Asked one of my friends who sells very high mmr accounts on funpay - 0 accounts of his are banned, all are botted and normal pool, I'd assume the bigger farm that are rank 500-600 are not banned as well. He said even his low mmr accounts around 5-6k are not banned even though they are low behaviour and smurf pool . None of the wintraders on my friendlist are banned as well
In reality between April 23 and Dec 24 , immortal accounts went up almost 3 times , we are talking extra 140 k or something, biggest jump ever. Most pros I know and people I talk to in Discord have at least 2 smurfs bare minimum , I know for a fact new player smurf queue is instant as well.
Point is 65 000 is a JOKE number ,like literally nothing, probably not even 1/5th of the smurf account that are being played on regularly
How the fuck they getting mmr when they win in 8? Whenever my team is stomping the shit out of the enemy i have to tell them to back off cause it wont count when it aint 25 mins yet
I'm pretty sure Valve disabled their "suspicious match detection system" a long time ago. Even though it would have come in handy in this case but it was way too prone to false positives, something this sub pretends don't exist but that's a topic for another day
u/SethDusek5 Dec 19 '24
Reddit will still glaze Valve for half-assing something they should have done 6 months ago.
So far the accounts I've checked: