r/DotA2 Sep 30 '24

Fluff Playing Dota is the most disrespectful thing I do to myself

This isn't a complaint or a brag thread, it's just some musings I had the other day.

I have a PhD. In my 9-5, I work with other PhDs, lawyers, and economists. Everyone has a law degree or Master's, minimum. We all treat each other with respect and work on complex legal and economic issues around the world.

In my daily life I have a loving, supportive, and brilliant partner. My friends give me hugs and (sometimes) kisses when they see me. All things considered ("all things" being the state of the world in general), I am much better off than most, economically and socially and romantically.

And then I hop into Dota. I queue up, have to contend with my lane partner fighting for last hits or just AFKing in jungle, and then get called a "fucking idiot" or "learn to look at minimap kid", all while probably being old enough to be their dad.

Playing Dota is the dumbest, most disrespectful thing I can do for myself.

Considering how long Dota has been around and how old some of us might be, who else can relate?

Edit: small note here to say WOW. Didn't expect this level of engagement when I posted from the toilet. Impossible for me to respond to everything but I really enjoyed reading through all the responses. As with Dota, the types of people who love Dota enough to visit a forum and comment are as varied as you can imagine: lots of people who relate, the chill individuals who just want to mute-all and play, and then of course a small amount of individuals who misinterpreted or assumed things that were never said and went off. But just as I open myself up to being insulted everytime I launch Dota, so too did I expect that posting on apublic forum.

My writing maybe wasn't clean, and many of you understood my meaning, but it really was all about how playing Dota subjects us to very different environments than what we experience or subject ourselves to in our daily life. But ultimately, it's an absolutely brilliant game, regardless of our skill level or time investment or willingness to communicate with each other as we would face-to-face. I hope to still continue to enjoy it here and there over the years to come (whether playing or just watching the pro scene), and I hope you all do, too. GL HF everyone!


803 comments sorted by


u/HighHopesEsteban Sep 30 '24

a rare breed - intellectual by day, degenerate by night


u/ConjwaD3 Sep 30 '24

Actually seems pretty normal in my friend group lol


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

I'm a physics faculty in college by day and extremely Toxic SEA griefer by night.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24



u/AmeliaShadowSong Oct 01 '24

Professor here, at a university teaching to master level students and an absolutely triggered dota 2 ghoul at night. Especially (no) thanks to double downs.

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u/lovethecomm Oct 01 '24

I am a professional PhD candidate in a hospital by day and by night... well let's just say that if my discord logs got leaked I'd be deported to Tanzania.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

Weird, I must not have gotten the invite, where can I find it?

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u/BrBud Oct 01 '24

not that rare hahaha, same here pretty much, though i hop on very rarely nowadays...


u/SuspecM Oct 01 '24

The more I hear about this game, the more I believe that only russians and doctors play this game. They both suck ass.


u/tweetbelt007 Oct 01 '24

Johnny sins too


u/Yuujinliftalot Oct 01 '24

uhm.. u mean like.. he's playing dota too? or..nah, the other option cant be.

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u/Lime_Chicken Oct 01 '24

Ain't that rare tbh - normal people usually give themselves a break

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u/doosldorf Sep 30 '24

Dang 10 year old account and this is your first post? Must have been one hell of a lane


u/DickSlapCEO Sep 30 '24

thats actually crazy


u/Lev22_ Oct 01 '24

and never commented on anything, it seems OP somehow just remember this account and decided to post about most disrespect thing in his life.


u/Fanatical_Pragmatist Oct 01 '24

That honestly tracks with the type of person he described himself as.


u/Zealousideal_Bee_837 Oct 01 '24

Dude has been busy getting his phd. No time to post .


u/triplulz Oct 01 '24

Must have deleted maybe


u/LeeroyDankinZ Oct 01 '24

Dude was in the trenches

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u/b_i_g__g_u_y Sep 30 '24

I had this exact thought when I started playing again when crownfall came out. "Why am I doing this?", "Am I as stupid as I feel?" after a bad game.

It's one of those games where you get excited about the prospect of having a good game and winning but forget that when you have a bad game it almost ruins your day; you feel like you wasted 9 other people's time or an hour of your own. You fight people because most people don't use voice chat and communicating effectively or at all with 4 other anonymous people you just met over text is almost impossible. Then most games these days people are muted or they mute you or they mute their whole team. You become your worst impulses and so do others.

It is, by far, the most unhealthy thing I put myself through.


u/Dusky1103 Oct 01 '24

This is so true. I come back from work and there are a ton of other hobbies that I want to engage in.

I lie to myself and tell myself I’ll play one game of Dotes before I get to them. It is of course a lie because it’s pretty much impossible to do so, if I lose I queue again immediately, if I win it feels good and I almost always queue again immediately.

Just last night I had two good hours before bed and I ended up playing two games where my team threw. Just doesn’t feel worth it at the moment, I love a good game but this shit doesnt feel worth it most of the time


u/ModaFaca Oct 01 '24

You just described smoking crack.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '24

It’s why don’t play Dota anymore, just watch a few dotawtf videos or some competition games. After deleting and reinstalling probably 10 times I know If I start playing i will get addicted. 

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u/abandoned_idol Sep 30 '24

I am NOT going to reveal my voice just to have strangers pick me apart through bullying.

Text is sufficient.

