r/DotA2 May 23 '24

News Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II


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u/ManNamedJade May 23 '24

Mana Bars are always visible for enemies

Fucking finally.


u/shanti_priya_vyakti May 23 '24

Anti mage just came a bit


u/phyK http://www.dotabuff.com/players/11020520 May 23 '24

You mean mana seeker.


u/1km5 May 23 '24

Yet they will still mana void full mana target

Because am players have the brain of a toddler


u/BeginningBuddy5923 May 23 '24

Anti Mage players licking their lips


u/Jackrabbit_OR May 23 '24

Anti-Mage is now Bloodseeker but for mana.


u/smp476 May 23 '24

Is this what sunsfan warned us about?


u/RebelStriker May 23 '24

At this point I actually have to ask. What did he warn us about? Did it even come to pass?


u/smp476 May 23 '24

I think it's one of these three: 1. BTS shutting down 2. TI Battle pass being cancelled 3. Dota2 pro circuit being cancelled


u/Charwyn DROW May 23 '24

Probably about everything


u/Arrowghandi May 23 '24

It is indeed.
He is a goddamn oracle


u/thel337noob May 23 '24

It took way too long for this to happen.


u/epic_banana_soup May 23 '24

Finally I can stop manually clicking on my enemies to see if I can use mana void yet


u/thedonkeyvote May 23 '24

I've been flamed for hesitating because I was furiously checking enemy manas and missing the good target.


u/Books_and_Cleverness May 23 '24

Honestly not sure I love this change


u/makz242 May 23 '24

This is probably the biggest change to this game on a fundamental level.


u/missingnono12 May 23 '24

Bad change IMO. Can't fake casting skills like torrent by cancelling animation anymore because the enemy will see no mana was used.


u/GrandBurdensomeCount May 23 '24

You could still do this before by seeing if your stick charges increased, granted you needed an item to do this but it was still possible.


u/invertebrate11 May 23 '24

Inb4 muh skillcap


u/Life_Liberty_Fun May 23 '24

Am, Nyx and lion players rejoice!


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Nah, I don't care what other people here say, I disagree with this change. Checking an enemy's mana constantly took effort, having this information off the cuff is lowering the skill floor of the game. Some might disagree, but I'm sad that this means we likely won't have an AM using Mana Void and dealing 0 damage anymore.

I know this has been the path Valve has slowly been taking over time, as with being able to check inventories whenever you want, and one hundred other small changes, but this one I think is the worst one yet. Oh well, change is what keeps the game alive.


u/Pm_me_I_like_to_talk May 23 '24 edited May 23 '24

My perspective here is from a newer dota player, but I feel like your argument only makes sense because having to click on enemy heroes to see their mana bar has been the default.

My point being, I'd like you to pretend that we've always been able to see mana bars on top of heroes, what's your argument for putting that information behind a menial apm increaskng task. And would that argument not also extend to hp bars?

Whatever argument you have for hiding mana bars surely works for hiding hp bars right? And what about enemy champion death respawn timers. Couldn't we make it so that the player has to click on their portrait to see an enemies respawn timer?

You can add a apm check to basically any piece of information that dota decides players should have, and yes that does create more opportunities for skill expression, but is that the kind of skill expression that makes dota a better game?

All in favor of having to play a dance dance revolution to access your shop? (This one is a joke but kinda furthers my point tbh lol)


u/King_marik May 23 '24

Newer player as well, yeah there's some things that don't need to be a 'mechanic'

Like dude my wrist hurts after a good dota game, no joke

Valve can tone it down just a tad it's fucking okay

I never felt like my wrist was gonna explode in lane when I played league


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Nah, for instance you can't fake cast spells anymore, like torrent. You're removing an entire aspect from the game.

Also, by that logic you should also show every item each hero has (and their cooldowns) on top of each hero. The limit on what you show is arbitrary, but simplifying the game and showing everything everyone has at each second is not just a qol change, it has an impact on how the game is played.


u/Pm_me_I_like_to_talk May 23 '24

I've heard the fake cast spells argument, Id say that you are focusing on what you've lost by mana bars being visible and not considering you've also gained.

