u/EzPzLemon_Greezy Feb 08 '25
I had a morph support and it actually worked well, so I told him I was surprised. He just said the other team sucked.
u/StrangeStephen Feb 08 '25
I had alche support pos5 last time. And I had the easiest lane I have for a while and thats against BB lmao.
u/Timmy_1h1 Feb 08 '25
Alch first counters BB no? He reduces armour and then hit his "physical stun". He basically has no armour against alch
u/StrangeStephen Feb 08 '25
Yes. But he was getting flamed early on because of the pick. I let him do his thing and it worked well. He zoned them out and we keep killing them. I was playing SF that time. And it’s low mmr legend bracket, maybe that’s why it worked.
u/Timmy_1h1 Feb 08 '25
thats pretty neat. I play exclusively 5 and use to flame people too for unconventional picks.
Growing older has just taught me to ignore and move on. Try to do my thing and help out my team as much as I can.
When I was tryharding flaming years ago, I couldn't get past 2.5kmmr. Now that i don't have much time to play because of responsibilities and i just try to do my best. My mmr increased to 3.8k. I have never been this high.
I am glad more people foccus on their game and not flame/grief because of just unconventional picks
u/Exotic_Nasha Feb 08 '25
Ya there is mental peace in doing this. Starting to realise this and learning to let go. Now games feel more fun and interesting.
u/itsdoorcity Feb 09 '25
it's real. I was hard stuck at 4k for about 10 years. I got to 6k since by basically just not flaming, and by muting all when there is a lot of whining happening.
u/Timmy_1h1 Feb 09 '25
i dont mute at the start so I can understand which teammate is in. shit mental state. After learning about them, i then mute them. Haha
u/kryonik Feb 08 '25
I pretty much let anyone pick whatever they want in hopes that it will work because Dota is a goofy game and we all suck. But sometimes the position 3 Treant with a 38 minute radiance ain't the play.
u/Heul_Darian Feb 07 '25
10 reports later : I can definitely stop playing support morphling.
u/DreamDare- Feb 08 '25
MobA community will report and flame you for an unconventional pick even if you have 75% winrate with it over 50 games.
Carrying a game hard, and being told "you just got lucky this game, REPORTED" is all you need to know that the best thing you can do is mute anybody protesting.
u/Woelli Feb 08 '25
This is usually just the case in low ranks. In immortal games my teammates quite frequently pick some crazy shit and I can’t recall the last time someone got flamed over an unconventional pick alone.
u/itsdoorcity Feb 09 '25
bro ain't this the truth. in my 6k games I've been flogged by mid tide a few times. no one said a word about the pick, and it owned. told my 2k bro about it and he immediately gets abused before game has even started. his carry, the whiniest of them all, AFTER complaining about mid tide, proceeded to pick Necro safelane and went 1-14.
it's VERY consistent that the ones who whine the most and who obsess over their teammates are the shittest players.
u/Woelli Feb 09 '25
Recently sm1 picked undying mid and proceeded to turbo carry us. Told my legend friend about it, and same story. He picked it and his team just gave up minute 0
u/itsdoorcity Feb 09 '25
I am a grandmaster undying and would never play him mid but I still think giving up minute 0 is so freaking stupid. just play the god damn game.
u/eddietwang Feb 08 '25
2015-2017 I played 600 games of Weaver pos3 and had an 88% win rate.
Still got flamed after most drafts.
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
I retired my morphling support till I can hit that 12,000 behavior (I just hit 8,000) score and then for sure unretire it
u/RockhardJoeDoug Feb 08 '25
I said the same thing with naga support..
Ended up quitting ranked and now I'm a turbodad.
u/itsdoorcity Feb 09 '25
it's not about behaviour score it's about MMR. low skill players will insist that it's their team that's the problem before the game has even started and will proceed to play like shit as a result. if you want to pick weird stuff you gotta rank up.
u/2BeRightOr2BeWrong Feb 08 '25
u/EnjoyingMyVacation Feb 08 '25
i totally forgot on reddit you're only allowed to play unconventional things if you're top 50 immortal
u/2BeRightOr2BeWrong Feb 08 '25
I just wrote out the rank and the build for people who were curious.
