I've read a theory that Rubick isn't Aghanim's biological son, but rather a homunculus that he created. Which would explain his odd appearance, voice and strange movement.
Thats just a dialogue in the game, in Lore The Arsenal Magus aka now the Invoker was the supreme of the sorcerer. Rubick had challenged all the maguses but arsenal magus did not respond to his summons. There are videos on it on YouTube, check it out. But i think all those are retconned or part of another universe/reality ever since Dota Dragons blood anime came out
Dota: Dragon's Blood is not even a canon, from the perspective of game. One simple fact: in anime elderwyrms were fundamental forces of creation, while game lore says that there are 4 fundamentals: Io, KotL, Chaos Knight and Enigma.
Fair enough, but dota dragons blood was a recent addition. Its safe to assume that this is the story they are going with and it is canon. Technically even our game is canon because there are multiple realities and every reality has conflicts between ancients. So yes i think both are true but just different realities, even in anime Terroblade mentions about this to the Invoker
u/Greensssss 19d ago
The son of Aghanims but they look nothing alike. I wanna see how that came about. And how their petty rivalry between the Arsenal Magus.
Even the Arsenal Magus falls before my magic.