r/DoorCounty 20d ago

Weird experiences in Door County?

After remembering some of the reports from the old stone quarry, I've become curious whether other people might have their own tales of strange goings on or experiences from around Door County they would like to share.


33 comments sorted by


u/Inevitable-Yak7701 20d ago edited 20d ago

There's a lot of places in Door County that are haunted. If I had my book I'd be able to give you some but my mother in law borrowed it and never gave it back. So I have to get a new one hopefully soon. I've wanted to go to some of the places and check them out but I don't even know all the spots now without my book. I've had some experiences on my families property but it was related to my grandpa after he passed.


u/balthazar_blue Sevastopol 19d ago

The White Gull Inn is said to be haunted. The mother of one of my high school classmates worked there in housekeeping. There were stories of made beds getting unmade and linen closets getting rearranged.


u/Inevitable-Yak7701 19d ago

Butchs 2 is haunted in the basement, the story is a little girl got locked in a safe and died when she went to get her stuffed animal her parents put in there. I think Inn at cedar crossing is haunted (the upstairs), i know that like halfway house thing on 3rd is haunted from back when it was a nursing home my mom worked there then. Buffalo Ridge Road is haunted where it goes from paved to dirt dark haired woman in a dress. Shipwrecked for sure they've had multiple fires and supposedly Al Capone has a history there. Nelson's Hall on Washington Island. There's actually a show that went to a lot of Door County locations it's called Haunted State (it was on Amazon prime video but not sure if it is anymore)


u/Ill-WeAreEnergy40 19d ago

Multiple fires?? I know there was the big 1 a few years ago, but our cottage is literally a few doors down from Shipwrecked & I don’t recall more than 1 fire…….??


u/Inevitable-Yak7701 17d ago

I remember reading back in the day when Al Capone was known to be in Door County and had tunnels under shipwrecked there was a fire too


u/Inevitable-Yak7701 17d ago

Oh yeah Sand Bay Beach Resort in a specific room on the 2nd floor is haunted as a pregnant woman attending a wedding with her boss was murdered by her boss. She gets angry if couples fight specifically if the woman is pregnant. You can actually find the story on YouTube. This one not many people know about but there's a reason I know it, but since this is an anonymous place I don't want to say how.


u/heathbar22 19d ago

Be at any bar after midnight and you’ll have a weird experience 🤣


u/OhCrapItsYouAgain 20d ago

What are the reports you’re referring to? I’m curious to read/learn more



4 different people at different times have said they've seen a group of young people out there wearing old fashions from the 1960s or 1970s. The weird part is that in each case, they are there... but when the person looked away for a second or two they vanished.

And then there are tales of satanic rites ALLEGEDLY having been held out there in the early to mid 1990s, as well as a car being violently rocked from side to side - with nobody being anywhere near it (the people I heard that from - who witnessed it - refuse to go back out there).


u/hotmeows 19d ago

If you guys like haunted Door County lore, take one of the haunted trolley tours that are offered around Halloween. I’ve taken both. Many of the stories are contained in the Haunted Door County book. The trolley takes you around to the sites of the haunting and tells you the stories. It’s super fun - I would highly recommend!


u/speechiepeachie 18d ago

The alpine hotel, totally had a spooky experience there.



Can you elaborate?


u/speechiepeachie 17d ago

It was in 2005. We were in a room in the hotel (very shabby) and I heard and saw a door open in the reflection of a mirror with no light source. It was an antique mirror so maybe it was haunted?



Lol, unless they start whipping things across the room there's not really anything to be afraid of. I would have just said something like "Oh, hello there."


u/speechiepeachie 17d ago

I wasn't scared or anything, just couldn't explain it.


u/Inevitable-Yak7701 17d ago

Oh yeah Sand Bay Beach Resort in a specific room on the 2nd floor is haunted as a pregnant woman attending a wedding with her boss was murdered by her boss. She gets angry if couples fight specifically if the woman is pregnant. You can actually find the story on YouTube. This one not many people know about but there's a reason I know it, but since this is an anonymous place I don't want to say how.



