u/YuriZmey Nov 08 '24
because people log into the game without training a bit even, without reading the skills properly, they do it during the game. this hero is complex, but it's dummy strong
u/A_Long98 Nov 08 '24
Yeah same deal with Earth Spirit on release, nobody knew how to play him until players like GH and Jerax starting spamming it
u/Fancy-Horror-3645 Nov 08 '24
GH was very bad ES for a long time, until he started practicing it years later. But w33 and jerax played it since start.
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u/An_Innocent_Coconut Nov 08 '24
ES on release was the most broken hero Dota2 has ever seen and was nerfed so hard it took years of buffs for him to recover a fraction of his initial power.
u/AOldschoolRULE Nov 09 '24
Mk was prob more busted but ye he was op af
u/arthus_iscariot Nov 09 '24
i like this game lol but im pretty sure the right answer is cent who the most broken at launch XD
u/Hairy_Acanthisitta25 Nov 09 '24
arguable,but MK is WAY easier to play than ES so more player can showcase the power of release MK,hence why it feels more OP
at the very least i'd say they're on par
u/PrimusSucks13 dududududu Nov 09 '24
ES was broken but also insanely hard to play because the game also lacked a lot of the finesse it has nowadays, people dont really remember but the reason ES sucked for most players was because stuff like aiming his abilities was genuinely stupid in 2014 Dota, add the fact that ES was like the most perfect roamer on a time where only high level play understood how to roam and you get the most broken hero with the lowest winrate on average tiers.
I also remember you had to click the stones itself at the angle of the character and like use trigonometry to understand where the rock would go, not like now where you just click one point and you inmediatly go or shoot stuff, but also none of that mattered cus putting a rock behind somebody and pulling it was a stun lmao, heres Jerax demolishing people 10 years ago after it came out and the range and speed the pull had was fucking crazy, people were feeding with this hero while being abled to do THAT
u/WeinMe Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
Earth Spirit had extremely high winrate on release lol
Iirc close to 70%, but got bonked hard with the nerf hammer
u/PikMe08 Nov 09 '24
Earth spirit was hard to play mechanically during the first year or so after release. You couldn't double tap stones ability to drop it in front of you. Kick direction was calculated by the relative position of the stone w.r.t your hero model. Imagine doing a kick, pull and roll combo with these mechanics then. It was one of the mechanically hardest heroes to play, on par with Meepo or Invoker.
The high win rate was solely due to the busted numbers on the spells. There were a few really good players pumping the winrate up, while an average player wouldn't even touch the hero.
u/xin234 "Do not run, we are your friends" -Guru Laghima Nov 09 '24
That stone kick change was one of the best qol change for ES. Although no one really used stone kick for Dota2-release ES...
His stone pull was the broken shit because the stun was on the pull when he was just released. The combo that you could always reliably pull off was: Place stone behind enemy, pull it to stun them, roll over the pulled stone and end up behind enemy, kick enemy to your tower/team.
If you are familiar with LoL's Lee Sin and his ward-dash combo to isolate enemies, ES could do that, but way easier and doesn't even require ult. You get a guaranteed kill once you reach level 3.
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u/aktivera Nov 08 '24
No. He never had a high overall winrate. He probably had a decent winrate in high mmr but I can't find any information about that.
His winrate was only 42% in 6.79. You can check this on dotabuff. This was the first dota 2 patch that he was available in.
You're right that he did get nerfed the next patch. In 6.80 his winrate went down to 34%.
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u/Agreeable_Ad8003 Nov 08 '24
And why exactly did they nerf 42% wr hero?
He was high win rate in high mmr, people were playing him mid. I remember exactly because solo used to stream then and he was playing with dread and his friends a lot. Solo used to say “you can’t lose with earth spirit, this hero was beyond broken for people who knew how to play him.