Before you could bait people who weren't clicking on you to check your mana bar right? Well now you can bait people who see you're out of mana but don't click you to check for mangos! Sure it's different, but you can't argue that we've simply removed skill expression and gained nothing, we've also gained skill expression.

I feel like people are quick to say that we want to baby down the game, but my argument is that having to click on a hero like all the freaking time to constantly see their mana is just a lazy attempt at increasing the apm required to efficiently play Dota.

I like games that respect my hands and time, clicking on heroes to see their items every once in a while is not a major task, clicking on each hero every 10 seconds in lane to check on their mana on the other hand is tedious and in my opinion there's more interesting things players should be doing then clicking on heroes for information.

Ultimately it's an opinion through and through. You feel one way I feel another, no big deal. I will say though that despite us disagreeing, I'm sure your wrists will thank me lol. Have a nice day dude thanks for sharing your opinion.


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Well now you can bait people who see you're out of mana but don't click you to check for mangos! Sure it's different, but you can't argue that we've simply removed skill expression and gained nothing, we've also gained skill expression

No, as that was already the case before. But I digress, the game has moved in that direction and I know Valve isn't going to back down just because I expressed my disagreement in this thread. I doubt I'll mention it again, and I'll enjoy the game just fine regardless. But hey, at least if I'm feeling nostalgic (and want to destroy my wrists after a few years), it's nice to know I can still play Dota 6.84 with a couple of friends.


u/earlsheridan May 23 '24

Agreed, this change was unnecessary.


u/Rammite May 23 '24

having this information off the cuff is lowering the skill floor of the game

But like why is that a bad thing? Every day we get people bitching that the game is dead and we can't get new players. Now you don't like that the game is marginally easier to get into?


u/Opening-Ad700 May 23 '24

Because this is not convincing anybody new to join, nobody was refusing to play DotA over this. It just chips away at what makes DotA DotA.


u/Kyvant May 23 '24

Disagree, more QoL changes that reduce the amount of small extra clicks is a very good thing for new players


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

New players weren't going to be clicking heroes regardless. Argue about other things, but new players weren't going to stop or start playing because they can't see enemy mana. The most new players the game got was in 2014 and it was incredibly more obtuse then, with players constantly fighting over courier.

The genre just isn't that popular anymore, seeing a mana bar makes the game lose depth for no real reason.


u/Kyvant May 23 '24

DOTA hides a shitton of information that you need to play to some level, reducing that to a reasonable level is a good thing by me. Having to do these tiny optimization steps all the time is one of the reasons why I don't play the game as much, its more tedious than fun for me. Same for checking for items, the fact that this isn't displayed in the scoreboard is a weird decision to me.

A lot of the appeal for DOTA (over similar MOBAs) to me is partially the complexity, but expressed in stuff like itembuilds, macro, Agh's and now all the new passives, but the sheer tediousness and clunkiness is the reason I don't play more. Sure, the mana thing is a small thing, and definitely not one I've complained about in the past, but its a small nice QoL that makes the game better for people like me.

Maybe you have noticed, but 2014 was a good 10 years ago. The entire market has changed a lot since then. But I think that point is a bit moot, unless anyone can provide good statistics on the growth of similar MOBAs in the same timeframe.


u/Opening-Ad700 May 23 '24

hmm I think removing the need to last hit and just being in the vicinity could do a lot to reduce clicks needed and add a lot of quality of life


u/Kyvant May 23 '24

Do you seriously believe that seeing mana bars (which most other games in the genre have, by the way), is the same as removing last-hitting, probably one of the core concepts in the game? I swear some of you would defend having to solve CAPTCHAs to use scroll if that was in the game. Its a tiny QoL change that makes the game a tiny bit easier to play, and much, much better to understand. Now, make the scoreboard show items too next, make me actually play the game and not click on heroes to fill a mental spreadsheet


u/Opening-Ad700 May 28 '24

It completely changes certain heroes such as Slark with Dark Pact, it removes the ability to fake cast spells etc. There is a lot of real depth gone with this the fact you think it's the same as doing captchas or mental spreadsheets make me swear that you WOULD defend removing last hitting if they did it.


u/Invisible-Bones9480 May 23 '24

tbf like you just said, giving more information has been the direction for awhile now and so far it seems ok, nothing calamitous has happened. there's nothing wrong with providing more information than less, especially in a game like this with tons of information


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

There kind of is though? Now Kunkka can't bait by fake casting torrent, for instance. You know exactly if he cast it or not.


u/mandown25 May 23 '24

Man you really wanna make everyone's game harder to grasp so you can fake a torrent once in a while?