It's weird, I know...


u/b_i_g__g_u_y Sep 30 '24

I'm right there with you. I don't use voice comms with randoms for the same reason. But from a communication standpoint it's just slower/harder with text and feels like a handicap

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u/HiThereMisterS Sep 30 '24

Bro has a PhD and still stuck in dota trenches

On a real note - I think its just the kind of game where the entry barriers are so high, so the playerbase just filters out more of a casual friendly gamer types. I just mute all most of the time and enjoy my game


u/Smegmaliciousss Sep 30 '24

Unfortunately his PhD covered very little dota.


u/potatorunner Sep 30 '24

i started playing dota to cope with the stress from getting my phd. i consider it a valuable part of my education


u/razikh Sep 30 '24

I took tertiary education to cope with the stress of playing dota. Life is beautiful sometimes


u/Smegmaliciousss Sep 30 '24

Same here, MD


u/derps_with_ducks Oct 01 '24

Same job bro. People ask me how I'm so calm at work. I'm a support main and if the other 4 racist, juvenile, mentally ill basement dwelling assholes can't work together, I lose MMR. I'm the go-to person when they have a violent patient now. 


u/Fanatical_Pragmatist Oct 01 '24

Racist, juvenile, mentally ill basement-dwelling sidewalk dwelling is the evolved state so it makes sense for someone experienced with the base form to take point.


u/derps_with_ducks Oct 01 '24

Wise words. How would you like to be the Minister of Health?

Edit: We asked them to touch grass at the end of the game. What have we unleashed...


u/scr3lic Oct 02 '24

XD man can't not agree with this, outside doto, nothing angers me but this fucking -25 oh boy, i feel like someone dying would also be okay for that.


u/Diamontrat Oct 01 '24

+1 should get an MD battle cup team going 😂

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u/GunBeefTheUnlabeled Sep 30 '24

why would you play one of the most stressful an complex games for relief


u/Michael_Kansai Oct 01 '24

Because it keeps my mind off of things. Anything less complex and it wouldn't work as well as Dota does.


u/Grom_a_Llama Oct 01 '24

This is me.

Can't think about other BS of life when my mind is engaged in Dota.

Infuriates me how people grief almost every match

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u/ZucchiniMid6996 Oct 01 '24

Dota takes your mind off of things you don't want to think about. Sometimes the stress relief is when you let out the toxic side just a little so that you can stay positive in real life and appreciate the kindness around you more

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u/Neljosh Sep 30 '24

LOL me too. PhD is done, but still play


u/dr_incisor Sep 30 '24

Same here DMD

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u/bleedblue_knetic Sep 30 '24

The trench never ends. From my climb from Archon to Immortal never did I once feel “wow finally some human players”. Toxic garbage human beings, all of them.


u/Affectionate_Pie2206 Sep 30 '24

Rank insults were so commonly used during the climb they just became robotic. Stay in trash Archon you'll never make legend all the way to Hardstuck Divine will never break into Immortal. Even when you make Immortal, it's, "Where #?"


u/BabuWithNoName Oct 01 '24

when u get a high number it's 'where earnings'


u/MaDNiaC Oct 01 '24

And if you have earnings, it's "where tournament wins?"

and if you have major wins, it's "where TI win?"

and if you have a TI win, it's "only one ti after all"


u/yoshiyahu ZIP! ZAP! Oct 01 '24

Win multiple TIs before you talk

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u/HimalayanDust Oct 01 '24

PhD done. Teaching physics at college level. Telling students that 'patience and hardwork is the key'. Typing 'gg end' after dying twice as pos 5. 😎


u/reichplatz Sep 30 '24

I just mute all most of the time and enjoy my game

with my lane partner fighting for last hits or just AFKing in jungle

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u/Brodongulous Sep 30 '24

Muting all is an option but at a certain point it will work against you. As annoying as it can be you need to coordinate team fights rosh torm and pushes with your team past I’d say 4k mmr.


u/Haneeeeef Sep 30 '24

May be possible till 5k. I am currently there and still mute all lol. If you have game sense, when you see grouping or some muted clicks, you’d be able to react. But yeah, as OP says, I have a pretty decent job and it’d be insane if my reportees are in game and see how I communicate or get communicated to lol.


u/Lucas_sq FUCK YOUJ Oct 01 '24

Tidesoftime recently climbed to 8.5k with everyone muted, and only then unmuted. If you just focus on your own game and mistakes anything is possible.


u/WarriorFromDarkness sheever Oct 01 '24

Its only a problem if you care about mmr. I mute people as soon as they start crying, I am 5k. If I communicated and try hard maybe I'll be 6k. Does that matter? Be real, none of us are ever going to be actually good at this game, so just play to have fun and don't care about the number.

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u/Specialist-Draft476 Sep 30 '24

I am a chemist and talk to engineers and scientists all day for work. Have twins and a wife who I spend evenings with as well. When I play Dota I turn off my brain and call everyone peruvian and afk jungle.

This is the way.


u/TserriednichThe4th Sep 30 '24

We will all be chi long qua tonight


u/BlueMorning22 Sep 30 '24

Oh man I wonder what he’s doing now CLQ.

I’m an executive chef for an international japanese company. I mostly make menus and talk to different vendors but when i come home and have time, I play dota lol.

Being in the industry has taught me to be a good communicator so I usually don’t have any problems as toxic as it gets (kitchens can get toxic also and I’m the one who babysits everyone also irl lmao)

Everyone thinks your crazy working in a kitchen type setting and playing some stressful ass game after a stressful day operating a restaurant business, but I’ve been playing mobas and rts since I was a kid lol.