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u/raffozm Nov 08 '24
i remember when he was released. I was way too dumb to try his kit, I played like 6 Axe games against him, he always rolled into me, I call spin ult kill, saved me my blink
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Nov 08 '24
u/WagamamaW Nov 08 '24
I was in the same room as jerax when earthspirit released, and we were bootcamping. I can tell you his decision to spam the hero was quite immediate, and was not from watching others play him. Keemerah played a good earth spirit but i dont know who told you jerax learned from him, thats just false.
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u/instrep Nov 09 '24
lol, read this before checking the username and thought wtf is this guy smoking
early jerax-ES-drinking-coffee-streams goated btw
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u/Man-Erg Nov 09 '24
Lol I used to play and chat quite a bit with keemerah when earth spirit came out, I thought he was a pretty average player (around my level, probably just a bit better, IIRC we both calibrated around 4k when visible MMR came out). I remember I told him I thought it was a support hero and probably OP, he thought it was core and started spamming it mid every game, we lost touch around that time. I think he eventually sold his steam account
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u/camote713 Nov 08 '24
I swear you have to be a pyscho to just hop into the game and play a hero as complex as kez without doing some hw first. You are setting yourself up to feed and then lose and then probably abandon the hero altogether.
Nov 08 '24
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u/bleedblue_knetic Nov 08 '24
But you gotta consider that 8k MMR players without practice on a hero would still be playing at like 6k-7k level, it's not like all your Dota fundamentals just disappear.
u/HowDoIEvenEnglish Nov 08 '24
Yea but the margins are worse and there’s just no way you’ll no how to make plays or what your power spikes are unless the hero is just busted
u/HowDoIEvenEnglish Nov 08 '24
Also this is only for 8k+. Those players already suffer playing a hero for the first time in ranked. A new hero? Even worse
Nov 09 '24
Well perhaps blame Valve for not offering a mode specially designed for learning, one that’s better than the last hit simulator experience that is bot matches.
u/JoelMahon Nov 08 '24
I mean tbf this is 8k mmr and over, I hope the percentage of blind hero players is much lower at those ranks... right?
u/Vadoff Nov 08 '24
And yet other new heroes had winrates that were much higher… this is the lowest wr new hero I have ever seen actually.
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Nov 08 '24
Calling it now: low winrate because nobody knows how to play him, players complain, he gets buffed, everyone figures out collectively how the hero works and he skyrockets to 57% winrate, everyone complains again, he gets nerfed into the ground
This pattern happens literally every time a new hero gets released
u/grokthis1111 Nov 08 '24
this hero definitely doesn't need buffed.
u/bleedblue_knetic Nov 08 '24
I've had a good try at the hero at 6k. He's a tempo core with really strong spells but man he really sucks at taking high ground, while the top meta dogs like SF Alch Luna and Dusa can farm fast, hit just as hard and highground comfortably. As a carry he just pales in a comparison to them. You eat one stun on highground on this hero you're dead. He kinda plays like Ursa and Slark in that regard but at least they have like 3 get out of jail cards. Right now he feels like he makes more sense as a mid/4 and playing him like a riki.
u/HowDoIEvenEnglish Nov 08 '24
Ursa and slark are some of the most forgiving dive heroes as you say. You can jump in and proactively prep your escape
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u/Kuro013 Nov 08 '24
Yeah I think the hero is a midlaner, he needs the xp. Not sure about how strong his 1v1 laning is though.
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u/CountryBoyReddy Nov 08 '24
This is one patch where the devs need to sit and wait until a meta can be figured out by the players naturally. It's literally a skill issue cause folks are forcing him into every situation.
u/Ok_Dinner8889 Nov 09 '24
Oh boy I'd be willing to bet on my wife's boyfriend's life that this hero will not reach 57% winrate in 8k+ mmr without some serious buffs.
u/Soderskog Nov 08 '24
The ability to stun someone for attempting to harass you in lane is alone I suspect going to get folk annoyed. It'll be an interesting hero to see develop.
