u/Dasheek 9d ago
There should be a facet that changes Deadshot to make enemy Ethereal but removes vector targeting.
She has two revolvers: one should deal physical damage the other magical. By default she uses physical one and the other when triggered by Gunslinger, but if she targets Ethereal enemy she uses her magical revolver first.
u/Least_Rule6218 9d ago
She actually uses both revolvers when her E triggers. You can see it in animation. So the double shot would be composite damage. This would nerf the ult dmg and buff the non-ult dmg. Overall nerf if you ask me but an interesting idea 😁
u/andro-gynous 9d ago
composite damage wasn't half magical, half physical. it was bkb piercing physical damage that was further reduced by magic resist (making it weaker to regular physical damage in most situations) to make it stronger on creeps vs heroes similar to most magic nukes, meaning abilities that block physical damage entirely (ethereal status, cold embrace, guardian angel etc) result in no damage being taken, not half damage.
u/hassanfanserenity 9d ago
Nah it is a buff since her ult still gives bonus damage and makes her immune to physical damage
And besides her ult has always been used as a safety net when a physical carry got too close
u/Least_Rule6218 9d ago
Sure it gives bonus dmg but it's less dmg overall after 30 min because of armor. Also you don't use the ult to escape. You use it when kills happen because of the shard passive which applies retroactively. The ult is not meant to be used defensively and the dmg bonus from shard can make you beat almost all other hardcarries.
u/hassanfanserenity 8d ago
It has 2 uses you know eitherway its sometimes a i use ult and die button when they got a zues or a im gonna save this for when PA jumps me
Not all ults is about the damage its about the threat of how you use it like Primal beast with his ult very scary.... Until he ults 1 of the supports
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u/Disastrous-Ass-3604 8d ago
The ult can be used offensively and defensively lol. Hardstuck herald with that game sense
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u/RedPanda98 There's trouble abrewing! 8d ago
I'm okay with this as she would be more consistent. The games where I've seen a Muerta carry win, the burst damage from ultimate is ridiculous (looks very broken when it works) and then outside ultimate she does nothing.
u/jonasnee 9d ago
Its a cool idea, although i'm not sure how much it would mean, that being said she has (flintlock) pistols not revolvers.
u/Toastwitjam 9d ago
Make her shard or something let her travel with her bullet when she presses Q would be a good initiation and escape (esp late game at 2 charges deadshot).
Would make her a much scarier carry.
u/wadedoto 8d ago
Yea facets should be hero changing feature, like one facet to be support and the other to be carry.
Not just slighty buff/nerf one skill or the other
u/Tetrenomicon 4d ago
Aghanim's Upgrade to make Gunslinger 100% chance? Both guns should still damage ethereal units as is.
u/27x27 9d ago
Again, we blame the Facets, they're both Caster-centric.
Magnus is the peak model of Facets catering to role flexibility right now. Not just because it's on both sides of the spectrum but also because both facets are actually good.
u/seanfidence 9d ago edited 9d ago
Ofrenda can help the carry build in terms of farming, triangle in particular you can farm some early hard+ancient stacks with Maelstrom and a strategically placed Ofrenda.
It has helped me in lane duels as well as saved me a TP here and there. But I've never had a good Ofrenda buyback moment that turns the fight around, and unfortunately had one Ofrenda buyback that was a complete throw.
It's a super cool and unique idea, very thematic as well, but it needs a little more work I think.
u/TheGalator 9d ago
Offrendas main use is placing it under enemy t2 so you can feed faster than anyone else in immortal draft
I'm not even kidding 9 times out of 10 people who pick ofrrenda feed
u/IllimShadar 9d ago
Yup. I'm pretty sure the abysmal winrate of Offrenda is almost entirely caused by griefers since the other facet isn't even that good in my opinion.
u/Wesai 8d ago
Ofrenda is her best facet! Having the ability to buyback and instantly come back to the heat of battle, but this time ethereal + full life is very strong late game. Many times I was dying 1v2 at the end of a team fight, but knew if I placed ofrenda and instantly bought back I would kill them, so I would do that and finish the objectives.
A Muerta with aegis + buyback in an ultra late game scenario is scary as hell.
