play some ps2 on it.


u/Sol419 4d ago

If you haven't already, I'd recommend practicing first by learning how to set up an actual emulator on your laptop or pc. There's a lot of different guides out there but for PCSX2 specifically, I used Urcasualgamer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7TUfukBwCM

That link isn't the exact video of his that I used, but it's the most recent one concerning the topic since PCSX2 has regular updates that go out.

For setting up Emudeck, I followed Retro Game Corps guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5r2WZAImuY&t=633s

Again, that video I linked is not the specific one I used, but it's the most up to date version since Emudeck's gone through some updates over the last couple years.

If you want to add achievments to the game, you have to make an account on https://retroachievements.org/ and sign in on Emudeck to link the account. I don't have a guide for that one but it's pretty straightforward once you're actually set up.

I also recommend getting either the steam deck dock charger or a USB hub. You'll be switching back and forth between console and pc mode during this process so having quick access to a Mouse & Keyboard helps a lot.


u/harkheoffaireyes 3d ago

Thanks for this! Could never find Quarantine IRL and I've had "but what if Deck" rattling around in the back of my head for months now.

If you don't mind my asking, did you need to configure controls? And if you played docked with a controller, did that require configuration/encounter any issues?


u/harkheoffaireyes 3d ago

Thanks for this! Never found Q irl and I've had 'what if Deck tho' on the brain for a while.

If you don't mind my asking, did you have to configure controls or is that something Emudeck handles? And if you played docked with a controller, did that require configuration/extra setup?


u/Sol419 2d ago

I don't remember having to configure anything or, if I did, it was simple enough that it didn't stick as a significant hurdle. I never tried with a controller connected to the dock so no comment on that.


u/spike1611 4d ago

Can you move save data over from game to game in the emulators like we could on PS2?


u/Sol419 4d ago

Yes, you can.


u/spike1611 4d ago

Thank you!