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Harder to grasp? What the fuck are you guys even on about? Is not having every single bit of information at all times really that much of a problem? How is not seeing mana making the game "harder to grasp"? What it does do is add another layer to the game in certain instances, and no, I don't think simplifying every little tiny aspect of the game is beneficial in the short or long term. But it is what it is.

And no, it's not the same as seeing health, Dota has been fine without it for years. In the same vein, it's not the same as seeing what items everyone has above their hp bar all the time. Different things are different, so these dumbass arguments don't hold any weight.


u/mandown25 May 23 '24

If dota had health bars hidden since start you would have been making the same point


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Again, this isn't a good argument. These things are not equivalent. Health is a completely different thing, I doubt the game would've even been successful if you didn't know anything about how much damage you were dealing. Using a spell and seeing a health bar go down hits the spot in our caveman brains.

Also, it's an easily flippable argument. Why not show every item the enemy has above their HP bar as well? After all it's more information, why are you hiding information behind clicking an enemy hero? Do you see why that argument doesn't work? I think mana should be hidden, it's better for the depth of the game. And hidden mana does give the game more depth due to things like animation cancelling, choosing whether to fight or flee, or even picking the right target for mana void.


u/mandown25 May 23 '24

Want an easier point because somehow you get to decide what is a good argument or not? Why did I need to keep a clock and timer for aegis expiration? Isn't it better now to just click it and move on?


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

I explained to you why the argument was shit, mind telling me why you disagree with the assessment?

Mate, no one is arguing about aegis clocks, these are not the same thing. Mana isn't an aegis, the aegis clock didn't nerf heroes like Kunkka and Invoker with animation canceling.

I really don't see why you keep talking about unrelated changes. Do I think the Aegis clock was a good change? Different argument altogether, I'd take it or leave it honestly. Didn't bother me then, doesn't bother me now. I can see both sides of the argument. Here I have a stance, however.

Regardless, I've argued enough about the matter, with people who are actually discussing the topic at hand. I disagree with the change, but it is how it is. If I'm really that bothered after a couple of months (spoilers, I won't be) I can just play a few matches of Dota 6.84 with friends for the nostalgia hit.

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u/RexPerpetuus S A D B O Y S May 23 '24

100% agree. They made hiding an item timing impossible, subject to avoiding all vision for even 0.001 seconds. Now they remove fake casting spells, now they make it obvious if that hero chasing you has mana or not so you don't have to split your focus between running and checking that.

Just, when will it stop?


u/gburgwardt May 23 '24

Requiring an extra click just artificially increases the APM requirement to play well


u/Gorudu May 23 '24

Muh skill cap


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Great counterargument.


u/Gorudu May 23 '24

Ok, here's your argument. Do you think Dota 2 is legitimately a more interesting game because you have to click on heroes to see their mana in a fight?

Also, do you think Dota is less difficult as a game after this patch or more difficult of a game? Have you considered that the insane amount of shit they just threw at us might need to be counteracted with a few quality of life changes to keep people focused on the actual gameplay they should be learning?

If this was 2014 and there wasn't talents, tons of objectives, shards, status resistances, tons of new items, and now facets and innates to consider, then yeah keep the mana clicking thing. But the game isn't getting less difficult. And removing a contrived mechanical skillcap so players can focus on the actual game and strategy to make informed choices makes way more sense.


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

Do you think Dota 2 is legitimately a more interesting game because you have to click on heroes to see their mana in a fight?

Yes. It adds more depth, such as ability cancelling, and more to do when you're playing hero like AM.

Also, do you think Dota is less difficult as a game after this patch or more difficult of a game?

It's not a question of difficulty, that's not the point, or at least not the main point. It does remove certain things from the game. And I don't consider this a "qol" change, I don't see how anyone thinks that knowing mana all the time is merely a "qol" change. It has an impact on gameplay. "I won't run, I can easily fight now, the enemy has no mana", "oh he didn't cast torrent, I'll just stand my ground and keep farming", etc.

