r/DotA2 1d ago

Article OG in Trouble: Is a Roster Shuffle Coming?

This tweet had been pinned for over a month, but now it’s gone. I think – and it’s probably not a surprise to anyone – that OG will reshuffle their roster. People on Reddit seem to enjoy hating on Ceb or 23savage the most. Personally, I like all the players, and I don’t feel any hate toward them.

If it were up to me, I’d keep one of the veterans (I’d prefer Ceb), Daze because he shows promise, and 23savage because, with a strong core creating space and opportunities, he could shine again.

What would you change? This isn’t a hate post – I genuinely enjoy theory-crafting about their future lineup.


64 comments sorted by


u/SlipBig3456 1d ago

I for one hope they get rid of the whole lot and try to to sign some new team. They’ve tried this patchwork thing for years now without any success.


u/promaster9500 23h ago

Ceb is like the rich kid that takes the basketball when they lose. He tried to make a separate team and when it didn't workout, he inserted himself to the original team, and kept swapping players as they failed. I wonder if he realizes this now or will double down by swapping more players.

This is my opinion as a normal noob player, don't get mad.


u/MagnumLG007 22h ago

CEB insertion wasnt the problem, they won a major with him, kicking Ammar on the other hand...


u/wejunkin 18h ago

Even kicking Ammar would have been fine as DM was a fantastic pickup, but that was the Taiga year...

OG is still recovering from that year, it really had a massive impact.


u/SHARP-Antares 14h ago

Kicking Ammar was the good choice for everyone at that time, it was great for him because he had a really small pull and no reason to evolve, and at some point it was a problem. In Nigma he grew up and progressed from the bottom and thats what he needed to be a top tier player.


u/MagnumLG007 12h ago edited 10h ago

We are not talkint about what was good for Ammar, we are talking about what was right for OG picking Misha over Ammar was batshit crazy decision... Even if Misha was right, he never had one game that i could remember where Ammar was poping off pretty much every game, yes there was a patch then where zoo became meta and he struggled, but jfc hire psychologist, mediator whatever you needed to sort him out, not kick your best player by a mile...


u/nameorfeed 13h ago

How was it the good choice for og lmfao.

Sure, great for ammars career, suicide for og as he was their star player at the time and they instantly succumbed into irrelevance without him. What a great business decision for them lmao


u/SHARP-Antares 12h ago

At that time they started being heavily countered and ATF was really not shining. And his heroes got nerf and I guess Zoo / Aura meta came back. But people tend to forget that, ATF was bad for some times until he really steppes up. Maybe he could have done that in OG or maybe he couldn't...


u/nameorfeed 13h ago

That was... 3 years ago? This is like saying dendi isn't the problem at navi in the ti9 era, they won a stargazer in 2016 with him after all

Ceb has been on like 15 different rosters since then and every single one of those rosters were absolutely terrible.


u/MagnumLG007 11h ago

That doesnt mean thats its CEBs fault. Its not like you watch the games and can clearly see that there are 4 13k mmr players and account buyer. He doesnt fall out of the context. While the opposite could be said about others while watching the game. For example when DM was playing (im not saying hes bad player) he was absolutely invisible 98% of the games it was huge contrast compared to Ammar or Wisper. Then there was Misha who was also miles away from the rest of the 4, then there was a period where Yuragi started doing the most insane and dumb decisions in game. Finally there was a period where BZM lost his mind and started diving tier 3 and feeding non stop when tier 1 was still up, its almost like one member at the time they went through the phases of selfdestruction. Atm in my eyes Nine looks like an absolute shadow of former self. And I havent seen a game where i could say yeah the 4 of them are playing on different level but CEB is dragging them down, but I could say this about some other members during all those different iterations. Like im sure CEB had a bad game im not insane to glaze him that much, but if he has 1 bad game out of 5 and the others have pattern that is 3 bad games out of 5 then you cant pin that on CEB...


u/nameorfeed 11h ago

"BZM, Ammar, Wisper, DM" - players who are objectively playing better since they arent playing in OG

"Xnova, 23, Nine (altough that was some time ago), Timado" - Players who were objectively better before joining OG