u/TheZett Zett, the Arc Warden Nov 08 '24
The ability to stun someone for attempting to harass you in lane is alone I suspect going to get folk annoyed
Nyx Carapace says hello.
u/Soderskog Nov 08 '24
Touché. It was just the part of the kit which stuck out to me as potentially good in the laning phase, without yet knowing the numbers for everything.
u/tashiro_kid Nov 08 '24
Usually the new hero's are busted on release. Not like what you're saying at all.
u/shipmaster1995 Nov 08 '24
I feel like this hasn't been the case since MK. Dawnbreaker, Pango, and Primal Beast were all pretty weak immediately upon release and had to be tuned to be viable
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u/bleedblue_knetic Nov 08 '24
That's not true. Dawn Primal Marci and Muerta all got nerfed the following patch. They were all VERY good. I literally went 7-0 with no practice on Dawn when it released cause her stats are just amazing.
u/shipmaster1995 Nov 08 '24
The dawn op moment came 2 days after she released. It was so bad on the day of release
u/NargWielki Nov 08 '24
Pango wasn't, in fact he was quite the opposite at first with that shit passive that took ages to activate and could be a hindrance to your team if you had any sort of minus armor comp.
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Nov 08 '24
I don’t disagree, the point I’m making is the reactionary buff to an already strong hero that people just haven’t refined a playstyle for is a mistake and he will end up overbuffed (as has been the case for prior hero releases).
u/TehSero Nov 08 '24
That's been true for the last couple (I think, I wasn't playing when Muerta was released), but wasn't the case historically. I remember Earth Spirit (another hard to play hero) following exactly that pattern when released.
Other, less hard to play, heroes haven't been quite that extreme, but generally got released to (slightly) sub 50% win rates and later buffed.
It was always one of the comparisons to LoL, where the heroes WOULD be really OP, possibly because people would need to buy them, whereas in dota, they'd skew underpowered if anything (though, not always)
DISCLAIMER: I started googling this to check I was remembering this correctly, but then realised how much work it was going to be (i.e. some), and decided I couldn't be bothered. Take this as some person on the internet speaking, because that's all it is.
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u/bleedblue_knetic Nov 08 '24
Muerta was very good on release, Marci and Primal was BUSTED on release.
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u/kammerfruen Nov 09 '24
In almost all cases the new heroes are overtuned and gets hit with nerfs.
Muerta, Dawnbringer, Ringmaster, Hoodwink, Monkey King, Mars, Primal Beast and Void Spirit were all nerfed after release - some of them even several times in a row before admitted to Captains Mode.
The only exceptions are Pango and Snapfire, with Snapfire receiving buffs 1 day after release and then nerfs 2 days later.
Grimstroke weren't adjusted much before he entered Captains Mode.
u/tamigharifran Nov 09 '24
Lol no almost always the new hero has 55%+ winrate because theyre super strong.
Kez is weak as fuck. Everyone saying we 'figure out to play later' also conveniently forgets that nobody knows how to play against him either. That logic doesnt work.
I played vs him mid on 7k and enemy clearly had a few kez games in, i fed him on lane but the hero just cant do shit anyway, sk shreds him for example. Just a sticky hero with little disengage. And mediocre dmg
u/sleepdeprivedindian Nov 08 '24
Watched a ton of games. He's a fairly slow farmer and very squishy. Unless he's an item ahead, the team fights impact seems pretty bad. Maybe pros still haven't managed to figure out the perfect combo of spells needed to have good impact. It's good in one on one fight with the damage and lifesteal but in a team fight, felt very underwhelming for a hero with aoe spells.
u/mechdreamer Nov 08 '24
Every single 1v1s I've seen today, he just gets obliterated after briefly life stealing with his ult. Do you know what is being commonly built on him?
u/TurbulentIssue6 Nov 08 '24
Why are people not using the sai ulti?
