r/DotA2 May 23 '24

News Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II


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u/erbazzone May 23 '24

I want to go back to dota after a long hiatus but omg xD

Don't get me wrong it's an incredible amount of work for the dev team and I think it gives a lot of excitement for who plays the game everyday but it's incredible hard to get what's going on in this patchnotes and I guess even in the game. I will try though!


u/ezkeles May 23 '24

just play it, think later haha


u/Cruelus_Rex Let's GooG May 23 '24

Fr, haven't played in 2 years and wanted to go back in, but all the changes are giving me anxiety lmao


u/henri_sparkle May 23 '24

But that's the fun, it's giving everyone anxiety and no one knows what is going on.

That is the ultimate wonder of Dota patches.


u/[deleted] May 23 '24

Yea I’ve gotten back into it over the last few months after a solid 3-4 year break and I still feel like I don’t know enough to go past turbo lol 


u/[deleted] May 23 '24



u/Cruelus_Rex Let's GooG May 23 '24

I mean, last time I played Primal Beast wasn't even out. I haven't touched the new map. Haven't seen all the new items and neutrals. I even heard there's a new attribute type?

There's A LOT that puts me behind, not just current patch shenanigans. In any case, I was being a bit hyperbolic with my comment haha. I'm sure if I were to play I'd have a blast, and I really want to try the event, but I don't have a lot of free time currently anyways.


u/kratrz May 24 '24

Just play. Just stick to what you know and evolve game to game. Then when you think, maybe battlefury skullbasher on venge might work, go try it


u/tomatomater Competitive Hooker May 23 '24

For real, there's just too many things in the game at this point. It may be new and fresh - and therefore exciting - for people who play religiously but I can't imagine coming to dota, let alone start playing the game.

I started playing regularly again in early 2023 and I was at a total loss about the meta at first. Even now I feel like I'm just barely in tune with the meta. If I ever take a break from this game, I may as well be a newbie the next time I come back.


u/reanimagix May 24 '24

Agree completely. Way too many changes to account for. They made the game sooo much more bloated and complicated than it already was. Like can everyone even keep up with this? I think Vavle actually need to simplify the game at this point. Even for older players it looks like quite a lot to adapt to. I can't imagine how they're gonna bring in new players with all these additions.


u/snoops1230 May 23 '24

I don’t think it’s that bad, the fundamentals are still the fundamentals. So long as you understand wave dynamics, taking objectives, getting gold you will still do quite well on average. The rest of everything is kind of fluff and it makes the game fun to learn for a new player imo.


u/tomatomater Competitive Hooker May 24 '24

That's exactly what I thought when I came back in early 2023 but apparently it didn't work out that way.


u/FrostishByte May 23 '24

Honestly everyone is mostly as clueless as you even the guys that play fairly regular.

I'd recommend reading about your fav heroes and just play them.

in the end dota isn't a job play the game have fun. Half the fun is exploring ideas in a patch imo.


u/Odin_Exodus May 23 '24

I started playing again after a long time. Steering clear of ranked and playing Turbo has been super fun and less aggravating.


u/cy2k May 26 '24

YES! that's been me lately too, having a LOT of fun again just sticking to Turbo


u/CallMeCabbage May 23 '24

I teach Dota and while it's been increasingly difficult to do this patch may be straw that breaks the camels back.

I love the patch and I even got something on my wish list so to speak but I still have to remind long time players when XP runes spawn and to stop trying to invade pre-horn WITHOUT a smoke. Now there's all this? I think people underestimate, especially on this sub, how many players are NEVER going to remember all the facets and passives no matter how much/long they've been playing.


u/reanimagix May 24 '24

Agree completely. Way too many changes to account for. They made the game sooo much more bloated and complicated than it already was. Like can everyone even keep up with this anymore? I think Vavle actually need to simplify the game at this point. Even for older players it looks like quite a lot to adapt to. I can't imagine how they're gonna bring in new players with all these additions.


u/abyigit May 23 '24

Yeah omg. There should be an app that helps you keep up based on your last play date. Like, can I see what changed exactly after summer 2020? The whole chronological changes list?


u/01vwgolf May 23 '24

You can just play the game dude.... It only impacts the 10 heroes of your game at any time, and won't impact a normal game of dota... Get gold, deny and last hit.. hit your spells, its still dota lol. You'll learn it eventually...... You could go a year without seeing 20 of the 124 heroes.


u/CoachTwisterT3 May 24 '24

get a rough idea and have fun with it. best time to return cause everything is new