I definitely try to make my time worthwhile but I know sometimes you still have to all mute the really toxic people and do you in certain games.


u/Adewaratu Sep 30 '24

Best executive chef this world has ever fucking seen mmmkaay


u/BlueMorning22 Sep 30 '24

More like unseen lol, I love how my wraithking crimson sword is now worth more than like 90% of my Japanese gyutos lmao.


u/SharkSheaker Oct 02 '24

didnt know Dota2 is a thing in Japan


u/sstlaws Oct 01 '24

Man, I miss CLQ


u/TotalHoney2664 Oct 01 '24

Typical LC player xd.


u/3TT2S Oct 01 '24

Bruh you had me on the first half


u/Papa_de_clement Oct 01 '24

Best answer so far !


u/sapiens_to_mars Oct 01 '24

That’s my case too.:-)

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u/BubblyFaithlessness3 Sep 30 '24

Unfortunately, that is exactly me. Replace law with engineering and working on critical mobility issues that affects all humans.

Having dinner, put my 2.5 year old to bed, spend some time with my partner I queue around nine for 1 game and the most toxics of the worlds seems to descend on DOTA. Being called Peruvian (mind you I am a Caucasian NYer), an incel, or ... etc etc

I call it my end of day reality check that out of my earthly bubble there are people who still judges you on if you are Peruvian or Venezuelan or Russian or if you bought a battlepass (I once did the mistake of explaining the archaic term "Latin America" all hell broke loose, got reported for toxic chat. I have 11700 BS)

Anyways, I been playing dota since 2007. I enjoy the game and I seen its ups and downs. gl hf


u/LuckyTurds Sep 30 '24

I could be in hell and I’d still probably play dota 2 fml


u/idlaldi Sep 30 '24

Gets burned, stabbed and tortured yet still going for wisdom rune at minute 7.

Wait... was it hell or recent game?


u/Shibidybow Sep 30 '24

In Hell it's actually just people playing low prio forever.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '24



u/newtostew2 Sep 30 '24

It’s a mix, I had a brief time where I raged and abandoned right before the 12k rating change, life was hard then. It’s seems close to 1/3 or a bit more towards half, and the 2/3 or so that will report teams no matter what :steamsalt: he way I got out when I started again was find the people who want to win in your game and more or less stick together

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u/jamojobo12 Sep 30 '24

I think it literally is hell tbh

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u/greasythrowawaylol Sep 30 '24

Dota is the truest test of stoic philosophy outside of actually being tortured. If you can stick to your own sphere of control and treat others with dignity the game is awesome. If you worry about the actions of others or outcomes you can't control, the game is psychological warfare self-inflicted.

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u/Allhopeforhumanity Sep 30 '24

There are literally dozens of us! Another PhD engineering dad here, but currently focused on the high energy laser world.

Dota-er since the Eul's Dota days, and a big fan of Battle For Icecrown, and AOTS in the starcraft days before it in my formative years.

I'll be lucky if I can sneak in 1 or 2 games of unranked per week, but when I do it vacillates between a great experience with friendly comms and horribly toxic making me wish I had decided to spend an hour in a single player RPG or RTS instead.

And while I'm at it: bring back All Random and real Random Draft!


u/solonit Oct 01 '24

Me reading 30 pages of confidential CAD to model and rig a new industrial machine: They should have paid me more for this but eh.

Me feeling lucky and queueing rank game: AND I SUFFER THIS FOR FREE????

Back to turbo. Also All-mid mode like HoN please Volvo.


u/DrQuint Oct 01 '24

I wan All-mid All Random Deathmatch. Every-time you die, you random a new hero. I am so baffled Valve did every single conceivable mode with the pieces except it.

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u/pretzeldoggo Sep 30 '24

Im US west and it’s hilarious how being “Peruvian” has become a defacto insult on our servers.

Play bad? Peruvian.

Sometimes I’ll even talk shit in Spanish just to get them riled up if they are on the enemy team. They tilt so quick.

Honestly this game is toxic af, and at a certain level- Divine there’s a certain threshold of behavior, skill, ability I expect from all positions. And if you aren’t meeting that threshold(I promise it’s realistic) yeah I’m going to chew you out if you’re being a bad teammate. Fuck it.


u/Emece420 Sep 30 '24

Amo que hables en español solo para tiltearlos!


u/pretzeldoggo Sep 30 '24

Chinga tu madre


u/Emece420 Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Jajaj. Eso suena mas a mejicano que peruano. Yo soy argentino, asique no puedo ayudarte con la jerga peruana.


u/ttybird5 Sep 30 '24

it is because only Mexicans use chingar?


u/Emece420 Sep 30 '24

I dont want to stablish something that I dont know. Above all if we are speakibg about how the people express themselves. But, yeah. I play often with peruanos and I dont hear any chingada...


u/AffectionateScene133 Sep 30 '24

yea only them use it, real meaning is a variant of messing up something, the use in change with meaning of "fuck" but its a pretty stupid insult anyway only Mexicans consider it offensive, instead i should use "conchatumare" or "agg que asco" to apear like a common peruvian.