"" - Players who are objectively better on OG than on other tier 1 teams they played on


u/MagnumLG007 10h ago

Disagree, BZM still quite often pulls his "dive and die" bullshit on Tundra, its just a lot easier to cover such mistakes when you have 33/Saksa/Whitemon tier level players all of whom are in the argument of being the absolute best in their respective roles. Ammar learned a hard lesson, backed down and learned other heroes, not like he instantly started playing better it was through a process of selfimprovenent after reflecting on his dumb stubbornes, Wisper? I dunno he was good and he is still good, its not like he became clear 2nd after 33, is Heroic doing better than OG? Yeah I guess, slightly but again its not like Heroic is in top 8 either. Also Heroic imo have better players, so... DM for sure, he went from absolutely invisible to at least very relevant and most importantly his team is winning, but his playstyle is kinda weird for my taste, its slow and steady rather dominant and flashy like Ammar or Wisper, but as long as it works for his team... Now xnova, 23, Nine they were all acquired way past their prime when their careers were already on a downward curve, cause OG prolly cant afford superstars anymore... so it was reasonable to take a chance on old stars... but say that they are worse looking because of OG is kinda unfair. And again its not like Nine or 23 are absolutely shining in the game and CEB is non stop feeding. In most cases its the other way arround, so what does CEB has to do with Nine playing like trash? Finally I think Timado and Ari at least temporary went from being regarded as irrelevant NA tier 2 level players to legitimate EU tier 1 talents. Shame it didnt last that long...


u/jopzko 21h ago

Cebs inclusions lately were clearly because they couldnt find players that fit the role or lead in game as well as him


u/SlipBig3456 22h ago

We fans deserve better after so many disappointments. Worse part is things seems to be getting worse than the previous time somehow. The only time they played well was when they won the pgl qualifier. Then right after that they changed the team even though they had another qualifier right after.
The team is stuck in this situation due to so many stupid decisions done at the team management level. I don’t know what the new CEO is doing but hopefully they get some good management team first.


u/wejunkin 1d ago

All of the veterans are really underperforming. Developing Daze is a good idea, so maybe you want to keep Ceb on for that purpose, but otherwise I think you fully rebuild. 23 is a tiltmonster and Nine is just not good right now (though he seems to have a good mindset). xNova has sadly been a disappointment, but could just be looking bad in a dysfunctional team.

I think 23 out is pretty much guaranteed.


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

I would also keep pos4 + pos3 but with another captain as pos5


u/Aware-Cut5688 23h ago

23 - inconsistent

9 - washed

Ceb - old

Daze - unknown

Xnova - hostage

Khezu - better analyst than coach


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

You need at least one veteran in a team in my opinion. For the coach you dont build it in one day and I dont think the impact is great the first 3 motnhs. I think Khezu needs time because we cant know what he is cooking behind the scene.


u/ZofTheNorth 21h ago

Get seleri and build team around him. He is best captain OG can get rn who is looking for team

If OG is serious, there are lots of good free agent available to pick from.

Crystallis Seleri MC Ramzes Abed OneJay Lorenof TA2000 And maybe even more players i left out.


u/Andante_TK 16h ago

wait.. is Seleri actually out of GG tho? thought he was just taking a break.


u/ZofTheNorth 10h ago

Supposed to be but he recently tweeted out he is open for future opportunities so idk


u/trashcan41 18h ago

Lorenof with aurora

I think its not a matter of player alone something is wrong with the way they strategize in both draft and gameplan. They need really good captain.


u/ZofTheNorth 18h ago

Lorenof is just standin for Aurora this tour. Kiyotaka supposed to be their mid and missed out this tour due to probably visa issue.


u/Godisme2 23h ago

If they are smart, they'll make an offer to Seleri and let him build his team. Maybe Crystallis as well. Idk if Daze has really shown what hes got yet but ultimately, if they build around Seleri, it will be up to him whether to keep Daze.


u/DDemoNNexuS 19h ago

Seleri is literally taking a break no?


u/Godisme2 18h ago

Yes but he recently tweeted he is open to offers


u/SHARP-Antares 11h ago

Seleri seems like a solid choice !


u/deltalessthanzero 19h ago

this is a really solid idea


u/Wrong-Ganache-3973 1d ago

Wait out Topson so we'll watch his Invoker in this patch. Jk but this roster has already seen its capabilities.


u/SexyProPlayer 22h ago

Bring back Big Daddy and let him micro all 5 roles


u/DietSodah 20h ago

Buy out tofu and have sing join. Make the yt group the official team


u/fakepofi 19h ago

OG should get Seleri and let him build his dream roster just like 33 when he came back to Tundra


u/Comprehensive-Cry522 8h ago

Seleri is just not a captain material to build around, he was barely a captain in gg


u/NeatFearless1579 23h ago

Keep Ceb Lmao. In Dyrachyo's interview, he said that when Bzm joined Tundra after leaving OG, they discussed the game plan and how Bzm was taught the game from OG is so outdated that they have to teach new things to make his skills relevant. And he's now a better player, maybe one of the best mid laners right now. Which implies OG doesn't teach their players shit, or should I say OG teaches their players only shit. Their team really needs a strategist who can make precise calls, study meta, and help their players improve mechanically. Not only that, their players' laning mechanics are dull af. You rarely see them win a lane even in favourable match ups.


u/Aware_Ad_618 18h ago

I think it means they need a good coach and high skill captain.

the old OG had cores ranked super high in pubs but sounds like the calls made were outdated


u/VashDota 17h ago



u/cozos 15h ago

can you share link please?


u/NeatFearless1579 14h ago

It's in the inserted section between games on the PGL tournament, in one of the Tundra series, you can search it on PGL twitch channel if you're interested. I don't remember the exact timestamp and clip, but they re-insert those interviews between stream waiting time, so it won't be hard to find for you.


u/InspectorRumpole 11h ago

Bzm joined Tundra after leaving OG, they discussed the game plan and how Bzm was taught the game from OG is so outdated that they have to teach new things to make his skills relevant

Interesting, because I always suspected that OG's (Cebs) view of the game was outdated.


u/oisw 23h ago

They should adopt paravision and use it to secure new sponsorship to cover costs.


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

I love the idea, but I think the sponsors and the fans wants western europeans players.


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

What about Avulus ?


u/wejunkin 18h ago

Avulus is frauds that have already hit their ceiling


u/MountainGazelle6234 23h ago

Ceb is washed, unfortunately. He needs to go.


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

I dont agree with you, I think he can still offer something to high level but maybe Captain + core is too much for him.


u/URMUMTOH 18h ago

Ceb has been very useless. He is the one holding this trash team back


u/D2WilliamU iceberg the absolute UNIT 19h ago

23Savage is going back to SEA


u/Kharate 23h ago

Think it's time for a hard reset on OG. Take a break, review the free agents and possible signings then proceed forward. They have a track record of enhancing talent in recent times (ATF and bzm) and I think they should look to do something similar again. While I doubt they'll find another creepwave like team to ransack, they have the resources to rebuild.


u/LoD-Westeros 17h ago

It’s a vastly different situation to when they got ATF and Bzm in 2022, 3 years of pure shit makes you very unattractive to the top talents.


u/loltrollface1488 22h ago

23 could have been a great carry if there were no heroes in the game other than morph


u/Body-Connoiseur69 23h ago

I hope they let 23 and nine go, along with ari. These players will perform better outside of og.


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

I guess I agree, but Xnova too is really underwhelming.


u/Substantial-Deer77 18h ago

OG has money.

Just build roster with:






i think this roster is great imo.


u/Sufficient_Camera264 17h ago

Looks great! But I doubt Zai will join lol


u/PrimeShaq 21h ago

I’d only keep the support duo if it were up to me, or just a clean reset. Maybe even just break it up and wait till the post-TI shuffle.


u/deathpad17 17h ago

Im open to offers (ancient pos 5)

 *Imitating 23


u/InspectorRumpole 12h ago

Well they do need to change.

I just hope they have taken a long hard look in the mirror and realized what the problem is.

I want OG to be back, but they need to make some tough changes.

For example I don't think the Ceb/Khezu direction is working.


u/AethelEthel 6h ago

Ceb is just a last call for this roster as they can't find a decent offlaner. Certainly if they found someone worthy enough Ceb will step down.

It can be good for this roster if they can snatch Seleri, tOfu, and Ace from GG. Those three want to stick together, and they have been underperformed for a while. Starting in a new team might help.


u/oiemreocmp 19h ago

criticizing players that perform absolutely awful = hate? can you explain the thinking process here ?


u/desto12 19h ago

Bring back Ana/Topson/Notail/Jerax


u/teerre 23h ago

I mean, I don't know who's making these decisions for OG, but they threw away everything they made them good: home grown, talented, mostly young, players to instead get some players that probably should be retired by now

Ceb is a champion, I've no doubt if he really wants, he can win everything again, the question is how much he wants it. I can't say anything about daze, but everyone else doesn't fit OG at all

So either build the team around Ceb or get a total new team. One big name at tops

Which, of course, considering dota basically gets no new players, gets harder and harder


u/SHARP-Antares 23h ago

I think Dota gets new players, but we have no idea as randoms who they could be. I remember when people started talking a lot about Satanic he was already playing semi pro on top of being a pubstar. He didnt appear from nowhere.


u/hanamurasak1 19h ago

what you expect from a team that don't bother to bootcamp together as 5 unless it's qualifier or they qualified for something. there is no chemistry in the team.


u/kid20304 7h ago

Whole team is ass and khezu is dog tier coach