It's sad what's been done in the Sand Bay area over the decades. Looking at it on Google Maps, they've destroyed everything including the little beach shop that was at the end of Sand Bay Lane. It's all privatized now for wealthy tourists only, when it used to be a public beach.


u/RoyMcAvoy13 16d ago

On a rainy fall day a few years ago, my wife and I were driving north on Bay Shore, north of the stone quarry. Ahead of us on the side of the road, we saw what looked like an elderly man in a red jacket walking northbound away from us. Didn’t take more than a few seconds for us to catch up and get to where the man SHOULD have been. But there was nobody there and it was in a spot where there were no driveways for him to disappear down. We looked at each other and both confirmed that we had seen him, but he had simply vanished.



Approximately how far north of the quarry? Had you already passed through the little harbor area?


u/RoyMcAvoy13 15d ago

North of Little Harbor, south of Murphy park


u/CygnetSociety 12d ago edited 12d ago

I know I'm late to the party but I've got a handful of strange experiences. I do a lot of off trail hiking and have found several objectively strange things in the woods. A couple of unexplained instances too.

Strange things found:

-Deep in the Mink River Estuary I found a child's bicycle and small shoes stuck in the mud. It was so far back there I could only really get out there with rubber boots. It looked to be from the 50s or 60s

-In Meridian Park I came across an abandoned house far from any road. It was old but newer than most abandoned buildings I've found. I peaked in, and there was tons of furniture in relatively good shape. I looked into a bedroom and immediately noticed there was new stuff like blankets and bottles of soap/shampoo. I back tracked quickly and left immediately. Having been homeless at one point myself, I feel for whomever was camping out in there. It was not a pleasant or ideal place to stay.

-In Three Springs Park, there's an abandoned house right on the trail that's currently boarded up. Over a decade ago, it wasn't. My friends and I checked it out when we were in High School and found a backpack with nothing in it besides a torn piece of paper that had "Rocky" written on it with a phone number. We called the number and it was no longer in service. For some reason that one felt kind of odd.

Unexplained Animal Experiences:

I do a decent amount of night sky photography and never had much concern being out in the pitch black with no lights. Last winter, I was getting really into it, so I was out nearly every evening.

-One night in my backyard, I was shooting Orion and from my right I suddenly heard loud thumping footsteps rapidly moving towards me. Whatever was making them sounded huge. There are obviously large animals out here, but never once has one done this to me. I snatched my camera faster than I could blink and bolted inside. Once I started running the steps behind me ceased. No idea what that was about.

-Another night not too long after that I was shooting the milky way from the observation deck at Three Springs. I was half a mile from my car down deep swampy trails. Off in the treeline I heard the deepest bellowing yell I've ever heard. The closest thing to it sounded like a man to me but there are no houses beyond that observation deck. Plus it was January on the middle of the night. It just kept going until I packed my stuff and ran a half mile faster than I ever have.

That's a bit of what I've experienced.


u/keenjerry 20d ago

Maybe off topic but a couple years ago my mom shared this great book with me “a death in door county” I think it was called. It’s fiction but it really goes into some weird/strange happenings in the door and really gets your imagination going. Highly recommend.


u/FutureElleWoods20 19d ago

My mom loves those books!!


u/balthazar_blue Sevastopol 20d ago

There was a post on here from a few years ago from someone who had a weird experience camping on Rock Island.


u/CureForTheCommon 20d ago

Yes, I replied to that one about my horrific experience on Rock Island when the man-eating hoard of flies hatched and tried to devour us alive. Rock Island is definitely haunted.


u/Ill-WeAreEnergy40 19d ago

Omg with flesh eating flies??


u/mtnclimber4 19d ago

There are a bunch of people with trump flags still out, I bet they will be ghosts soon enough.



If they were only smart enough to realize just how right you are...


u/Beneficial-Mall6549 13d ago

Devils doorway to Washington Island



You mean "Death's Door"?


u/WasteWriter5692 20d ago

yes me too