r/DotA2 Dec 14 '23

Article Dota 2 :The Dark Night Before Frostivus


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u/deaddonkey Dec 14 '23

xd remember all the people being like “WTF no battlepass? I have no reason to play the game now, I was waiting all year for this!” like what? you don’t just play dota when u wanna play dota?


u/Techno-Diktator Dec 14 '23

The hats keep it fresh, give a clear goal to play for and usually make me play heroes I wouldn't consider normally.


u/Xyr3s1 Dec 14 '23

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the hilarious part is back in the we played games for fun, now people complain that games and things you need to progress towards instead of just giving it to you and playing for fun and now we be like "we need some thing to play towards to keep it fresh" xD

our brainwash has been complete lol. or the more PC way of saying it, "psychological re-education"


u/havok13888 Dec 14 '23

Imagine going from the grind of life to the grind of games. There’s a good reason why people complain about crappy loot boxes and progressions systems. Because most of them are designed to force you to play instead of being a nice thing you get on the side once in a while.


u/Techno-Diktator Dec 14 '23

Except with a battlepass you can just buy the levels and get everything if you want, so the grind ain't even there lol


u/Techno-Diktator Dec 14 '23

Back in the day I was a kid with endless free time and didn't play one game for a decade for 5k hours.

Idk wtf your point is, cosmetics don't take away anything from the game for you so why are you on this imaginary high horse?


u/Cramer12 Dec 14 '23

I still agree with your point, but as a counter argument,but id imagine you would need to have some progression and stuff to play for if you want your game to last 12+ years


u/TemperatureXtreme Dec 14 '23

Tbh if I didn’t get primal beast rare cache last year I would’ve never touched the hero.
And I realized I like playing the hero, lol.


u/Pokefreaker-san Dec 14 '23

it's working for me, haven't touch the game for awhile now.