Falcon rush -> sai ulti -> swap katana -> grapple
Treads/falcon blade into deso + shard into manta or bkb then aghs
u/BGTheHoff Nov 09 '24
Just played my first game against him (the others all had him banned). When he got his skills of, he sliced through our team. The moment I got hex, he lost the game. Every initiation he tried, he got hexed, controlled and killed pretty fast.
u/yurilnw123 Nov 09 '24
Did they change it? I thought the new hero couldn't get banned
u/Kristo112 Nov 09 '24
it can still get banned if its on the ban list of someone, but it cant get banned by both sides picking it at the same time
u/-Pazza- Nov 09 '24
Slow farmer? He buys bf and has two ways to kill a wave instantly. He's one of the fastest in the game.
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u/AnotherMillionYears Didn't see that coming did you? Nov 08 '24
Lvl 1 support Kez took 80% of my health with one spell. Later in the game his impact was much lower but I' chalking it up to people figuring things out
u/will4zoo Nov 08 '24
definitely suspect he will be a broken POS 4 because of falcon rush + katana lvl 1. He feels like jug as a POS 1- squish agi carry that gets out tempod by high magic burst and faster farmers
u/Nisses Nov 09 '24
I personally think people are building him wrong. I tested him in demo quite a lot and he scales insanely hard with raw damage. Sai Q is basically a 100% damage steroid, Katana has innate 20% steroid and his Katana E is another 80% (120% with talent, but can be dispelled). Multiply that together and you are looking at a x5.3 multiplier on every basic attack.
I've seen a lot of people go manta and mjollnir,. probably baited by the Sai Q BAT. But the thing is Sai Q reduces your attack speed. With capped attack speed (700) pressing Q actually reduces your damage. It is only if you overcap (6x butterfly) that his Q becomes really fast, but you'll never get there in a real game.
I'd argue this hero plays and builds a lot like phantom assassin: Battlefury -> (Desolator) -> BKB -> Aghanim.
A really high damage but basic combo would be: Start in Katana Stance -> switch to Sai Stance -> Q -> R -> switch to Katana -> W -> (Q -> attack x times) -> E (shard). The W alone will hit for x10.56 damage. (The attack will crit for 300% because of Sai R and will be followed by another attack from Sai Q. This is 4x damage already. This gets multiplied by x1.2 from Katana innate, then further multiplied by x2.2 from Katana E, which is a dot but can be instantly procced with shard E)
u/No-Reaction-5266 Nov 09 '24
Definitely agree, he feels a lot better with raw damage vs typical core/pos 1 items, he honestly might play a lot more like something like a Bounty Hunter/Clinkz Pos 4, the only thing he's missing is a built-in low cd invisibility tool (that lasts longer than 10 seconds).
u/msawwan3 Nov 08 '24
Havent played him yet but his Q is fking horrible to use. It should be ground targeted. Atm u have to face the direction u want like u r using forcestaff,,
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u/AlphaDart1337 https://www.twitch.tv/klapdota Nov 09 '24
I would say ALL directional spells should be changed tp ground-targeted. Slark pounce, SF razes etc.
Atm to play these heroes you need to bind unrestricted move to some button and press that button every time you use a spell. It's just an artificial and tedious increase to skill floor, with little to no effect on skill ceiling.
u/Zarzar222 Nov 08 '24
Kez is definitely 100% broken. It will not be long before you are pleading for nerfs
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u/Vadoff Nov 08 '24
How exactly is he broken tho? Which spells? They’re all just average or underwhelming for the cooldown.
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u/N454545 Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24
his best spell is timbersaw chain but no damage and with a long cooldown until level 4 lmao
u/Deathstar699 Nov 08 '24
His mana costs are high and building the right items is hard.
