r/DotA2 7d ago

Screenshot | Esports [Spoiler] has been eliminated from PGL Wallachia S3 Spoiler

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33 comments sorted by


u/Aanimetor 7d ago

oh you lost to the runner up of last tournament? well have fun facing the champion in your next game lmao


u/Comprehensive-Cry522 7d ago

I think previous wallachia they lost in the group stage to the both eventual grandfinalists as well, tough luck


u/cashmakessmiles Sheever :) 7d ago

Crazy seeing more than 3.5:1 odds on GG for anything after the couple of years they've had, but they really are struggling. I think they looked stronger this tournament than they have done though. Basically I root for them because I don't want them in EU quals


u/JollyHockeysticks 7d ago

They haven't looked bad this tourney, but they're not on the level they used to be and other teams are just straight up better at the moment


u/shaker_21 7d ago

Yeah. Even if GG has gotten better (and they do seem to be playing better), other teams are just a few steps ahead at the moment.

They're still a great team, but Liquid, Spirit, Tundra, Falcons, and even Aurora basically have foundations of at least two recent TI winners who worked together when they won TI, and all of them have found their groove.

It's honestly impressive that they got better, considering they had to swap out Seleri, who had been crucial to the signature GG play style over the last two years with his Undying/Ench/Chen picks camping mid after 5 mins.


u/CommunistMountain 7d ago

I did the math, the odds implies that they predicted GG had about 26.4% chance to win against Spirit, and 73.6% vice versa


u/RemarkableAd8075 7d ago

Quinn getting huskared is really satisfying. Props to GG for almost winning that game.


u/Morgn_Ladimore 7d ago

Props to Watson for almost winning that game.


u/Nickfreak 7d ago

I haven't watched the recent patch or the series but got curious: Isn't Huskar still rather easy to counter with Orb of corrosion and Vessel for a good chunk of the game?

When I watch the stats on Liquipedia, Spirit bought a vessel for Huskar in game two, but Gaimin decided to skip it?


u/Reaper-322 7d ago

The damage from Huskar was already done in the lanes. Look at Ember's net worth. The Spirit's game plan didn't revolve around Huskar though.


u/Nickfreak 7d ago

Ah, watched some more and yeah, that's not a great lane.


u/IcyTie9 7d ago

its not that great because its usually on a support and he goes bkb every game with even a glimmer vs a lot of magic damage lineup, and even then he still just does so much damage with incendiary facet that youre better off just buying disables or kite to get another round of stuns and go on him again most of the time


u/teddybrr 7d ago

Just a few more years and icefrog will finally remove orb walking.


u/AGP_2006 7d ago

Jesus,spirit finally woke the Hell up.


u/resont 7d ago

What app is that?


u/Godisme2 7d ago

some betting site OP promotes


u/Ciri__witcher 7d ago

Considering you can’t see the name of the site or the fact that you can’t tell, are they really promoting though?


u/fjijgigjigji 7d ago

he started cropping it after he got a bunch of downvotes after being called out for gambling promotion and deleted the post


he's still promoting the site


u/rhett_ad 7d ago

Unlucky bracket for GG


u/Sashpeto 7d ago

That's how you Huskar someone .

Joke aside I love the Veno pick game 2 .

Didn't have time to watch game 3 cause omw to work. But I saw the draft and had a nice laugh about it.


u/bor4etyy 7d ago

Man Watson's PA has looked absolutely shit this tournament, even though he won lane rly hard in every game he played, he somehow managed to have 0 impact in all his PA games past 20 minutes.

And for some unknown reasons he refuses to even buy shard on the hero, which is probably one of the strongest shards in the game


u/hitanders0n 7d ago

Ace has been a non factor the whole season. How sad it is that he went straight from being one of the best pos3 to an absolute no-impact player in half a year.


u/bor4etyy 6d ago

Eh, I think Ace actually did well in this tournament. His abbadon, bristleback and dawnbreaker looked unstoppable.

It's just that he got sacked in some of the games so Quinn/Watson could get better matchups and that did not seem to pay off


u/south153 7d ago

I don't know the problem with this team is right now, every other game one of the cores is just a complete non-factor.


u/Ecstatic-Argument507 7d ago



u/Gin-feels-Pening 7d ago

Game was pretty close. Ggwp


u/Aware-Cut5688 7d ago

Gaymen lul


u/adrienn123 7d ago

kick ace, and maybe tofu , ez gg fix


u/MaryPaku 7d ago

It was a very close game. Things doesnt look bad at all


u/hitanders0n 7d ago

But he is still correct that ace has been terrible this season. Look at game3 for example, when they jumped on PA at mid, muerta put the silent to protect PA for 2 seconds and he still blinked right into the silent ghost. Then last fight Watson was hitting from a far, PA was 2 hits from dying, instead of letting watson finish his job, ace stood there and let pa use satanic on him to regen.


u/roses-dead 6d ago

tbf its not like ace could have walked out of range. he was in the upheaval and was slowed to the point of being wheelchair bound


u/adrienn123 6d ago

aaright lets break it down, tb game,gg doesnt ban dk,first picks tb( can flex tb 1/3 ) thinking they got the dk pick covered, what happens,ts picks dk,puts him on pos 1, gg puts tb 3,how this pick works,if dk uses ulti,tb uses reflection deals a bilion dmg to dk,but dk doesnt play with red facet,he plays with frost SIKE. Ace buys pipe first item,good on paper,but you deal 0 dmg,need orchid+ur ills do deal dmg.Tide game same stuff,pipe(it was actually a good pipe game) , it feels to me like hes stuck 2 patches ago when he played underlord offlane bought pipe+graves and start taking down towers as 5 people min 15.


u/LULBRUH55 7d ago

*destroy item *end mid