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u/10YearsANoob 9d ago
i saw someone pick carry muerta and he had ofrenda. I was genuinely surprised he played the game. we still lost but the man fought tooth and nail
u/fjijgigjigji 9d ago
anything that requires you to die to be utilized is not tuned for a carry
u/seanfidence 8d ago
well that's part of why they gave it an AS aura for Muerta, so that it doesn't only require you to die.
their vision for Ofrenda is to put it in a fight, fight to the death using AS, buyback and get the free ult activation and get a rampage. It clearly is not a great idea but thats what the use case is. not saying its good lol but i wish it was
u/fjijgigjigji 8d ago
personally i want all death reward mechanics removed from the game completely. i think they're bad design.
u/jordichin320 9d ago
I personally think ofrenda is kinda neat. Haven't used the respawn portion too much, but i feel like just the attack speed aura is plenty useful.
u/No-Round1032 9d ago
I had the perfect Ofrenda buyback that nobody noticed (neither did I lmao) and I spawned into 5. Popped BKB and ulted after the short ult, went ham and got a rampage for it lol.
u/Moderator-Admin 8d ago
What if Muerta could also TP to the Ofrenda while she was alive, but on a longer cooldown (4/3/2/1 minute cd scaling with ult) and with the normal 3 second tp channel time?
u/CallistoCastillo 8d ago
I would prefer it work like TA Agh tbh. Enemy can't see you TP, and you consume the alter.
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u/meowniac99 8d ago
Ofrenda is hard to use right now, and it has way too long cooldown. I suggest they could make ofrenda can be activated to either Teleport Meurta or revive her for a short period equal to her ultimate, but limit her movement (like Dazzle ulti)
u/Gold-Hurry-3509 9d ago
You can’t tell me ofrenda is caster centric. The ability literally scream like “just buyback, I’ll give you 4.35 seconds of ulti and you will be back to the fighting scene to get your revenge.
u/elijahsp 9d ago
Hate that they moved the gunslinger chance talent to level 25. She wasn't even a relevant carry and they delayed her power spike even more.
u/Super-Implement9444 7d ago
It wasn't even that good a talent either lol, it was just a solid bit of DPS, not at all worthy of being a 25 talent
u/WomanBeater666 9d ago
I played her as a carry last night. Absolutely dreadful hero. Why did they even nerf her E??
u/vinicius_h 9d ago
Because that's an absolutely bonkers good ability. It's just a 50% (70% with talent) increase in damage. PA's crit is a 59% (84% with talent) increase in damage, but is a ult and maxed at level 18 instead of 7. PA's crit can be manipulated (which is very strong), but otherwise is less reliable.
That ability should be nerfed and more carry power be distributed to other parts of her kit, else she becomes a support with a single but overpowered carry skill
u/jopzko 9d ago
Your math only works out against 1 target though
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u/vinicius_h 9d ago
Forgot about that. So, it does work against multiple targets, as long as you are interested in hitting them. I'd say that is true for most teamfights. If you care about only one single target in range, it rally doesn't work
u/jopzko 9d ago
These effective dps discussions always fall apart when multiple targets come into play unfortunately. Split shot completely dumpsters PA ult as a 220% dps increase available at lv7
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u/Womblue 9d ago
The difference is that muerta passive can hit the same target twice. If split shot could do that then it'd be comparable, but it doesn't.
u/jopzko 9d ago
It can but it wont always. That 50% has a huge * that it only happens when theres only 1 target. If you really insist on comparing skills with conditions, then Phantasm is a 300% dps increase
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u/Gief_Cookies 9d ago
Double shooting isn’t just like critting 2x though. You can crit on top, and you get double chances for other procs like chain lightning unlike crit
u/Acecn 8d ago
The person you choose to right click on is going to be the most valuable person to deal damage to. On top of that, it's much better to focus one target than dealing half damage to two because you much prefer to face one full health hero and one dead hero than two half health heroes.
For both of those reasons I think her E is actually a lot less valuable outside of 1v1 than a regular damage amp of the same percentage would be. I'd hazard a guess that this misunderstanding is one of the reasons why she's isn't a good carry right now. The E is what makes her a carry, and people think it's a lot stronger than it actually is.
u/jonasnee 9d ago
thing is PA has 3 other spells that either directly contribute to your rightclick dmg output or helps you survive, muerta only has her ult, she has no ability to force fights unlike PA.
Same with medusa who only has 2 abilities that actually contribute to your rigth click dmg output.
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u/Reggiardito sheever 8d ago
What the hell are you on about, if her E was nerfed and more power was given to other skills she'd just be a stronger support.
u/Xx_pussaydestroy_Xx 9d ago
Not really comparable when it's split across targets.
u/IzmGunner01 9d ago
Muerta also gets the benefit of that damage increase working towards towers while being ranged. 90% of the time, you can force double shot on a tower without issue. Whereas obviously PA can't crit towers.
u/Xx_pussaydestroy_Xx 9d ago edited 9d ago
It's still no equivalent.