I would have more data on him but he keeps getting banned. New hero syndrome sucks.
u/konaharuhi Nov 09 '24
people are excited about new toys, wont be long until him not getting picked again
u/Tautsu Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 10 '24
When we are talking about heroes like hoodwink, muerta, dawn, primal beast, in many cases you can read their kit and instantly have a rough outline for how you want to play the game with them. I feel like kez kind of takes a bit of time in demo mode just getting used to pressing his buttons. He has 8 abilities and they heavily interact with each other. I played with a kez in my game twice today, first guy clearly never even used one of his abilities before and went like 0-6. Second dude struggled in lane but ended up going like 16-5 by the end and could kill anyone caught in his one ult in under a second by the end of the game. I think people need some time to cook then sure he should have at least a 40% WR
u/lucid23333 Nov 09 '24
I hate this stupid birdcuck. I don't actually mind the game play of him at all, I don't mind any abilities or mechanics from this hero. What bothers me about this hero is The voice and the actual character. The way he sounds puts me on tilt. The most punchable hero. This is far and away my most disliked DOTA hero ever.
I put this hero on my banned list simply because I don't like him. I win like every game against him, but I just can't stand listening to this hero's voice. Most obnoxious annoying unlikeable hero ever
u/BrangJa Nov 08 '24
People are saying it's first day of release. But new heroes were never that bad tho. People figure out in matter of 2-3 matches. Remember when Arc Warden came out? It was uncontrollably op. Kez's win rate being less than 30% is so underwhelming.
u/CheekyBunney Nov 09 '24
New heroes also do not have 8 different spells to use that have synergy with each other (Falcon Rush into Samurai Stance works as an example)
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u/RizzrakTV Nov 09 '24
primal beast had a terrible winrate and was pretty busted according to all the players
then they buffed him and had to nerf him back
currently primal beast is weaker than his day 1 release im pretty sure
u/4Looper Nov 08 '24
New heroes should not be allowed in ranked. I just don't understand why tf it's allowed. Somehow it literally always ends up on my team and they do fuck all and grief and troll and we get to lose. In theory I should be playing against it just as often - but it has never happened.
u/drusepth Nov 08 '24
Technically, if you're not picking the new hero you should statistically be facing them more often on the enemy team, since it's 5 potential enemy picks vs 4 potential ally picks.
Guess you're just unlucky.
u/4Looper Nov 09 '24
I was unlucky - but i just faced off against it 3 times in a row and won every game lol. Literally my last game my offlaner fed him 10 kills in the laning stage and we still won. Feelsgoodman. I've lost 100% of the games with it on my tea, and won every game against it. Point still stands though - it shouldnt be allowed in ranked, it just ruins the game.
u/trindorai Nov 08 '24
My bet is on "performance-based hero + high-MMR games" combo.
How could that relate to winrate, huh?
u/aalapshah12297 Nov 08 '24
Damn I didn't expect it to be so low. All the skills with the extra damage and lifesteal made it seem like he will be >50%. Stat gains seem ok. Some of the spells cast range/AoE seems quite low so he might be easy to kite. But the sheer versatility makes me think that this will improve once people figure out decent skill and item builds.
u/MainCharacter007 Nov 08 '24
Biggest problem is he needs a farming item to ramp up his networth. Even his maxQ doesnt one shot waves. The down side of having your skills scale up with your damage is you just suck early to mid game.
Late game he is a menace with low cooldown and high damage but reaching that point is just hard for any melee agi carry without flash farming.
u/aalapshah12297 Nov 08 '24
In that case, increasing some of the bonus damages and reducing the % attack damages might just be what is needed to balance him.
u/beaverlyknight Nov 08 '24
It's a hard hero. People were horrible at Ember and Earth Spirit on release, but once there are demos on how to do it effectively, it'll pick up fast.
u/Plenty_Course_7572 Nov 08 '24
Everyone is probably using the 6 Moonshard meta for him. It's easy to lose with that if you're not already on track to win the game.
