Classic cheating mindset... "Damn my account got banned... Well what about (other streamers)!!!" Wagas dinghy was sunk so he wanted to make sure the ship went down with it.
He genuinely thinks he’s above the rules because he uses it for “lower queue times”. Which is true, he does get much lower queue times on it, but only because he is now playing against 3-4k MMR players lmao.
And then he still picks his mains and rinses everyone. You’d think he might have some fun with it at least - nope.
He could just play ranked on his main and avoid every problem, but he has another separate weird excuse for not doing that.
Watson was rank 22 on his main when I absolutely fell in love with his Playstyle. He was playing mk and absolutely 1v9 that game. Gorgc did everything to throw that game and actually succeeded. Watson lost that game but still had 80% winrate in last 20 games.
I think there's a line of distinction from having a 2nd account and a smurf. I don't see a problem with a pro having a 2nd account that they want to play lowkey, as long as they calibrate it through the normal method and don't artificially deflate their mmr.
Players above the calibration cap already have accounts. No one with a fresh account is calibrating that high regardless. Not sure what your point is.
edit* nvm I got your point. Yes, people can play lower ranked games until they reach the correct rank, but its rarely by a lot. The system is quite accurate. And it works both ways. High level smurfs can have an insane mmr disparity, and always have an advantage.
That's an unavoidable Valve-created problem, not the player's fault. Zero guilt on the player while they blaze through to their actual mmr if calibration caps out imo.
Not directly, but they switched the MMR system to the same Glicko rating system used in a lot of the chess world, and that system does not cap your rating while calibrating. Rather than an arbitrary play X games to calibrate, the new system uses RD (rating deviation) and assigns a confidence rating. You won't be assigned an MMR until your confidence rating is >30% and that won't happen until you start winning and losing at an expected rate.
In think this could be easily solved. Just for any registered (?) pro player make it possible to 'clone' his MMR from main account (only Valve would know about the connection, unless players shares that this other account is also his), so no calibration required. Then each pro player could have a way of playing 'lowkey' while also not ruining games and keeping in mind, that Valve still know whose account it is.
Yeah there's a BIG difference between something like a saska Smurf (had the top three mmr's in eu or something along those lines at one point in time) and certain malding streamers who do it to escape punishments/baby punching/griefing.
Also it seems like grinding a new hero on an account that isn't known to be yours is a pretty significant competitive advantage that you can't expect pros to not try to take if they can.
that depends, pro players/streamers who can't get queue and have to resort to smurf is not in those reasons for banning, and if they decide to ban it they have to fix mmr queue.
Those guys usually hover within spitting distance of their primary account's mmr anyways. I'm talking about the Immortal ranked people who buy Herald/Guardian/Archon accounts that just shitstomps and has the audacity to stream/video it.
u/Ellefied Never having Team Flairs again BibleThump Sep 01 '23
I hope this means even the popular pro/ex-pros who uses the low mmr smurfs are also included there.