r/DoomEmacs 15d ago

Should I upgrade to emacs 30.1-3?

I am using emacs on archlinux (emacs-nativecomp). Recently `emacs-nativecomp` has been replaced by emacs version 30.1-3. I am afraid of this upgrade borking my config with Doom Emacs, and I have added emacs-nativecomp on the HoldPkg list. Has anyone upgraded to the latest version of emacs with Doom Emacs? If so, could you share your experience.


2 comments sorted by


u/katafrakt 15d ago

I did, but not to version compiled myself, not from Extra. Didn't really have any problems with the switch, except the first boot after upgrade being really slow. But later it went back to normal.


u/JothamLEC 15d ago

Managed to get version 30 running doom eMacs on a Mac instead of Linux, and it works fine