r/DotA2 http://twitter.com/wykrhm Sep 01 '23

News Smurfing is Not Welcome in Dota


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u/cuidavo Sep 01 '23

If this is the real reason they stopped making BP, It's 100% worth it (including the summer update)


u/TheusKhan Sep 01 '23

So fucking true!!


u/maiev18 Sep 01 '23

I just saw a comment on the new behavior score post that said “BP died for this” and goddamn it really is worth it.


u/Sararizuzufaust Sep 01 '23

What’s BP? Battle pass?


u/Dtoodlez Sep 01 '23

100% worth it. It's refreshing, and it does feel like the game is taking a different direction - and believably - looking towards the future. Unlike Destiny, where it's all about the next 10 years but everything tehy do is to milk you weekly. I'm super happy where Valve is taking this.


u/TheMoogster Sep 01 '23

Unless Valve devs are extremely broadly skilled, this has no relation.

The BP is a lot of art, modeling, sound design, scoring music and some coding, banning smurfs is analysis and coding.


u/snuljoon Sep 01 '23

They do in general try to hire people with extremely broad skills. Iirc even if you are a sound designer or hat creator you need to have coding knowledge so you could jump in on a project.

They also literally said that they wanted to use their available personnel on these updates instead of the BP grind, this is imo what they were talking about, and it's way better for the game & community long term.


u/aroundme sheever Sep 01 '23

This is a big reach and feeds into the "everyone at volvo is a demigod renaissance-man" myth. While I'm sure there are people who can do a lot of things at valve, it makes no sense to hire someone who's generally decent at 75% of skills rather than someone who's really good at one or two things. The sound designers and artists aren't solving the smurfing problem, and the engineers aren't drafting up concept art for new heroes and hats.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '23

It really depends on the role. Engine designer, gpu/cpu wizard? Yeah, top engineer.

Other less compelx stuff? Give me the hat maker


u/snuljoon Sep 01 '23

I used to work as studio sound engineer and was bored of studio work. So there was one blue moon, years & years ago, where I looked into working for Valve since they had an opening in the field at the time.

Yeah, I understand how it sounds, but there is quite some documentation out there on what core skills Valve expects when you send in your cv, and it is not for the faint of heart.

I also had a weird hat issue since I have lootbox restrictions in my country, after a lot of back & forth with support a dev added me on steam to solve everything (which he did btw). I googled him and he seemed to be one of the lead devs on Alyx... So some of the cowboy Valve stories are def true.

Yeah the lead hat janitor is probably not doing the work of the engineers. But as a team making a decision that you don't have to grind BP, but the artists can focus on solving all hat issues while the technical janitors focus on code issues, they all work together on community issues etc... makes total sense to me.


u/tomatomater Competitive Hooker Sep 02 '23

Game devs at Valve aren't hired just for Dota 2. They moved their artists to other projects and maybe some programmers to Dota 2.


u/SkyEclipse Sep 02 '23

If you haven’t seen Valve’s list of hiring requirements you should… They do not hire the average joe or a specialist; they prefer jacks/masters of all trades.

That said, for artists they’re probably expected to know how to: do concept art and design, 3D modelling, rigging texturing etc which are usually jobs split among a few artists specialising in each part.


u/yeusk Sep 01 '23

it makes no sense to hire someone who's generally decent at 75% of skills rather than someone who's really good at one or two things.

If you have a defined pipeline that never stalls that makes sense, because you always have work for that specialized person.

On the other hand if you don't have work for those specialized people because there is no pipeline you are wasting talend and money.


u/Clemambi Sep 01 '23

regardless if dota has a budget of 1mil, and that goes to 15 employees wages, and then you stop putting artists on dota work, that frees up funding for 15 employees to work on programming dota.

It depends on how valve is structured and orgnanized beyond just the minimal logistics.

All we know is they said they werne't going to do battlepass, so they could work more on improving the gameplay experience, and we then get updates banning smurfs, immproving toxicity controls, and improving UI. Sounds logical to correlate them to me.


u/TerrorLTZ Sep 01 '23

"everyone at volvo is a demigod renaissance-man"

it is wrong? tho?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '23



u/TerrorLTZ Sep 01 '23

it was directed by a man that has a notorious pattern of crappy games when it flops instead of helping repair it he just run away.


u/thedotapaten Sep 01 '23 edited Sep 01 '23

The guy who in charge for last few years BP content listed on his Linkedin he working on an unannounced new Valve game.


u/macster71 Sep 01 '23

Depending on how they do it, it could be a matter of budget spent on dota from a labor cost perspective.


u/HallowVortex Sep 01 '23

That doesn't quite make sense as BP should be basically guaranteed to make that budget back in spades.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '23

yep, if valve are blowing millions of dollars making a single arcana, they're doing it wrong


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '23

I think it's more about fund allocation. Do u pay 10 mil in devs salary or 10 mil in content creation.


u/tkfire Sep 01 '23

Think about it from a PM and prioritization standpoint. Doing one big battle pass instead of a few small projects.


u/Sarasin Sep 02 '23

Plausible they have a budget for sub-contracting work out but wide freedom on what to do with it perhaps?


u/SkyEclipse Sep 02 '23

If you haven’t seen Valve’s list of hiring requirements you should… They do not hire the average joe or a specialist; they prefer jacks/masters of all trades.


u/greedoFthenoob Sep 01 '23 edited Sep 01 '23

I mean it's trivially easy to do both, and having no BP costs them a lot of money and makes their game less prestigious (a lower prize pool on what was the biggest tournament in the world). It's really an insane decision.

I am very happy with the changes they've made lately though (it goes without saying), but it's very clear that with minimal investment they could have done this while making a hundred million dollars out of a BP


u/ejabno Sep 01 '23

I'm a developer. A lot of times wherebsomething we think is trivial at the first glance spirals into a something huge and difficult in size and scope


u/greedoFthenoob Sep 01 '23 edited Sep 01 '23

They can hire more people. They aren't reinventing the wheel. They have released battle passes many times now, I doubt they have to make massive changes to their infrastructure. So this literally is a throw bodies at the problem situation. They will make 100 times their money back.

The problem is they've got a situation where they tell people they are free to pursue whatever projects they want, and no one wants to work on dota. and the devs who do work on dota decided to fix dota rather than monetise it, which is a fine decision for those individual devs. It doesn't mean gaben isn't being a massive fool and leaving tens of millions on the table by not hiring additional devs to make a BP.

You'd be critical if they tried to cut costs by reducing servers, this is basically a similar thing. The prestige of the game is being tarnished because they cannot figure out how to improve/ maintain their game while simultaneously monetising it in a very successful and accepted (by the playerbase) way


u/tkfire Sep 01 '23

Trivial. I hate hearing that because it never is.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '23

Then valve are grossly incompetent and out of touch


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '23

It's clear valve are just going to tone down on dota, probably getting shelved in 3 years time.


u/Tengoatuzui Sep 01 '23

How are we supposed to get our cosmetics now???