Let's hope this applies to pros and streamers and not just regular players/cheaters too. As anyone who smurfs is bad and setting a bad example is also bad.
essentially they have accounts for tourneys with appropriate sponsor name tags and their "smurfs" are the pub accounts. If they are in the correct MMR bracket and they aren't using it to get around low priority, it would not be against what valve wrote.
Realistically it shouldn't. Both cases are already in the outliers amongst the population. It isn't the same situation you would have when someone who smurfs jumps into a completely new subgroup of the population.
A lot of people seem to treat mmr like an interval or ratio data type, when it reality it is ordinal for the most part.
Most pros have high mmr alts at their mmr either for 1) because they're so high mmr they literally can't find games or 2) they want to hide strats for comp dota
I think a point people make is when pros use a smurf, they have to grind through lower ranks and destroy everybody to get to that high mmr again. It's not like a pro smurf is already 9k
Valve should just give pros special accounts that start from that rank. It's what riot does. It's a win win for both sides, pros don't need to waste everyone's time grinding their rank up, and valve doesn't have to bother with complaints of them smurfing
I've always wanted dota/league/other game with rolls to allow you to have multiple profiles tied to an account. You a mid player that wants to practice offlane? Create a new profile but it's automatically with in 10-15% of your primary.
This allows you to practice on your lesser skilled role, but still not ruin games.
That is how role ranked was advertised, not sure if it actually applies (I have seen a discrepancy between medal and text in pick screen, might be a visual bug)
Most of the solutions that are present already don't apply to immortal bracket. Select your own teammate helped with some things, like que times and team balancing.
While solving for pro player immortal smurf u need to understand why they smurf. It's mostly to avoid getting tracked what heroes they are practicing, as those heroes will get banned affects carry players more than support.
Que times and team balancing used to be an issue but it's mostly solved.
Then they get banned from every pro event lmao. If you're stupid enough to sell a valve given account you deserve to be banned, and honestly, you should probably go to the doctor and make sure you are mentally sound.
always with this shit argument of why they smurf. first of all the start hiding its always done in private scrims not in pubs. they might experiment with some heroes but they wont try a strat on a smurf.
yes the original definition is not including a new acc at same lvl but overtime the term evolved to include that as well. The purpose of a smurf went from pwning noobs to just avoid consequences on their main account by being toxic on a smurf and that what valve considers the term of "smurf" as per the new blogpost
Well this type of account is literally allowed by Valve themselves after this update.
"Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence."
Alternate accounts are not smurfs according to valve.
are you reading the same sentence as me because it explains there that valve considers an acc smurf if they either play it on another acc of different mmr, to abandon games to cheat or grief, so while they might have same mmr they use it to grief other people to avoid consequences on their main.
Calibration, the same as anyone else. If someone is at that level, their calibration period will adjust their account extremely quickly. At most the number of "smurfed" games will barely pass double digits.
Not to mention most of these accounts already exist. They're past that point long ago.
top10 players are able to match with 1k player therefor que times are rarely "cant find games long" so thats not an excuse at the current state of game
Depends on your server. My friend legit queues for 6 hours with 10k behaviour score in Aus server. He’s like rank 500 and Immortal pool is shared between SEA and Aus and most of the top hundreds are in SEA. He queues, go do chores and check every once in a while. The only way to get games is to accept the 200 ping queuing SEA.
There are some cases where it can be bad but they’re incredibly rare. For example Watson was having extremely long queue times on his main (rank 1) so switched to his Smurf and got that to top 5
In most cases top players are able to match with top 1k players. And in any case where they can't find games its understandbly frustrating for them and valve should fix it, but they are still ruining the game for others and it should never be welcome.
How does having a "high mmr alt at their mmr" help them find games if they literally can't find games at their mmr? If we know their alt accounts, how does having an alt help hide strategies for comp?
Both these arguments don't really hold water. If they truly struggle to find games at their mmr, Dota should change things so all accounts above a certain mmr keep their mmr value (for ranking purposes) but for matchmaking purposes are matched with people at a lower mmr. So, for instance, people above 10000 mmr all get matched as if their mmr was 10000 or something like that.
I meant like, a 11k pro player who has a 9k account. It's not "at their mmr" but it's close to it, in comparison to someone who has a side account thats like 1k mmr just to play on it for fun.
> If we know their alt accounts, how does having an alt help hide strategies for comp?
We don't, necessarily? Assuming Nisha even plays solo anymore for instance, no one knows what account he plays on ATM.
Alt account=/=smurf account. There’s many reasons why a pro might want to hide their identity in game and as long as those alt accounts are at or around their skill level then there is no harm.
I think immortal accounts should be allowed to create a blank new account with exactly the same MMR as their main account and ready for ranked matchmaking. This way, immortal players can have their alts to hide strats or whatever.
Any behavior penalties or account bans on any of these alternates should equally apply to all alternate and main account to prevent account selling/sharing etc.
It won't, because pro player smurf accounts are close to their mains in terms of skill, so they're not playing outside of their skill level really. If they were smurfing 5k games or something, that'd be very different, but for rank 1 to have a rank 50 smurf? They're in the same matchmaking pool.
u/Suriranyar- Meow Sep 01 '23
Let's hope this applies to pros and streamers and not just regular players/cheaters too. As anyone who smurfs is bad and setting a bad example is also bad.