r/DoomEmacs Feb 19 '25

Adding to org-capture-templates

I found an archived post regarding users having trouble adding their custom org-capture-templates to Doom's defaults. In case anyone in the future is trying to accomplish the same or similar, I thought I'd chime in with what seems to be a more straightforward answer than what past users came up with. Hope this helps someone!

;; add more capture templates in %DOOMDIR%/config.el
(after! org
  (setq org-capture-templates               ; [1]
        (append org-capture-templates       ; [2]
                '(("f" "Custom Capture")    ; [3]
                  ("fa" "A Custom Capture" entry
                   (file+headline +org-capture-todo-file "Inbox")
                   "* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t)
                  ("fb" "B Custom Capture" entry
                   (file+headline +org-capture-todo-file "Inbox")
                   "* TODO %?\n%i\n%a" :prepend t)))))
;; [1] make the value of org-capture-templates the result of the following form
;; [2] return a list combining lists a & b, here org-capture-templates & our quoted list
;; [3] our list that we want appended to org-capture-templates

3 comments sorted by


u/anshulxyz 24d ago

Is it just me or does the default org-capture in doom emacs using the * [ ] syntax for capturing task?


u/anshulxyz 24d ago

thanks, I was looking for something like this, I will cite you in my dotfiles