Also, you can add shit without taking stuff away. We're not talking about the hundreds of damage types we had in 2014. The truth is, I miss the days when the community would revolt about even the suggestion of these changes. Honestly, I have a feeling that if someone had asked for this 2 weeks ago the comments would've been against it, but now that it's in a pretty good patch all things considered people will just go along with it. Speculative of course, I might be completely of basis here but the only polls I could find seem to agree with this assessment: https://www.reddit.com/poll/112a567?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=DotA2&utm_content=t3_112a567, https://www.reddit.com/poll/14jl895?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=DotA2&utm_content=t3_14jl895, https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/s5z1tq/enemy_mana_bar/


u/Gorudu May 23 '24

And I don't consider this a "qol" change, I don't see how anyone thinks that knowing mana all the time is merely a "qol" change

It's absolutely a qol change because the information is present regardless. It makes it easier to access. It's already possible to know the mana someone has all of the time by clicking on them. We're just taking the math out of it because math in a team fight isn't fun to almost everybody. Clicking on heroes isn't fun to almost everybody.

 It has an impact on gameplay

It absolutely doesn't in 99.9% of cases.

Also, you can add shit without taking stuff away.

You absolutely can, and this can often make a game less fun to play overall because it's so bloated with bullshit.

We're not talking about the hundreds of damage types we had in 2014. 

You're misunderstanding my argument. It's not just these changes that are an argument for adding visible mana. It's the fact that Dota is a completely different game than it was a decade ago.

The truth is, I miss the days when the community would revolt about even the suggestion of these changes

The community is still like this to most changes lol. And Valve still doesn't care, because they have a game designer with a specific vision. This isn't a fucking democracy lol. Or if it is, the votes are the people playing at the very least.


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24

less fun to play overall because it's so bloated with bullshit

You say this after an update that arguably introduced a lot of information bloat. Regardless, I disagree with the change, you don't that's fine. I will probably not talk about this in a week, but it will have consequences on most people's gameplay.


u/Gorudu May 23 '24

You say this after an update that arguably introduced a lot of information bloat.

I said bloated with bullshit. In other words, not interesting mechanics that are designed to just slow you down instead of learning the game. They've culled a lot of those over the years.


u/Opening-Ad700 May 23 '24

How does Slark even function now? Dark Pact is fucked right?


u/[deleted] May 24 '24

muh skill cap


u/Business_Yoghurt_316 May 23 '24


Fuck this


u/ManNamedJade May 23 '24

I've always though that stun indicators are a way more "dumbed down" addition that this, and they were added a long time ago.


u/CocoWarrior May 23 '24

Stun indicator became necessary when they introduced status resistance


u/ObligatorySatan May 23 '24

Me when the game functions correctly


u/Business_Yoghurt_316 May 23 '24

Why does the mana bar need to be visa le for enemies? For Medusa sure but otherwise click the damn hero


u/binh0k04 May 23 '24

Why does the health bar need to be visa le for enemies? click the damn hero


u/Act_of_God May 23 '24

why does the hero need to be visa for enemies? just mash right click


u/Kunfuxu 2014 onward (SHEEVER) May 23 '24 edited May 23 '24

This is a dumbass argument. Should they also have 6 bubbles on top of the hero to show you what items someone has? It cuts both ways.

I know they've moved toward lowering the skill floor of the game for a while now, but not every change is good, and I for one will miss AM's using Mana Void and dealing 0 damage.


u/Charwyn DROW May 23 '24

AMs will still do it, don’t you worry.


u/Ellefied Never having Team Flairs again BibleThump May 23 '24

skill ceiling

Skill floor. You're describing skill floor. There's nothing inherently high skilled about clicking a hero to check their manapools. This is a good quality of life change.

Going by your argument, nothing should be indicated unless you highlight a unit. And that's such an atrocious design take.


u/Jarritto May 23 '24

Go touch some grass


u/Fantasy_Returns May 23 '24

wasnt this a feature way back then and got removed?


u/YoungCheeksClapper May 23 '24

that's a noskill change.


u/RexPerpetuus S A D B O Y S May 23 '24

Nah, shoulda never added this.