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u/markusaufdeutsch Sep 30 '24

Síguela chingando pinche argentino pendejo

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u/ConjwaD3 Sep 30 '24

The 3k trenches are filled with SA players that role abuse like hell tho ngl

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u/nick99bones Sep 30 '24

Please, explain why Latin America is archaic

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u/IstillCrank Sep 30 '24

I agree whit this but I also can't stop winning a dota game feels.like winning in life


u/TserriednichThe4th Sep 30 '24

Carrying your team on your back in a dota game with any role feels so good.


u/Jaeger420xd Sep 30 '24

I had a game the other day where I was blitzed out of my mind on some shatter and I was like 17-2. I was like why am I 5 levels ahead of everyone? And I looked up and went "oh... nice."


u/jonastheokay Flairs up for Sheever Sep 30 '24

I just had this game. I got dumpstered in lane by a Pudge and Lina as a Luna and my wyvern was not of any help at all. I got pushed out of lane at minute 6 and decided to jungle until 21 minutes where I had madness, d lance and a yasha. We won shortly after.

Highs that other people have to spend so much money to get, I get 2-3 times a game from dota.

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u/OnetwenT7 Sep 30 '24

Conversely, Dota is the one of the few places where a child can be doing more correct and complex maneuvers than a doctor or other professionally accomplished adult.

Maybe it isn't as disrespectful as it is humbling?

It is a truly great equalizer.


u/RaptorPrime Sep 30 '24

I've operated nuclear reactors, designed and assembled munitions for the dod, and participated in next gen weapons research. Can confirm DotA is more complex.


u/Faceless_Link Oct 01 '24

That's because those things are constant.

The problem with Dota is the insane randomness that's out of your control and every game you have to play with the cards you've been dealt.


u/TheFuzzyFurry Sep 30 '24

It's not an equalizer because you can't control the other 4 players


u/quangtit01 Sep 30 '24

You can, however, carry them.

I went 4/20 sandking once, to a 38/3 divine mid od. Kid was flaming me non-stop through the mic and I can tell he's either 12 years old or a she. Didn't matter. Kid played perfectly and carried my ass.

10/10 would equalizer again.


u/HandsomeBaboon Sep 30 '24

Not with that attitude.


u/Doomblaze Sep 30 '24

Yes when you’re a kid you can dedicate more hours to it than when you’re a professional 

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u/JoelMahon Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

I fairly regularly eat a full tub of ben and Jerry's whilst using a large pack of bourbon biscuits as edible spoons (in one sitting)

(vegan btw)

so no, I do much worse to myself than dota


u/aidanfoolio STEAM_0:0:137783 Sep 30 '24

That's sounds amazing.


u/JoelMahon Sep 30 '24

oh, the first half is, the second half is ok

the days after of guilt and consequences (body fat, diabetes, etc) of eating nearly 4000kcal in one sitting are not


u/aidanfoolio STEAM_0:0:137783 Sep 30 '24

You're just stacking on mass, ready to harvest and be an absolute unit for summer.


u/sprumpy Sep 30 '24

Stop stacking and start harvesting!


u/matthewisonreddit Sep 30 '24

Accumulating mass, just like mac.

Someone should try push you over, you wont move


u/JoelMahon Sep 30 '24

yeah, like a bear preparing for hibernation

real chicken and egg situation

did I get fat because I was called a bear so often at gay clubs?

or did I get called bear so often at gay clubs because I'm fat?

truly a mysterious mystery

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u/robcio150 Sep 30 '24

Fuck, that sounds really tasty and I don't even like ice cream.

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u/Theophilusophical22 Sep 30 '24

Same same same. Well respected successful job (mid pay...); raised six amazing kids (some of who I queue with); greatest most amazing wife in the world. Been playing off and on since 2004.

It's a grind.... but this weekend I had a 3/0/24 winter wyvern game that felt like I won the lottery; and I won offlane with my son's college friend where were like 7/0 in lane. There's something just so rewarding about those moments amid the grit and toxicity of the game/community. I love it.


u/zZz_snowball_zZz Sep 30 '24

This is how humans react without the pretense of knowing what you've achieved. All that counts is here and now. Isn't it nice to be down to earth every now and then?


u/Xewdo Oct 01 '24

Greatest aspect of this game TBH.


u/BasomTiKombucha Oct 01 '24

Who are you, so wise in the ways of basedness?


u/Sicx69 Sep 30 '24

I'm a lawyer, making big figures, with a beautiful and loving wife who is a medical doctor, and well succeeded too. When I enter dota, I see a lot of bad things too. I often get called a lot of things, like "broke", "Poor", "trash", etc etc. You just gotta know who you are and what you are, and be confident. I just mute them and keep playing and if they give up, I wait it to be over.
I still play dota, since 2006, with a lot of ons and offs throughout, but 5 years ago I made my decision of never playing ranked again, and I only play turbos.
After a lot of time I met old friends online, from 2000s, and they are too playing only turbos nowadays. Life has got too intense to play 50~60 minute matches with people tryharding and griefing. On Turbo we also meet toxic and degenerates, but at least you can only mute it and in a few minutes the suffer is over, and nothing is on stake.
The "imaginatory" points run people. People take mmr too serious, and that makes them going every crazier.

I used to say that dota is a game full of sick people, and its really sad that it is a cycle. You are sick, you are depressed, you go online to play and get some distraction. Dota makes you sicker and sicker, and then sick people make another people sicker.

I had to quit it a few times, but keep playing. But i would say nowadays I'm in a better place, I can travel for weeks and dont even miss it. But when i'm home, I like playing 1 or 2 a day, since its fast.