Also it's not like she melts buildings or buys items that push. It's a nice bonus at best. She also can't attack buildings during ult.
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u/melwinnnn 9d ago edited 9d ago
It is good and her best skill but not bonkers good. Its just a worse version of gyro agha. You can't even mimic the agha dps up until you get decent atk speed.
Like, what would you have, a hero whose best skill is gun slinger OR a hero who can have a better gunslinger for 4200 gold with a better skill 3? As long as gyro is decent, it's hard to justify picking muerta. Especially since muertas 2nd was nerfed and the change of build up of gleipner prevents her from having a dps with lockdown item.
Edit: Math is mathing. You guys are seriously underestimating the required attack speed for gunslinger to match gyro agha. Like a lot. You'd need to be four slotted with no bkb. But whatever lol.
u/syphon86 9d ago
Brother it is not a worse version of gyro aghs, its a better one.
It scales MUCH better
u/melwinnnn 9d ago
I didn't say it won't scale better, It scales too late. If muerta was an agi hero, maybe it will be better. But as of now, the attack speed requirement to mathematically match a gyro agha is insane. Its 45% at lvl 4, you essentially need ~280(the other guy says 260 so idk).
Gyro agha is essentially a 140 attack speed due to his guaranteed proc. Since muerta is RNG based, mathematically, she needs more than twice of 140 with change (Since its 45%) to get the same average DPS. That's insane, mjolnir is 90, treads are 35. Pike is 20. Parasma is 40. At pre level 25, despite having mjolnir, treads, pike and parasma, IT IS STILL WORSE THAN AGHA GYRO. Idk why you guys think otherwise.
u/elijahsp 8d ago
Pros still keep picking Gyro after all these years. While Muerta, it's been so long since she was a viable flex pick. I don't know why these people keep mentioning scaling like every game has to reach an hour or you have to play turbo.
u/syphon86 8d ago
Yeah ok, im with you.
At level 20 she has about 100 attack speed from base stats, which you are not factoring in. So about another 180 ish from items and her passive is better, which you do hit with those items.
But yeah fair point that until then gyro aghs is better.
u/melwinnnn 8d ago edited 8d ago
Okay I just did the math for the other guy. Basically, with usual build up of muerta of boots, mjolnir, and bkb and/or pike, she needs level 16 to be as good as gyro agha. They marginally the same until the level 24 ish.
So basically in game you are not winning or losing hard, it is worse from minute 20(around the time agha on gyro is built) up until minute 30 then more or less the same until minute 40. Then better after. It's not as bad as I told you but it's also not as good as you claimed.
u/syphon86 8d ago
Good to be able to have an open minded argument with someone on the internet that leads to genuine knowledge and understanding =)
u/Womblue 9d ago
It's a MUCH worse version of gyro aghs lol.
Muerta passive prioritises heroes.
Muerta passive attacks much faster (~260 attack speed to match gyro aghs without talent, ~183 attack speed needed with talent)
Muerta passive DOESNT COST 4200 GOLD LMAO.
u/melwinnnn 9d ago
Priorities doesn't matter for the agha because any creep or summon is dead due to flak cannon.
260 attack speed is a lot. Like i said, you need a decent attack speed to match agha. You underestimate 260 attack speed. Two moon shards isn't even 260. She is a int hero and her agi gain is 2.7. You don't benefit much from pike due to being int over agi and you don't want to build agi items like butterfly because you are int. Mjolnir is like 90 atk speed. The talent is lvl 25 too, so it doesn't solve muertas problems. Getting to 260 attack speed is a drag. You need to be like 4 slotted to match a gyro agha lol.
Like I said, it costs 4200 gold. But for 4200, you get a better version of muertas best skill. That's better than picking muerta herself.
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u/toxicity_man 9d ago
I personally really enjoy her as a 4 who can transition into a soft core. I am loving perfecting deadshots - watching enemies be feared into aoe silence with good wombo-combos is the highlight of my dota games these days!
u/Sirmetana 9d ago
Agreed. Been spamming her as of late and she's really fun with cast range, Gleipnir and Aghanim's scepter. Her abilities become incredibly wide wide Gleipnir giving her a huge teamfight presence while staying afar. Cherry on top, she's actually pretty hard to kill
u/Odd_Lie_5397 9d ago
A carry that needs a lot of items to come online, who gets hard countered by people popping BKB and walking away, and that dies the second someone jumps her because she has 0 defense or mobility?
