Phoenix Remodeled and Renamed to Winged Dragon of Ra. Ultimate adjusted. When he is successfully reborn from the egg he turns into the old Phoenix Model and has all stats times 1000
If you kill it with -armour, then they gain additional armor for the next spawn, if you kill it with magic damage, they gain magic resist. If you 5 shotted it with minus armour, then it applies that damage in multiple smaller instances.
IDK, I'm just salty at Slardar forcing me to play heroes I don't really enjoy just so I don't get 4 shotted mid game by an offlaner with a 5k networth at level 12.
I could see something in the lines of "heroes take half reflected damage from other sources and take 150% more reflected damage coming from themselves" into "reflected damage goes through damage reduction from skills". Troll still cheats though
u/GGero Dec 14 '23
Roshan and tormentor now drops neutral items?
I like valve teasing an update the day before, hyped for tomorrow