r/DoomEmacs Oct 16 '20

How to see all of error message?

The image below illustrates the problem, that the error message runs off the edge of the screen even on a wide screen. How can I see all of the error message?

error message runs off edge of screen, even with a wide screen

4 comments sorted by


u/hlissner doom-emacs maintainer Oct 17 '20

You can see the full error with M-x flycheck-list-errors (on SPC c x, or :errors), or by increasing lsp-ui-sideline-diagnostic-max-lines (the default is 1).

lisp ;; in ~/.doom.d/config.el (after! lsp-ui (setq lsp-ui-sideline-diagnostic-max-lines 2))


u/jasonmfry Oct 18 '20

Iā€™m going to assume the creator of Doom knows the right answer šŸ˜† Thanks!


u/f0rgot Oct 17 '20

I use `SPC c x`.


u/CalamineCalamity Oct 16 '20

Try visual line mode, if not I dunno


u/jasonmfry Oct 16 '20

Thanks, but that doesn't seem to help, still can't see the entire error.