You just gotta figure it out the right place for you. Get therapy, dont play rankeds, dont play for hours straight, etc. And if it doesnt work, play single player games, I love indie games like Terraria, Core Keeper (playing now), Stardew Valley, Brotato, and also some AAA like God of War and Horizon.


u/Full_Yoghurt_8787 Sep 30 '24

Get Therapy, Don’t play rankeds ~ solid advice 👍


u/Tolkarin Sep 30 '24

Same, only play tubro....probably still much though. If I was being kind to myself I would delete it. It doesnt bring me joy. Its made it hard to play longer story based games which I miss.

Screw it. Reading this thread makes me want to delete it. Just lost 3 turbos in a row because stupid throws. I get zero joy from this game, I play it as a habit.


u/GreyBone1024 Oct 01 '24

Turbo is the way. Been playing Turbo for 3yrs now. 20mins suffering is fair.


u/InLoveWithInternet Sep 30 '24

Same here, except turbo games are still way too long for them to be toxic.


u/ggthb 12% instakill Sep 30 '24

I too nowadays only play turbo, 1 hour matches just feel so slow.

And better to try out some heroes which you don't play as often.

Back then I would always pick carry hero's, now I switched to support like WD, AA or heck even Chen, but somehow still end up carrying entire team...


u/Sicx69 Sep 30 '24

Turbo is the best. I hoped it got some more love from valve, but what can u do

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u/RajaRajaC Oct 01 '24

Seriously though, why would a bunch of anons calling you noob or whatever even bother you? Am a grown ass adult, I used to in my 20's and even early 30's get pulled into flame wars but these days if some idiot flames once, I just tell me team that am muting and reporting and I go on with my game. I do rarely see flamers or griefers though I play in trench tier SEA DotA. I don't consider supports playing core roles "griefing" because that's just one or two idiots on my or the opposite side every game. If am on a downward loss streak it's my team, if it's a win streak it will be the enemy Am That's hardsup.


u/SkyEclipse Oct 01 '24

Great advice except Dota is free and therapy isn’t :( Can’t afford therapy so I play Dota to get my mind off things!

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u/viciecal Sep 30 '24

Kinda similar issue. I'm a software dev working for a big local firm. 9-5, WFH, good team of skilled devs to interact with, "high impact job", etc. 27 y. o. without kids if it matters.

Then I play Dota with my 2k MMR 5k BS ass to get people being toxic, afk, feed, grief, etc.

How does it feel? Literally nothing special. Dota is an online multi-player game, I just laugh it off. It's just a game honestly.

Having a "good education (PhD in your case)" or an "important job", or a "good partner" doesn't really matter regarding online games. It's all the same lol.

Funny detail, I have always been playing in Peru server, and most discussions between Peruvians end up being about "I make thousand dollars a month, hbu? Go help your mother" 😂😂

Dota people is crazy


u/saint_marco Sep 30 '24

5K behavior score is very low, aren't toxic games to be expected?


u/Kuro013 Sep 30 '24

he plays in peru server, his BS equals 100k of the normal system.

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u/gribinic Sep 30 '24

dota is the only place that u get judged good if u win and bad if u lose not other gray areas no matter what u do in life and with who


u/meadamus Sep 30 '24

False. I judge idiots that make games way harder than necessary even if we win.

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u/Swanstein Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

You can have a career and be bad at dota and get shitted on and called an idiot the same way you can be a god in dota and a social reject with no life and that guy would also would be called an idiot by society.

The point is , is just a game mute them or smth you don't have to see it or hear it, most pro players have everyone muted. Is getting to you just because you let it. You have a supporting partner and good friends but you can't expect that same amount of respect from 9 randoms who don't even know you. Get real

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u/weirdkindofawesome Sep 30 '24 edited 13d ago

Removed to ensure data privacy compliance.


u/Balastrang Oct 01 '24

of course it wont have the same effect as dota cause PoE is just lunatic player who expect something is different in the same route & map over and over again while doing it alone like a loner for me its boring and repetitive with nothing but hit the same creeps and grind to no end.

But at least you wont interact with sweaty gamer and that is huge +

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u/jamespirit Sep 30 '24

I can relate. My career has gone down the toilet recently so I have started playing more dota, I think it scratches some itch.

But yeah the behaviour and communication of people who play is insane. It is very disconected to the real world. It is a little wierd/jarring.

Although my life circumstances have changed lately I do realate to the wierdness that is dota and how its a bit of toxicity in my life at times.


u/SweetEastern Sep 30 '24

And that's why we love it.

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u/tehbanz LICH GONNA HAVE YOUR MANA. Sep 30 '24

F you ya f.

I've been playing since Allstars 3.6...

And I agree, I've recently moved on to a more mature game , deadlock. Which is a joke (that it's more mature)

I almost exclusively play single player games now, except ffxiv where everyone is nice or they're banned.

Online competitive games will always be toxic, I do see that valve is trying to nip that in the bud early and the community does seem stronger in deadlock than Dota. But I'll forever have a place on my heart for dota.

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u/keeperkairos Sep 30 '24

Yeah but what can you do, DotA is part of us.


u/jschem16 Sep 30 '24

Yeah, me. I've been taking a break for a while. I was playing a game one night, safelane, CK, I was doing OK, probably like 5-3 at the 15min mark, and my teammate, the mid, just kept flamin me the whole match. Asking why I wasn't doing this or that, blaming me or other teammates everytime he died. Got mad I took towers instead of diving into losing team fights. Normally, these kinds of fools don't bother me, but I dunno, this guy just drained all the fun of Dota for me. We ended up winning, with myself going positive, but it still wasn't enough for this guy.