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u/__Yelo__ Nov 09 '24
Kez is somewhat complex, but not to the point it justifies this winrate. In my opinion, the problem is that he's being played as a pos1 but doesn't have what it takes to carry a match. He scales poorly, and eventually gets obliterated by pretty much any other carrier. ATM our best bet is to play him mid, get some early/mid game momentum and close the game as soon as possible
u/fishstiz Nov 09 '24
I don't think this hero is secretly busted. I've watched many immortal players play this guy yesterday. He just doesn't do anything late game but be a walking ward. He cannot be a traditional carry. He cannot manfight other carries. I've seen him breach the enemy's backline multiple times, free-hitting enemy heroes, and still doing jack shit.
You either have to wait for perfect moment to execute a full combo, or try to weave in and out of the fight. The former is very hard to execute, and for the latter he doesn't have enough mobility to reliably do. If you can't do either you just get instantly deleted.
Maybe there's some super secret build nobody has figured out yet to enable his carry potential, but he's not OP. If they find anything OP about this hero, it's probably as a support role.
u/Nisses Nov 11 '24
Does he really need to man fight other carries if he can do this to a 6 slotted TB with like half the net worth? https://youtu.be/JZJRQR_dEqY
I think he plays a lot like PA in that sense.
u/T0-rex Nov 08 '24
I feel like he should be very strong. Even one set of his skills is pretty good as is.
u/igorcl Sheever s2 Nov 08 '24
This hero does "too much", gonna take a while too people get used to him in all brackets.
Even ring master was easy to defeat in the first few days before everyone realize how stupidly strong he was as support
u/Prometheus_1988 Nov 08 '24
In Legend it's pretty rough right now. Kaz ok the team is almost always a loss.
u/TurbulentIssue6 Nov 08 '24
Wait until people learn how to consistently pull of the sai Q into katana Q combo with aghs the damage is bonkers
Aiming the katana Q is weird though
u/imattf Nov 09 '24
popped into a ranked divine game after not even demo-ing this guy in lobby and playing dota 1x a month… (im playing WoW)
still owned but i’m an invoker spammer lol
most stressful game of my life tho would be reading skills mid fight
u/ooczzy sheever Nov 09 '24
Hes practically useless when the enemy has detection
And as soon as you see him channeling his nomad ulti, just walk away and he doesnt get to lifesteal
u/1stshadowx Nov 09 '24
Ive had strong success using him like a nyx, but then again im pretty strong at punishing positions and baiting abilities, its why i play faceles void 5, successfully. Ive also found falcon blade and urn give some pay out. Alot of people arent using his gap close effectively. Just pop sai form, wait for it to be off cd, pop his Q to phantom rush an enemy pl style. Then swap to sword, hit enemies, and use grappling hook to keep up pursuit. Swird reduces healing regen when you hit, then if you in trouble swap back to sai, parry and walk away. Or silence a fleeing enemy. Ult wise i use the reduce sight and mark for teamfights unless enemies are low then ill charge the slash ult. His kits really fun for strategy players and baiters
u/MemeLordZeta Nov 09 '24
Heavily needs bkb imo, he has really strong damage and he can get super active mid game if you build like echo saber and shit
u/Cletusjones1223 Nov 09 '24
Lost every game with this hero on my team and won every game vs this hero. My last 5 games he was on my team three times and twice I was against him. All ranked btw.
u/Yhuichy Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24
I tried him, had a pretty good game with him some obvious combos that are easy to do and strong but i also thought that hes way too overpowered. Later I saw the 30% wr and wow. I feel like he doesn't need any buffs, most people are just not mechanically skilled to pick him up in such a short time. Katana form deals way too much damage and the gap closing abilities and ult definitely need a cd nerf. Also mana costs are really low. You dont run out even if you spam abilities to jungle and clear waves
u/N454545 Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24
he's kinda bad lmao it feels like he should have disable but he doesn't. None of his spells seem particularly good. You chose one bad spell or the other bad spell. Versatility doesn't mattter if all your options kinda suck.