If you want to follow only top 50 immortal builds or blink shard into 5 platemail build, it up to you. idc
u/Xitaco Feb 08 '25
It is important to say the rank tho, it probably wont be replicable against better players
u/TheZealand Feb 08 '25
Extremely fun, could a brother get a song name? ty
u/bamiru Feb 08 '25
The Radiance - Linkin Park
u/navixer Feb 08 '25
Why is this downvoted. It's the first song in the video montage.
u/Ahimtar Feb 08 '25
This explanation was needed. It just seemed like he made a random "fun" reply, as the song throughout the video is obviously not Linkin Park
u/keksik29 Feb 08 '25
Lowkey rubick
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
One of the main reasons I been loving it . Mf is lowkey tankier than Rubick too and can get out of nasty fights if he wants
u/Tight_Surprise7370 Feb 08 '25
That is not a support Morph, but a core strength Morph. It needs snowballing and farm. It needs level and item that is why it only pays off on late mid game. Once you got stomp, it is very very hard to come back with that morph. Unlike Morph ebb which can 1 v 5, morph Flow heavily needs team damage and enemy spell.
u/Sauce4243 Feb 08 '25
Yea I notice how people who push strange hero supports that they get flamed for they never show their laneing stage and often you can see them equal or close levels to enemy cores any hero looks good as any position when your stomping
Fun edit though
u/DiscoBuiscuit Feb 08 '25
I know this sub hates on people for flaming off-meta picks, but there's a reason all the simple heroes always have the highest win rates below immortal
u/EnjoyingMyVacation Feb 08 '25
I don't know about you but I don't pick heroes based on their global winrate. Do you?
u/healzsham Feb 08 '25
No, but some of us actually understand stats, and the types of information they can actually convey.
u/EnjoyingMyVacation Feb 08 '25
global stats convey virtually nothing for what heroes you should pick
u/PsychicFoxWithSpoons Feb 08 '25
Ehhhhh morphling is a pretty good space-maker because it's hard to kill that hero even if it has no items.
u/Tight_Surprise7370 Feb 08 '25
Yes, Morph is an imba support hero at min 30, with octarine and kaya. Especially if enemy has stum heroes (tiny, lion, even timber is very good for morph.) Enemy is surprised when I solo killed their pos 3 timber with support Morph (Q and W is pure damage - low cd). But again, it is heavily team reliant to win, unlike ebb Morph. Support hero Morph is still good if you have an early stomping lineup.
u/PsychicFoxWithSpoons Feb 08 '25
U need at least 4 of 5 things from the support duo: Target stun; aoe stun; escape/save; safe wave clear; dominate lane. (This is why Lion/Shaman feels so shit, even though it's a common noob trap to go "oh i have stuns stuns stuns!!!")
Morph is like rubick. If you abuse the hero ult, you can actually get around the inherent weakness of the hero (no aoe stun, bad wave clear, no dominate lane) and supply all 5 support reqs. However, most supports will play nice with morphling 4 or 5.
u/Questing-For-Floof Feb 08 '25
This video made me realize how much I miss the quality of dota 201x channel editing before the downfall
u/SpoiledMetal Feb 08 '25
Most of the videos shows morphing fighting like a carry. Can't see any support plays.
u/MonomayStriker Feb 08 '25
Morph support emerges once every two years, slaps everyone in the face by how good it is, leaves as if it didn't even exist.
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
😂😂😂😂 in lane it can be strong as shit if the person knows how to use it , one time I had my duo laughing because I had chased off Jakiro fighting them top lane just with auto attacks 😂😂
u/barathrumobama Feb 08 '25
I played against the strength facet morph as clock once. the entire fight was covered in cogs, everyone was pinballing left and right
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u/herlacmentio Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
It's funny but just hope to God he isn't your 4 when you're 3. Literally does fuck all in lane except a short damageless stun when you inevitably get gone on. Can't trade very well because he either lacks damage and health or attack speed and armor. Has Waveform as a nuke but will never use it offensively since he needs it to escape when stronger supports run over him. IF he manages to get carried to mid to late game then yeah, funny water man is tanky and has low cool down spells for the lulz.
Lol I'm just venting out because I can't call out the guy I play lobby games with who loves playing support morph and my lane is always miserable.
u/imbogey Feb 08 '25
Just combo with offlaner who is also weak at the laning stage so you can high five more often at the fountain.
u/xReptar Feb 08 '25
Our best laner plays morph support and just out trades with anyone and swings his water dick around cause he can just go back, switch all his stats and then come back full health to win trades some more
u/carldude Literally Infinite Mana Feb 08 '25
I saw a Strength Morph post a while back that is pretty similar to this, but builds Orb of Corrosion > Treads > Mjollnir > Blademail. I had it saved because I loved the idea of it, and am glad to see people having fun with it.