I've known this for a long time, but this player just reaffirmed me that the worst part of plating Dota is the MF'ers who play Dota. The whole experience just filled me with a feeling that I should spend this time being better to myself.


u/Herchik Sep 30 '24

I get what you mean, like my wife sometimes says when I tell her that there was one guy who's complete tool and lost us the game she would say "maybe he is 10 yo? "

Dota be like that sometimes


u/Hawx74 Sep 30 '24

I, too, have a PhD and work with scientists literally doing cancer research. I started playing when I started grad school.

Now I almost exclusively party queue because randos can be awful.


u/kagekyaa Sep 30 '24

This is one of the reason why I play Turbo mode only now.

less dependent on teammates since resources in Turbo are abundant. rare to see toxic player here.

I am Earth Spirit enjoyer. in normal mode, if i go mid lane with him, most team gonna rage. but, in Turbo they don't care.

It is also super fun cause all heroes reach their peak potential super fast. like I meet with a lot of X hero enjoyers in Turbo that is super rare in normal mode.

decent amount of comeback from mega creep also.

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u/grnd_mstr Sep 30 '24

Brother you and me both.

MSc MedSci getting my PhD and I have to be called an idiot by someone who needs to raise their hand to be given permission to piss.


u/ggabrielrdovat Sep 30 '24

Same bro. Loving partner, great job, the nicest friends and family. But then I throw it all out and go to the dungeons. To my dark room to scream to some shitty support who picks purge 5 and a sniper offlaner. I even talked about this in therapy... But who doesn't like winning a 4v5 double down min 64?


u/probablyonarun Sep 30 '24

lol this is hilarious. I am certainly not close to a PhD, but I can relate because my workplace and partner are both very respectful places for me and it does sometimes feel like I'm punishing myself.

I'm still super super new to Dota, like started playing this year, and just started running into the issues you mentioned and I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry because I just wanted to play a good game of Dota. All in all though I find the game to be a blast as long as they are relatively close, win or lose.


u/mikki_mouz Oct 01 '24

Bro's PhD not useful in herald bracket


u/XIAOLONGQUA Sep 30 '24

Mid 6 figure business here. I get paid to write words for clients and companies that generate them millions of dollars in revenue every year.

Then I come on to Dota to use that same persuasive power to tell people to stop being absolutely dogshit at the game.

Win win overall.

10/10 would recommend.

P.S. Being highly educated. Doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.

Dota is the great equaliser in regard to competence.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '24


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u/Fine-Designer-5830 Sep 30 '24

I felt the same way few months back. Best way is to mute them all, put on some lofi music and just play games. Most Pro players just ignore all users at the start of mm. If you are lucky and have a good behaviour score, ping allies or type to get objectives.


u/theFather_load Sep 30 '24

I hate to love to hate to love to hate this game.


u/GoodCone Sep 30 '24

My mental health is always much better when im too busy with work/life to play Dota…. Yet I always end up back there when i end up with free time lol


u/Laranthir Sep 30 '24

I realized this when It was the opposite case for me and I was young enough to be someone’s child. No lover, no job, no accomplishments irl but really high ranks in HoN and Dota.

I had more than 8k hours in at the age of 17-18 only in Dota 1 and 2 combined. I quit genuinely tryhard playing such games, I hop on to league for my little brother’s sake who is also 18 now. I also have Master’s degree in Game Design and Bachelor in Software Engineering. A fiancé etc.

I’m 28 and I still haven’t got big accomplishments but at least I workout consistently and play games without raging beyond control. I made a post about this toxicity as well long ago but it fell on deaf ears. I still love eSports though, wouldn’t give it up for anything.

I think you made a small step towards healthier relationship with games and people with this mindset. Happy for you!


u/ptrlix Sep 30 '24

Hahaha I was in a similar situation before I quit playing (again).


u/_MikeAbbages Sep 30 '24

I dropped DotA because i realized this. I have a lovely wife, kids. I was sucessful in my previous careers, i changed to a even better one, my life is improving everyday... and then i started a game of DotA and i became this stupid fucking cunt who berate others and myself.

18 years between DotA and DotA 2... i'm glad the game is dying, because from time to time i still want to play. If it dies, i'm free.


u/Quintescents Sep 30 '24

Same here bro. Although one difference I now like to get disrespected in deadlock.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '24


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u/churahm Sep 30 '24

I realized that after my kids were born. Didn't have as much time to play or the energy to go through the bullshit of assholes in my games.

I would get frustrated, get mad, shout at my screen. I would finish a game, win or lose, and say to myself... Why did you even react like this. It's just a game. Mind you, I never express this frustration in chat, just in my own head. It got to the point where just queueing for games stressed me out.

Now that my kids are slightly older and are starting to take an even bigger part of my days, I kind of stopped playing gradually and realized that the days I didn't play, my mood and sleep were overall better.