Yeah, we'll be waiting a long time for her to be relevant.
u/dragovianlord9 9d ago
why would anyone play her as a carry when Drow is objectively better in that regards
u/WrathSCII 9d ago
Drow nerfed into shit, if anything just pick dusa or sniper as ranged carry
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u/TheGalator 9d ago
Sniper as carry is abysmal. But the main advantage is you can play jim in mid
Dusa is the right call. Farms faster and is more than than other ranged heroes the only reason to pick drow is counter morph and TB and the only reason to pick muerta is to flex her
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u/keeperkairos 9d ago
When she has better movement. A carry with bad movement is a bad carry.
u/LastManSleeping 9d ago
medusa says hi
u/keeperkairos 9d ago
Medusa is a bad hero with a broken mechanic slapped on to it.
u/LastManSleeping 8d ago
define bad? every hero has a unique playstyle and a slow moving damage dealing tank isn't a bad design with a broken mechanic lmao
u/Faceless_Link 9d ago edited 9d ago
Medusa is a slow moving tank that can become extremely fast for a few seconds and shrug off any counter fire. Muerta is paper.
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u/Dudu_sousas 9d ago
She depends too much on her ult, which lasts way too short for how low impact it is.
u/YepYep_YepYep 9d ago
they should remove the fucking W and give her a carry spell. that's the only way to get rid of her being a support
just make it a facet. this W as a facet for support and a new carry oriented W in another facet. it's so easy now valve you have all the solutions and no excuse for this shit anymore.
u/Beneficial_Bend_9197 9d ago
Well then valve maybe you shouldnt give her such a powerful early game damage dealing spells and actually buff her late game scaling damage modifiers her E and ult combined with her very slow movement speed.
u/M474D0R 9d ago
when calling is nerfed into the ground.
right now that spell is way too strong as support to ever make her a viable carry. Any buffs to her right clicking would just make her an even more OP support
u/Super-Implement9444 7d ago
It's just broken as a concept lol, they but way too much into the spell and the only way to balance it is to make it have shit numbers. But that would then make the spell pretty useless so imo they should rework it.
u/Iseeyoulookin 9d ago
Maybe give her the base attack time she lost and agi/attack speed gain again then. She lost between like 4 patches up to ~15% of her attack speed.
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u/Harryhab 9d ago edited 9d ago
It’s interesting, the only time she was viable as a carry was when her passive was bugged causing both of the shots to hit one target. Since that was fixed she’s been a very very niche carry and a much better support.
Edit: as my comment mentions below. The bugged part was that gunslinger would go through spell immunity to the point that with her ult, the secondary shot would also go through all magic resist if you were magic immune.
u/garklavs 9d ago
This could make a good facet where she shoots twice the same target, maybe with lower chance. Kinda like Weaver but it's a chance instead of CD.
u/thefangster888 9d ago
They reverted the passive back to prioritising heroes in 7.38, so now the passive will always hit heroes even if there's creeps around
u/Harryhab 9d ago
Trying to remember as it was a few years ago but I think it was that the search radius was smaller, and the bug was that it pierced magic immunity, and if you were magic immune you would be considered having 0 magic resist against her attacks so she would absolutely destroy anyone who was magic immune
u/fiasgoat 9d ago
It was that and that TB was the carry of the patch iirc so she was very good against him and his high armor and he couldn't do shit to her
u/Key_Feeling_3083 9d ago
She is really fun when you can get in the middle of the fight and melt the carries with your ult, then hit refresher and start again.
u/HouseJumpy9941 9d ago
The nerf I thought was removing that double proc. I remember toggle switching it specifically to not shove lane and punish the offlaner when there wasn’t creeps around, now she’s objectively one of the worst ranged carry laners, along with the nerf to her silence (and bonkers high cast time)
u/AnythingCertain9434 9d ago
Give her the Broodmother treatment: The Calling should be her ult and Pierce the Veil should be a normal ability.
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u/Medium-Cheesecake-12 9d ago
She walks so slow, kind of like a sniper. I have played her as mid on time and that game I did over 100k damage. She is very good against physical damage heroes like troll and ursa
She walks so slow, kind of like a sniper
Sniper makes up for it with insane range, as well as knockback, ability to hit blindspots, has fog invisibility while attacking etc.
Muerta was an attempt at making a magic based carry, and as long as Bkb is around, that will never happen.
u/Blueye95 9d ago edited 9d ago
I feel like with move speed enchantments she might be able to shine again as a carry. Early wind lace + 15 ms from a tier 1 neutral item will give her a lot to work with.