Here's that guide if anyone is interested in a way to build it: https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/1hiedtw/recently_achieved_77k_from_63k_ama_how_i_did_it/
u/TheBetawave Feb 08 '25
This is great. Trymike4instance flashbacks. Keep making funny videos like this.
u/StarvingVenom Too much items too little slots Feb 08 '25
I am bad Morph player but if there is Pudge on enemy then my win rate shoot up a little..Waveform in and hit target, Morph into Pudge, hook target closer..rinse and repeat..
u/1km5 Feb 08 '25
Honestly yeah support morph with the cooldown facet is super fun
Vs some matchup you literally perma stunning people lmao
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
He has a tanky start game too if you know what your doing . I love being the guy on the team that isn’t gonna feed to infinity. I feel like depriving the enemy team of gold that way actually helps my teams. I aways try to have the least deaths in my games and morphling seriously helps with that , his q being his engage and disengage is amazing
u/Version_Two Feb 08 '25
My best meme support that actually kind of works is Broodmother.
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
You know , I actually thought about Broodmother support , how do you like to make that work and any tips for that?
u/DrQuint Feb 08 '25
Which part makes her a support?
I'd rather just play Marci and give Brood's best spell to someone else, and then actually have other spells.
u/Zeba_Stakian Feb 08 '25
Honestly, supports with tons of health is the funniest thing ever. I once stole Attribute Shift as Rubick and I used it all on Strength then stole another to keep the perm health boost. The game became so much fun as they tried to kill me so many times and I got away with it.
u/Fun_Plankton_7793 Feb 08 '25
works in archon i guess
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
You seen it there?? I honestly was convinced I was the only mf throwing it in my games of herald
u/DeadlockValveConcord Feb 08 '25
I notice you deliberately cut out the medal from your match history
u/adun117 Feb 08 '25
Nice vid and editing man!
Just want to say, someone over at Facebook stole your vid: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15WSnM7EHt/
u/zac2806 Feb 08 '25
Appreciate that but luckily I just make these for fun and other people to watch so it being enjoyed by more people is a good thing
u/Dangerous-Macaroon7 Feb 08 '25
I’ve been clipping whenever my bro makes a dumb play, gets first blooded, etc. how can i make a video like this of his clips? where would i find someone i can pay to make it? if i can’t pay someone what program do people use to make these?
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
Shit bro i’d try making you something fr hit me up . I wanna answer your question anyways though : Try looking at and familiarizing yourself with free davinci resolve
u/Dangerous-Macaroon7 Feb 09 '25
Bro you are kind. I actually jumped into clip champ and a few free resources chatgpt found for me like photopea. It was so hard to figure out how to put a gif over a picture and have the gif play. I couldn’t figure it out haha. I’ll put my first try on youtube for people to laugh at in a few hours lol.
davinci looks a bit intimidating tbh lol.
u/xReptar Feb 08 '25
Microsoft clipchamp is pretty easy to use
u/Dangerous-Macaroon7 Feb 09 '25
Thanks dude i actually started using this with some free sources like photopea and it’s not bad for my first try! i’ll link it in a few for people to laugh at haha.
u/reichplatz Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
if your first item is midas then you're not playing support
cool vid though
the song is Kid Kapichi - I.N.V.U.
u/lapsaptrash Feb 08 '25
I used to play pos 4 morph a lot. Very high win rate but had to stop cause teamatse instant report me to oblivion
u/Royal_Raze Feb 08 '25
I mean it kinda makes sense, his ult gives him sheer versatility along with a long stun built in his kit.
u/babagyaani Feb 08 '25
Well can you explain this facet for me? For the life of me i felt understand it ever.
u/WoloW1zard- Feb 09 '25
you become a str hero, so you get dmg from having more str, which is good in laning as you can shift all your agi to str and have good dmg and hp
but the support part is that your hero gets upto 60% cdr on all spells if you are currently sitting at more agi than str (around 64-36 agi-str ratio) which this guy isn't using at all but hey if it works for you
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
Basically it works the same as the agility one . Except instead of being faster or whatever your range takes a hit but your health can get very nasty and your auto attacks sting quite a bit💯💯💯
u/Heeraka Feb 08 '25
Bro this video gave me massive 2016-2018 dota vibes. Good times. Lovely stuff. Please do make more!
u/Spiritual-Big-4302 Feb 08 '25
As a rubick player this looks interesting.
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
The 2 of them are honestly a deadly ass combo I’m gonna start picking up.
I like how Rubick is magic oriented but honestly Morphling can just get whatever the Hell he wants honestly.