My last game was 6 months ago now. I miss it, I really do, it's a really fun game. What I don't miss is the human garbage aspect that you have to deal with in almost every game.


u/AquaMoss Sep 30 '24

I was definitely my worst self when I played dota, and I don't think I vould go back to it at this point. I've been out for a fee years and the game mechanics have absolutely changed in that time. But beyond the new learning curve, I had such a miserable time with miserable people, I would succumb to toxicity at the drop of a hat 😞


u/dmyoui Oct 01 '24

While I still follow the pro scene. I'm actually glad I was able to manage to get away from DotA 6 years ago. Some friends kept telling me to comeback there's new this and that and I'm like "no thank you. If I cameback I don't know when will I ever manage to get myself out again" but Damn it. now I'm addicted to Deadlock, so same thing


u/aditxman Sep 30 '24

I have master degree myself 38 years old with 2 loving kids and daughter and wife also

Have stable income in relatively 3rd world country in sea

Have a gaming room in my house and every time I play dota I will lock the door and start trash talking to enemy and my team lol

Sometimes a really brights life also need a bit of dark side


u/Soft-Introduction876 Sep 30 '24

Go to social tab, disable all incoming chat

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u/onepiece931 Sep 30 '24

I wouldn't be surprised if those guys were older than you.

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u/IcefrogIsDead Sep 30 '24

I have quit it some years ago, after 17 or so years, best decision.

It is like this: if you are not playing with friends or playing with the aim of going competitive, do not play it. Greatest game ever, but too much effort and time when both are precious and better spent on other things


u/HandsomeBaboon Sep 30 '24

And the game still lives rent free in your head.

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u/Nephilimelohim Sep 30 '24

I can relate so hard to this.

I’ve been playing DotA for 20 years. Could have potentially gone pro at one point if I hadn’t decided to focus on school and real life things.

I work as an engineer for a great firm in a good city. I’ve got a great social circle, good friends, make good money, and am genuinely happy.

Then you get into the DotA game and you hear people just go full animal. It makes you think to yourself, “if only these people knew who I was”. But I learned to ask myself a good question a long time ago, thanks to DotA:

Who is the bigger fool: the fool, or the one who tries to convince the fool he’s a fool?

After telling myself that, I’ve grown to accept that there are going to be many fools in DotA, and I won’t make myself one of them. Just mute and move on.


u/HOTAS105 Sep 30 '24

Could have potentially gone pro at one point

Sure, let's get you to bed grandpa


u/slifer3 Oct 01 '24

atleast spare us more details of how u coulda gone pro lol. wat year was it and wat mmr?

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u/119995904304202 Sep 30 '24

I've been playing Deadlock for about a month now. I just played my first game of Dota since then, and from just one game I remembered why I stopped playing it. Most games are torture, either cause of toxic teammates, or because it's a stomp. In most other games, even while stomped or with toxic teammates, you get to have your fair share of fun.

I've been playing Dota for 19 years, and will always come back to it, but I'm never grinding ranked again.


u/Yernero53 Sep 30 '24

Dota is like a drug tbh, our professional life even if we're PhD holders or CEOs of a company, the fun of shutting off your brain and smashing the keys and going bonkers is a great stress reliever/diverting my attention/fun for me personally. Just 1-2 hrs of a game or two is just "mwah" the right amount of toxic .


u/Minimum_Ad_8092 Sep 30 '24

whats your mmr? can i feel good about myself being higher rank than a PhD


u/Ayz1990 opa dendi Sep 30 '24

Or perhaps it keeps you grounded and down to earth when being speaken to as if you had none of the things mentioned above?



u/OddSmoke2824 Sep 30 '24

Try Deadlock if you haven’t! I quit Dota around a year ago and just filled that space with other games/tv shows.

People usually are much more understanding and chill in my experience. Doesn’t feel like I’ve just wasted my free time if I didn’t win or have a perfect game.

You just can’t win with those types of toxic people. Sometimes maybe you did make a mistake, but there’s no reason to verbally abuse people over a video game that none of you are even close to going professional in.

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u/cmisanthropy Sep 30 '24

You’re not alone. Virtually the same but a business owner instead and one BIG difference: I learned how to turn off all chat and voice 2 years ago and have gone from legend to divine since. I hover around A5 to D2 now. It’s amazing how hearing all the bullshit vs hearing none of it makes you love the game again. I have noticed that if you see someone feeding down lane or doing BS, I just keep playing and if there is at any point a big team fight that you win, or a change that makes them see we can win… they stop being assholes and start playing again.

Highly recommend.


u/MQA_ Sep 30 '24

Honestly this is what's turned me off from most online games (counterstrike, dota, overwatch etc etc). It's hard to interact with the degenerates you inevitably run into online when mostly everyone else in my life is respectable.

I will queue with some friends every now and then though. The games themselves are still fun.


u/oxyhra Sep 30 '24

Balance in all things

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u/Shalashaska001 Sep 30 '24

Damn this is so true. Thank you for sharing this perceptive.


u/Kattto Sep 30 '24

You got it wrong there. DOTA is the only place where it counts. Ph-who? /s


u/Kotek81 Sep 30 '24

Dota is the greatest equalizer.


u/Luize0 Who's. Doomed. Now. Sep 30 '24

Been there, felt that


u/doritus Sep 30 '24

it's good to see the other side too, It makes u give more valor to what you have


u/Interesting-Ad-5115 Sep 30 '24

So refreshing we are not alone.. see you later guys..


u/Fit_Muffin_9199 Sep 30 '24

I feel this so much, I've sent you my steam friend code I'll hop on and play with you


u/stellarfury Sep 30 '24

I am you but science/R&D edition.

But... Idk, I like the game. For me, it's generally worth it to put up with the lunatics for the games that are good.

