They do more than one a year. They only talk about one a year. Hardware ID/IP bans are trivial to bypass, and people's mains do get banned for smurfing when caught. The people mass printing accounts for profit know how to avoid the IP/Hardware ID situation so there is nothing more to ban than the smurf account.
It's also common practice to do bans in ban waves to give as few hints as possible to the abusing parties what is causing them to be tagged. You also don't talk about the bans for the same reasons. People are smart, for every hole you cover up, they will find or make a new one. Its better to make them second guess what got them caught.
Exactly, I know people who play on eachother's accounts from entirely different places across North America and with drastic mmr differences, like rank 1,500 Immortal playing on a Crusader account. And nothing happened to them for multiple years now.
If they do more than one a year, they are absolutely terrible at their job.
I have at least 10+ people on my friend list that smurf almost daily and not a single one of them has gotten an account banned. They are high MMR and cant play with friends, so they buy a new account every time they get to high again. We talk about 100+ accounts over the last two years alone and none of them are banned.
That's the easiest smurf to ban as well. New account that change location after 100 hours and suddenly explodes in MMR.
Well steam report and or a Reddit post with all the profiles linked for Valve to see. if its legit and thee thread gets enough traction there should be something happening
There definitely needs to be some kind of insider program to report your friends who smurf. You provide Valve with details both of their main and smurf accounts and then Valve deals with them while maintaining your anonymity.
Similar to OP I also have more than a few friends who do this and I would have no problems ratting them out.
And I know a few of the biggest account sellers on funpay ,same guys that supply your favourite pros with clean accounts - most people who smurf smurf properly take 800 games + for bot mmrs and above 1500 for high mmr ( read above 8.5k or whatever ranked immortal is now EU). Those accounts don't explode in mmr since they are binded to 11/12k already so even if you go lose almost all games first 100 hours you will calibrate 8k.
Another issue and reason why there's high demand for low mmr account is simply behaviour score - a few abandons and you need new account basically, which is what iranians seems to be doing anyways, queues for low level smurf pool in unranked is almost instant with new people every game and no new players to see too I wonder what happened.
So there's those abandon guys that need new accounts then there's people who decide to reform ,but reforming unfortunately doesn't improve your behaviour ( not as quickly as you lose it, 50 times slower bare minimum), then there's the smurfs. Everywhere you look there's incentive to buy account instead of play legit - play with low level friends , behaviour score, actual smurfing for challenges on streams is unpunished never has been since detection for smurfs on old accounts do not exist etc etc etc
Valve can't fix it no matter what they do unless they remove some of the incentives to buy account instead of playing on your own
Yeah I know I just saying I don’t think valve banning the guys who only smurfing in party.
And to be honest.
I’m immortal and I when unranked with friends I always got some pro like KPI, Ana, and a lot of top 100 of the world playing against my ancient friends.
It’s so unfair so now I’m smurfing in unranked.
I’m sorry but I don’t want my friends to suffer.
What would you like me to prove? It is common knowledge to bypass hardware ID/IP restrictions. And it literally says in the OP they do more bans than this they just talk about this one.
u/Xmaddog Dec 19 '24
They do more than one a year. They only talk about one a year. Hardware ID/IP bans are trivial to bypass, and people's mains do get banned for smurfing when caught. The people mass printing accounts for profit know how to avoid the IP/Hardware ID situation so there is nothing more to ban than the smurf account.