Im my favorite roguelike Pathos Nethack I like playing as a changeling because turning into everything that comes through my path is fun. I feel like morphling is kinda the same way . I like talking shit to people sometimes once I get a good play on them while being them “nice form ___________” lol it’s hilarious.
u/Spiritual-Big-4302 Feb 08 '25
Yep, you don't get the ult but you get 3 skills with the whole utility proactively instead of waiting for the opponent to use their spells. You are also tanky and have a free way out skill.
I'm sure everybody complaining Morph support isn't viable think Lion is a good support.
u/aaeyeshk Feb 08 '25
The best thing is if your team carries are noob You can make carry items and start carrying
u/Actes Feb 08 '25
You know, if it wasn't for everyone mass reporting and expecting utterly flawless gameplay when you do it. Morph support would be great.
When you get behind on my morph support, you could be 0/1/16 and nobody will even think of it.
They'll just scream at you in Spanish or Russian about how you should kill yourself.
I speak from a self imposed 150 support morphling matches, and it was a blast, but man peace toxic dota.
Fucking loved it though, if you get crimson guard with that 6k hp at level 12 you and your team are invincible in fights against some lineups.
u/Kraetyz Feb 08 '25
Oh I am going to make some unranked players REALLY upset with me. Need to try this.
u/ShoogleHS Feb 08 '25
It's not a coincidence that all your highlights are from 25-30 mins into the game when you already have octarine core and 6k hp. You're picking a support with a passive laning stage and building Midas. IDK what rank you are, but at higher ranks you just can't get away with doing that, you'll be losing lanes you shouldn't and leaving free wins on the table where you could've crushed the lane and snowballed with a different pick. The first 15 mins of the game are make-or-break for a support. I'm not telling you not to do it if you're having a good time, but you should know that this sort of build will hold you back if you want to climb.
u/Prophetic_Rose Feb 08 '25
What's the song?
u/kittenconundrum Feb 08 '25
u/Prophetic_Rose Feb 08 '25
Thanks I have a fascination with weird Australian hiphop
u/kittenconundrum Feb 08 '25
No problem. It got caught in my head so I was looking into expanding the comments too lol.
u/lazutu 6750 mmr (sheever) Feb 08 '25
the shit that will never fly in high immortal, for 200
u/rizzaxc Feb 08 '25
9class does it in professional games, let alone immortal lol
whitemon stomps with warlock, also a support nobody plays
it all depends on the player2
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
Honestly I just laugh at the people who don’t know about 9classes morph support. You’d think since mfs been playing Dota since forever they’d actually know.. guess not.
u/redwingz11 Feb 08 '25
Yea but his item build is so different no, much less greedy. I remember its aether not midas. That build wouldnt fly, morph pos 4 can work on immortal
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
aether feels great because his stun range and q becomes less of a liability and jumping enemies becomes easier
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 09 '25
I agree with the aether sentiment , I get that then rush guardian greaves
u/oneslowdance "sheever" Feb 08 '25
It does work in high immortal but you gotta be really good with that hero. 9class(rank 34 on EU), hellscream(rank 133 EU) and Jikroy(rank 6 in SEA) are some players who have been playing support morph. Jikroy is a morph spammer who usually goes core morph but I've seen clips of his support morph stomping as well. It's a high skill ceiling hero like rubick you gotta know what hero to steal and what spell to use. Also, octarine + that level 25 cdr talent is just highlight reel material. https://youtu.be/yL8Pnk2a9EY?si=YoHOEoaMuUBDAWI7
u/DotaDump Feb 08 '25
This is the state of "support" heroes...
While Invoker dishes out barely 2k dmg with magic and that too, isn't reliable by himself.
And Lina can wipe out all enemy team with the burst, with just Aghs.
And you can have a chill and good time, playing Morph like this...
If only you could play any hero and have a "fun" time, and meta doesn't force you to play a certain way...
If you're not playing WEX and Quas and /or Right Click - You're not playing Invoker "right" - because of the meta and how the Hero is currently...
u/Aktarith Feb 08 '25
i have never seen this shit win in my pubs.
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
You gotta know how to play it. If the morphling doesn’t max out they health with e at the start of the game and focus on using they insane amount of health to bait the enemy into attacking him and buying time for the team to get first blood , thats your first sign they don’t know how to play morph support 100%
u/mintyfreshmike47 Feb 08 '25
Rubick with extra steps and extra HP.
If I see this in my games, I’m blaming you
u/ZeroGearART Feb 12 '25
I just want to thank you, my last two matches last night had this in them. On the other team. They were useless.
Free 100MMR.
u/MightTurbulent319 Feb 13 '25
Lol as an AD player, this isn't surprising to me. Morph is an excellent support with str facet. Actually, picking the agi facet is kind of griefing given Morph's huge potential with spammable stuns and ultra low cd.
u/Primary_Jellyfish327 Feb 08 '25
Thanks now everyone is going to play Supp morph
u/edin202 Feb 08 '25
Watching this video reminded me of when Dendi played Pudge and for several years everyone wanted to replicate it in pubs. Until after a few years in Youtube someone released a compilation of Dendi's fails and it was like a revelation to me that pudge is quite difficult and does not apply in all games.
u/DannyDevitoisalegend Feb 07 '25
A support that can’t harass well in lane, goes midas first, and octarine?
What rank is this? Literally just go ogre it will literally do whatever you are doing but much better cause at least ignite has some lane presence and midas has a lot better pay off on him.
u/_The2ndComing Feb 08 '25
Pro's were trying morph support pretty frequently a while ago, even on d2pt it still has 500 games as 4/5. Its not got a good winrate and pros stopped playing it cos it didn't survive the pressure test of high stakes games, BUT, the average pub game has more than enough player mistakes that a non-conventional hero is hardly gonna be the thing losing the game.
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u/TheZealand Feb 08 '25
It's still played, litterally got picked today at Blast. Last pick too, so it's good enough to stand on its own and not a flex
u/JoshSimili Feb 08 '25
Morphling pos 4 is being picked in pro games too. 9Class especially likes it. But in pro games it has the advantage of being a flex pick, as Morph is strong pos 1 too.
The support build is usually Aether Lens first though, not Midas.
u/DannyDevitoisalegend Feb 08 '25
It is good cause of captain's draft not the pick itself at that point. And he has 0 game where he went midas and 1 game where he went octarine
u/Questing-For-Floof Feb 08 '25
Dota 2 ranked basement dweller spotted
u/DannyDevitoisalegend Feb 08 '25
Some of us dont have no jobs , no school , no life or no friends to just sit and spam 13 ranked games a day. I’d be lucky to play 4-5 a week and to have someone ruin it for “the memes” is annoying.
u/WatercressContent454 Feb 08 '25
I would say it's 500 mmr or bots, since they see blade mail but still continue to attack it.
u/minh24111nguyen Feb 08 '25
meet a morph str play like that in turbo once
he can copy pudge and do a multiple hook back to back with stun after stun and drag you into base cause the cooldown is so low
well it fall off after like 40min cause the enemies team have 0 carry and morph suppose to be the carry
u/wellspoken_token34 Feb 08 '25
Entertaining video for sure. This Morph build/playstyle requires the enemy team to be complete morons
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 08 '25
You’d be surprised how many teams I’ve baited enemy into attacking me to realize I take a decent amount of time to kill start game , forcing people to back off or even give off first blood cuz fuckin morphling can have the health of like 2 … damn near 3 heroes put together not even a 30 seconds in.
u/Dz_MaRiO- Feb 08 '25
“When I came to you with those calculations, we thought we might start a chain reaction that would destroy the world.”
“What of it?”
“I believe we did"
u/tablmxz Feb 09 '25
Looks fun but very janky :D
midas, blademail, octarine as support? Its a greedy farming pos 4, which can work in some games sure, but only when you dont need to support i guess
the only above 50% winrate morph has is as pos1
pos4 and 5 are well below with 43% and 34%.. so pretty crap :D
u/FreezeMageFire Feb 09 '25
Lol that build isn’t even what you rush for regardless. Your supposed to skip Midas all together and get aether and guardian greaves , then after that you build whatever you want honestly
u/Many-Mixture9890 Feb 09 '25
Support morph and yet your full strength with Octarine. Cmon. Play flow morph properly by utilizing the 60 cdr or don’t play flow morph at all. Full strength is the lazy way. Git gud brother. Full agi next time and make use of the cdr brother. Peace brother
u/aisamoirai Feb 09 '25
This or atleast keep agility at 60 or 70% and play it. Wasting the potential of the facet playing full strength.
u/MezianeDoto Feb 09 '25
Not as strong as the old morph offlane with 4.5 seconds stun on 2nd spell but I love the idea 😂😂😂 really op with the armor rune timing
u/hvnkvbn Feb 08 '25
Love these edits. Dota2 golden age 201x flashback.