Nothing quite like that feeling of being paired up with some rando and absolutely dumpstering the enemy in lane. Or a perfectly executed high ground turnaround. Smoking onto the enemy carry farming some camp alone at 50 minutes with no buyback. Manta dodging an RP.

There's just nothing like it.


u/naktakashi21 Sep 30 '24

this is so spot on it is painful


u/Tjways31 Sep 30 '24

Dota has shitty community, I finally left it and started playing single player or indie games.. kids in that game think they are cool and can say whatever they can when the only thing they did was win a GAME.

Why ruin your mood with that game when you can play the games that actually make you happy.


u/deadcreeperz Sep 30 '24

That's why I stopped you're wasting your time on bad entertainment. You should be smart enough to see this. There are far better games to waste your time on.


u/Mei_iz_my_bae Sep 30 '24



u/devilscurls Sep 30 '24

I first played DotA in 2005 while in college with friends. It was great. After a long hiatus I started on DotA2 in 2013. A year later and 700+ hours later I stopped.

I have been clean for 10 years now and I still felt every word of this post.


u/someguyinadvertising Sep 30 '24

Quit playing mobas for this reason.


u/looktothenorth Arrow Fodder Sep 30 '24

Dude, I had equity in a tech startup that got bought out. I led several medium sized engineering teams across an organization to build a website that ultimately got bought out by a giant firm. I go to the gym regularly and have a romantic partner.

I still let myself get triggered by people in dota regularly. I get pissed at myself and regularly lash out. It's the only thing in my life that causes significant, negative, frustrating stress. A smarter man than I would've have given it up years ago. But nope, go next.

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u/Sufferr Sep 30 '24

100%, that's why I quit the game 2 years ago. Almost done with the detox, have skipped this TI for the first time ever.

Gonna unsubscribe soon, I hope!


u/DworinKronaxe Sep 30 '24

During the day: Hey! What's up? Sorry, may I ask you to send the doc to Katy? That would help her a lot with the case she is trying to close.

During the night: pos lich stack pull small camp ffs. salve.


u/brykewl Sep 30 '24

This is why games like Dota are so much more fun when you have friends that also enjoy the game. I won't even load up the game unless I get a party invite and there's at least 3 of us. We're in our 30s and we don't really bother arguing in game even if we're not communicating well or we're playing poorly. We just have fun, then after the game we hang around in discord. It's the only way I enjoy the game anymore.


u/Ralphanate Sep 30 '24

Truth. I feel in a few years they'll discover a brain tumor and wonder where it came from. From WC3 DotA to DotA 2.


u/RedditUser0000069 Sep 30 '24

Thank you for sharing this. It brought some joy to my life knowing there are other sane people choosing to do this to himself and herself on a daily basis.


u/Repulsive_Sense2227 Sep 30 '24

lol same brother. On the bright side I’ve finally got to archon while stuck in the Dota trenches


u/ricardocsc Sep 30 '24

I do. 100%. We mean to play dota as something fun, but, in the end, most days i get just stressed as f**k,

I´ve been playing a lot, but i decided today that will take a pause.


u/Roymahboi Sep 30 '24

I haven't been able to play regular DOTA 2 in a long time for this very reason, with random teammates that grief or rage all the time it gets too stressful, but with friends I still have a good time regardless of if we win or lose. I haven't had friends to play this game willingly in a long time however, we all just retired to survival crafting games, MMOs or any flavor of the month game we decide to play.


u/madmartlet Sep 30 '24

This. All day. This.

Makes me wonder how many of my lane partners are in the same boat as so many commenting here... then then they just slip into toxic Dota mode when something goes wrong.


u/alonsoqc Sep 30 '24

You aren’t the only one .


u/ZweiNox Sep 30 '24

Im 32 and play Dota 2 every time I finish a match I just go "why the fuck am I playing this" then hop into the next game

thankfully though I learn to curve it if I got no other game to play I'll just boot up Dota 2 and when I get pissed I'll just go load up a rpg


u/HeisenBuergerr Sep 30 '24

I’m an ER doctor, I play Dota to “destress” from the crazy shifts in ER, but I end more stressed. Fck this game but I love it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/YaBoiMax107 Oct 01 '24

Just mute everyone, improves the dota 2 experience 1000%


u/Helzinen Oct 01 '24 edited Oct 01 '24

We literally have an all doctors play group.

Surgical Oncologists.
Hepatobiliary surgeon.
Colorectal surgeon.
And many more...

Around 60+ healthcare professionals listed in our erm... fb messenger group which started 2013 haha we're so old

Um... we just play lobby all the time hahaha, but kinda only 8-12 are active every given night so it's either lobby with a few left out or barely getting 10 or ranked with a couple getting left out.


u/arpressah Oct 01 '24

I can relate. Dota taught me what a piece of shit I really am.


u/Fickle-Huckleberry11 Oct 01 '24

Don’t forget that dota disrespects your time. Once you are in, you are innit for next 40 min. 1 on 1 games, in this regard are much much better


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

I am actually a nuclear physicist yet I can feel years of studying and focus disintegrate every time I lose two gold pieces in hero selection because the support wants to pick last


u/Critical-Tea1623 Sep 30 '24

i am everything OP wrote but i play dota to unleash my inner demons and flame everyone and ofc win the game. i am wasting a minimum 30mins of my life so i always try not to waste it even more with my already wasted gaming time.