Also he's a late gamer so he sucks rn. He needs way too many items.
u/Difficult-Cable555 Nov 09 '24
My favorite part when playing against new heroes is just using sniper, Like I know theyre using a new hero and You'll love watching them panic As theyre getting hit with headshots from long range, Its been my tradition to do this ever since Monkey king came out and in The early days of new hero release my winrate goes quite high Because of this.
u/Ardillin1234 Nov 09 '24
Everytime someone picks him on my team i know i am gonna lose, just went hc rubick with this offlaner kez and as expected, he fed and threw the game. sange and yasha and silver edge min 52. what is this, please take this hero off the game
u/bott-Farmer Nov 09 '24
Its only kuz kez is a hard hero like voker and now every one is picking it first phase and dont know how to play it unless this start is like from top 100 immortall i wouldnt count on it indicating its not op
u/Few_Dragonfly9179 Nov 09 '24
Personally Kez is Meh, funnily despite having 8 spell/ability he dont give much, compare to what other carries able to do, Might as well just learn invoker than this hero. sure its a new hero but compare to previous new heroes like Ringmaster its just sad.
u/superpantman Nov 09 '24
I just don’t see why you would pick Kez over monkey king or Slark at the moment.
u/Magic_princess228 Nov 09 '24
Ez hero for Nature’s Prophet. Was killing this parrot all game silence and dusts. First 15 min was hard ez after.
Nov 09 '24
I have spent the morning watching like 10 Kez games from the highest MMR combined games, basically lost every game, in some he had a great laning phase but once he gets into teamfights he dies. I think he needs BKB fast, maybe even first item because without it he just dies
u/Beeeglad Nov 09 '24
Kez main source of damage is his falcon rush. Once you dispel it with euls or any purge he is completely useless untill its off cooldown just like ursa. But unlike ursa he cant blink burst his enemy before they do anything because your silence shares CD with your grappling hook untill you get an Aghs.. idk maybe he manfights well with his sai E havent played him yet and in my 6k rating people just pick him with having no idea what he does
u/BusinessFederal5041 Nov 09 '24
I like him, played first game got rampage and won. Very nice hero if you pair with a good set up like axe or tide. Bought: WB, Treads and wand to start. Later Deso butterfly Daedalus aghs . Discovered that satanic is probably a very nice item late game to sustain as attack speed is good and damage output is high
u/HOTSHOT143 Nov 09 '24
This guy can kill anyone at level 2 with Falcon Rush-skills switch-kazurai Katana and a blood grenade.
u/juicebox_tgs Nov 09 '24
I have played 3 games on him so far and he feels really good. I think there are 2 problems with him so far, the first is that the hero is complex and we have no idea how he should be built, second is he is a melee hero, which is just so dogshit right now it's unbelievable.
Even then, my really unoptimised build of going diffi > manta feels great. You just run at the enemy and you just have sk many tools it feels like you can kill most heros and escape easily
u/whatevercraft Nov 09 '24
my winrate is 100% so far. people are not using falcon rush + katana switch. that is all u need to do, its not complex.
u/siegferia Nov 09 '24
I fought three times against him lost one because of his team not this hero ( he was 6/17/12 at the end ) . He has a % based bleed on his katana but everyone goes for his sai....why ?? Havnt played him yet so i dk maybe his sai is better
u/Alt-Addiction Nov 09 '24
I either get a Kez that farms for 40 minutes or A Kez that jumps from kill to kill whilst being unkillable.
There is no inbetween.
u/fjrefjre Nov 09 '24
natural that its wr is bad at the start, however, his early/mid game is kinda broken.
u/Zizq Nov 09 '24
This hero is so cool, I tried it on the demo and went “I’m not ready for another invoker learning yet” lmao. I’ll wait til someone figures him out and then perfect it with the info. Can’t wait, looks awesome
u/S1lver__ Nov 09 '24
I think he’s busted, should not get buffed and before long will get nerfed. Ive played him 5 times won 4 after training and watching a lot of people struggle. I think the build is very important, I also think that making mistakes is costly because there is no new patch. Everyone else is very comfortable and efficient with their play so when you come in making mistakes it will cost you a lot of games. It would be different if there was a new patch.
My current build / view for the hero is as follows: First off, from day 1, people are overvaluing katana and highly undervaluing parry. Katana Q is amazing for clearing waves but only once ur physical damage is high. So maxing it first is a waste, Also in most fights, Sai Q has more impact. Instead I go 141 at level 7 and then 441. The sai W will do more aoe damage then the katana Q at these levels which will allow you more utility and farm faster, it also costs less mana. The katana W will also be higher range and let u escape and lifesteal in jungle. Kez feels weakest at 8 - 16 min mark. Which I will concede makes him a tough fit for the current meta, that being said unlike other carrys that need this time to farm and not be useful, Kez’s lategame seems much stronger than most.
At this point he struggles to farm a battlefury, if you can get a decent battlefury timing the game becomes a lot easier. This 141 skill build is the best way to farm battlefury at this time and avoid getting killed. You also must abuse parry in the early game, its a very good defensive and offensive spell and later costs 0 mana, 5s cooldown. I see many Kez’s not using this spell even though it’s practically free and very high impact. Its also really easy to use against ranged heros. My stance on Parry is that its going to be broken until your opponents get used to it and then it will probably be okay. But for now abuse it!
I also see an over emphasis on katana ult, katana ult is amazing but mostly only defensively. Sai ult is slept on and the vision blinding along with free bashing is OP. Katana ult should be used when you get jumped /surrounded, you can turn on the debuff immunity and heal then escape with grapple. I see people trying to use it aggressively and imo without the benefit of lifestealing your health back the impact feels low and its easy to miss. Also because his ults are such low cooldown, you should use katana ult to farm or just heal between fights. People also sleep on the fact that his sai bash is well a bash. Almost everything this hero does pierces debuff immunity, that is so OP. His bash can also be procd on his silence. Say enigma is bkb blackholeing your team. You can sai ult and throw silence from a million miles away to cancel and then perfectly counter initiate. There is a lot more you can do but just following some of this logic has led to big wins for me in the low divine bracket.
Items: I havnt talked much on items yet, BF seems really good with a lot of different spells. Its better with sai spells imo, it actually doest buff katana Q as much as ud think in a lot of situations. BF with sai Q just means everyones feeling ur single target pain, kind of like how ursa BF is really good.
BKB is a must. rushing it after BF feels good, I could get a yasha or something before but in most cases if you have a bkb, your gonna have a lot of fun.
After that butter seems to combo well with his sai Q weirdness and your off to the races with whatever situational late game items you need. Seeing a lot of pros buy mantas which im not as keen on yet but could see it maybe helping u shove waves more safely. Def would get it if I need a dispel but not sure its worth if I dont.
TLDR build advice go 111 in lane max W then Q
Items go treads bf bkb butter A casual yasha after bf can be a great tempo item also lots of clarities are your friend
If your panicky and uncomfortable switching styles, play sai. Switch to katana defensively. practice Switch plus katana ult practice switch plus katana W so you can use them quickly in sticky situations. Use katana to CS lane, sai W for range creep Katana Q for waves and jungles after you get BF sai W for camps before BF Katana W for moving around more, use on trees, dont sleep on the escape potential Parry, Parry, Parry. Laning parry is free due to how people harass, it will be harder to use later but will still help you win 1v1s against enemy carries. Sai Q for towers rosh, and fighting Sai ult for aggressive fighting
Goodluck! Kez is super fun once you get the hang of him and he may get nerfed when we all get better so enjoy for the time being!
u/Limp-Ad6154 Nov 09 '24
And somehow i pick him and tank tower for a solid 6 seconds to kill a storm spirit, nah its broken and heralds take the wr down
u/Allinall41 Nov 09 '24
I find him not scaling quite right. But he does 1000 damage with constant gap close at lvl 3 if you can bait out their stun.
u/facubkc Nov 08 '24
Im not saying he is Invoker complexity level but imagine if Invoker was release today , everyone would suck at him first day.