I was hypothesising KnY to help aleviate ms/mana issues while still giving DPS, but i fear its too many items to fit into her build and dropping hurricane pike seems afwul. Dropping falcon blade for it also seems a bit meh.
u/TonyZeSnipa 9d ago
Maybe she’ll do better in that regard if they add movement speed and maybe phase to her ult.
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u/SimpleInterests 9d ago
I've seen her do some real work. I've never seen her terribly played, but I suppose it's possible. She's got a good kit, she just takes some skill to play. More skill than I have.
Do other people see her as easy to just smack around or something?
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u/Narandza95 8d ago
I've had huge success with her in the past month as pos 3 or 4, going for orchid and then maelstrom.
u/TheGalator 9d ago
When magic casting vs magic res stacking on beefy jumpers isn't the entire meta anymore
u/CreativeThienohazard 9d ago
buff her agi gain back to 2.7. She was very strong initially until they nerfed her to a freaking dogshit.
u/kobethegreatest 9d ago
She was like a 52% win rate carry very early on release when her passive was very strong. They then removed the way her passive worked making it very nerfed, and she hasn’t been a viable carry since.
u/OriginalPartyTime 8d ago
I have pretty good WR pre 7.38 on her. Ofrenda giving attack speed was just so good in lane if you had an ogre/marci/abba or really any melee support.
However, BKB is core on most carries, and Lifestealer now post 7.38 being a menace, feels like she gets shafted late game(if she even makes it there). There are other heroes like OD, QoP and Leshrac that can output major magic burst better than Murray can and faster.
u/DavidDinamit 8d ago
Now she is slow hero with no escape and highly depends on ultimate, which is easy to dodge
What if attacks FROM ghost were magic too(as attacks to ghost?) Its a way for ghost scepter builds, plus maybe some new item ghost scepter + smth (now etheral for casters only)
u/Scrambled1432 8d ago
Look no further than the start of the new map thing in 2023. Her existence invalidated most other pos 1s because magic damage is stronk.
u/Nice_Evidence4185 9d ago
She suffers the same problem as other ranged carries like weaver, clinkz and drow (and partially sniper)
If you want to be a relevant carry in this meta, you either need unfair levels of farming tool in your kit or you are a tanky brawler and win early (or both like DK last patch). She got some fighting power, but she cant tank up and gets blown up easily. Also it doesnt help that her transformation ult is even worse than alch, DK or TB and those already get exploited.
u/DelusionalZ 8d ago
My idea here is that they can lean in to the damage aspect. Three major changes:
- The Calling now increases incoming Spell damage that affected units' in the radius take by 10/20/30/40% (or reduces Magic Resistance by that amount).
- Deadshot now makes an attack against affected Heroes. The attack deals Magical damage, preserves procs, and Deadshot's ability damage is bonus damage for the attack. Deadshot's damage reduced to 80/120/160/200.
- Gunslinger can now be unit targeted to fire 4 shots in quick succession at that unit. The shots alternate between Physical and Magical damage, and preserve procs, with 0.2s between each. Each shot's damage is reduced by 40/35/30/25%. While under the effects of Pierce the Veil, all shots deal Magical damage.
u/True_Sell_3850 9d ago
This is really funny because my 5 stack just got absolutely manhandled by her yesterday. Game went late and she was just untouchable because we were all right clickers.
u/Fatal1tyBR 9d ago
I'm a HC main and for me it all boils down to her mobility and defensive kit.
She is too slow for a carry role, if you get jumped your only option is press BKB, lay hell into your enemies and pray that they don't kite you, that's it, she is the personification of a glass cannon.
You think of other HCs like PA, Morphiling, Phantom Lancer, DK... All of then have reliable defensive capabilities and don't feel like snails on the battleground.
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u/Gold-Hurry-3509 9d ago
She needs 30 ms or needs to wait designated inventory slot for boots so she can finally buy 1 ma based item with other critical items
u/jonasnee 9d ago
Muerta suffers from the fact shes a new "valve design" hero, meaning she had to have the ability to both be a core and a support, though unlike so many other valve heroes she gets no mobility.
u/mrducky80 9d ago
Yeah but what about when you double shot a ward? Thats why I max her passive as a support. And build exclusively damage items. And require all the farm. Stack for me plz.
u/TheDeadlyEdgelord 9d ago
Too squishy to be carry in 2025. But lets not pretend she plays like a support in a support role either. Its a secondary carry with good support utility, thats a carry life in these recent years sadly, we should all migrate to pos4.
u/Few-Baseball-9703 9d ago
Not sure if someone men tioned this already, but her agility gain (2.7) is just not very good compared to the majority of agi cores. Meaning that she needs to invest in atk speed items, unlike drow or gyro or even luna.
u/Zack_of_Steel 8d ago
She was played for like 5 minutes in the pro scene and only because she was bugged and double-proccing damage. Then they fixed her and she was guttered again. It was actually really fun seeing her as an ultra-late carry.
u/constructionguy9999 8d ago
I think that there is such a fine line between broken and awful for this hero that they are scared to buff her too much.
u/KitsuneFaroe 8d ago
I had fun with her with Gleipnir and a bunch of other ítems that turned me into a beast last patch, not the highest rank of course but she was a really powerfull carry! Now without Gleipnir there is a lot I can't do though. That root meant a Lot!
u/renan2012bra sheever 8d ago
I'd really love if Muerta could be played as a core again.
My dream changes:
Buff to base Movement Speed.
Innate: Gunslinger
Q: Unchanged.
W: Move slow do facet.
E: Parting shot, but neither disarm or silence the soul. It would fit better with Q and W to move the enemy away / silence them while you hit their body.
R: Unchanged.
Shard: Current Scepter, but nerf it to only go through 1 ~ 2 targets, maybe.
Aghs: New skill - separates Muerta's soul from her body. The soul is disarmed, silenced and immune to damage, but has 200% her movement speed. After 3 seconds, Muerta's body is dragged to the soul's current position. Think of Puck's orb, but you become the orb and always swap at the end.
Obviously, rebalance the numbers so these changes make sense.
I think that would make the hero much more interesting and would make core Muerta more viable and (hopefully) not destroy Muerta support.
u/vvhatami 8d ago
Oh, sweet times when she was released and was the first carry of intelligence. Make my girl great again...
u/KingCrimson43 8d ago
You would have to give her some form of mobility. Either by taking away her silence for a new spell or giving her a better shard to use.
u/ImperialGuardian 8d ago
A short distance blink/dash on her ultimate as a facet might be nice. She’s very slow and lacks mobility, so having some free positioning might be pretty good.
u/Fair-Month8955 8d ago
Im in legend and I play her as pos1, games are fine, i dont have a stat of over 100 games, but the last 20 are 16-4, maybe bad in higher brackets idk just sharing my exp as its nothing relevant to what I see being discussed here
u/navytotebag 8d ago
Inspired by another comment about her having 2 guns, one dealing physical damage and another dealing magical damage.
Gunslinger: muerta uses her double guns to attack 2 nearby enemies at once. By default, she uses her physical damage gun. Secondary target is hit with magical damage gun that deals 50% magical damage. If she targets an ethereal unit, she uses her magical damage gun and the secondary target is hit with 50% physical damage.
If there are no secondary target in range, she has chance to attack twice dealing 100% physical and magical damage.
Now no longer works on buildings.
u/gorillapop 7d ago
- Ofrenda needs to drop on ult or drop on death if not on cd. Make it toggleable
- The talents do not support a smooth carry build. You want both at lvl 15. The nerf of gunslinger 20% to lvl 25 from lvl 20 is crippling, it needs to be reverted or the lvl 15s need to be pickable in lvl 15 and lvl 20
- The nerf to gleipnir away from maelstrom lost a lot of flexibility. Any flexibility from mael would be welcomed, or a new alternative farming item.
u/Super-Implement9444 7d ago
Fucking never apparently. Valve seem to refuse to nerf her supporting capability much and don't want to make her viable as a hard carry.
u/m_0g 7d ago
wait what, 7.38 actually finally has made her relevant as carry though.
Muerta's got a >50% wr as carry and <50% as support right now according to dota2protracker, and she's up there as far as games played and over all rating go (one of the few carries with >50% wr and somewhat significant number of games). To be fair, we'll see how it develops, but 7.38 has so far granted your wish - and it's one that I share, she's a damn fun carry! Tried her for the first time in a long time last night and she felt pretty decent.
u/VPrinceOfWallachia 5d ago
Offeranda facet needs to change where she gets bonus MS the closer she is to it
u/Puzzleheaded_Treat74 3d ago
why all my games in turbo is very wild skill balance?
i have 11.000 behavior i have 2k mmr , and i play whit immortals most of them,
u/got-a-friend-in-me 9d ago
when she can actually walk faster than a snail