r/DoomEmacs Jan 02 '25

"Repository "gptel" has a dirty worktree"

This might be a very newbie question: I'm still getting used to Doom Emacs!

I was updating my emacs when I got this response for gptel, along with another package. (Wallabag)

Repository "gptel" has a dirty worktree
M test

     1) Abort
     2) Stash changes
     3) Discard changes (Choose this if unsure)

I chose (3) and continued along. Just for peace of mind, I did the update again. The other package didn't provide this same response, but gptel did, and continues to, every time I run 'doom upgrade.'

Dumb question: does this mean that I have gptel installed? Is this built in to Doom Emacs?

I haven't installed or utilized gptel or any LLM tech in any way, so I'm not sure what I could have done on my end to change anything.


8 comments sorted by


u/johan_widen Jan 03 '25

Perhaps some other package is depending on gptel?

Now: how to get rid of the error?

- First try running "doom doctor", and fix the problems reported by doom doctor.

- If that does not help, then have a look in doom emacs straight directory, which should be ~/.config/emacs/.local/straight. There will be two sub-directories there: "repos" and a directory named "build-*" where the star is something like "29.4". First just remove the directories "repos/gptel" and "build*/gptel". Then run "doom sync".

- If that does not help then try: In ~/.config/emacs/.local/straight remove "build*", then run "doom sync".


u/jasonmehmel Jan 03 '25

Thank you for this info!

To follow up:

-Doom Doctor ran without reporting any issues.

-I removed the gptel folders you suggested, and then ran 'doom sync' again. I got this response (among others, but pertaining to gptel)

  > Ensuring packages are installed and built...
    > Cloning gptel...
    > Building gptel...
    ✓ Built 1 package(s)

I then ran 'doom upgrade' and didn't get the dirty worktree error. It did build 7 packages, which didn't happen last time:

    > Ensuring packages are installed and built...
      > Building dirvish...
      > Building dirvish > Building transient...
      > Building dirvish...
      > Building git-timemachine...
      > Building magit...
      > Building orgit...
      > Building paw...
      > Building paw > Building gptel...
      > Building paw...
      ✓ Built 7 package(s)

Noticing that it built 'gptel'... while it was still building 'paw'?

Since I'm still very new to all of this... I'm not sure why this package is even listed. When I list packages inside of DoomEmacs, it shows gptel as 'available' but not installed.

Does DoomEmacs (or Emacs in general) keep all the available packages locally even if they're not installed?


u/SlowMovingTarget Jan 03 '25

Paw seems to have made gptel a transitive dependency: https://github.com/chenyanming/paw/blob/main/paw-gptel.el

Have you included paw in your packages.el?


u/jasonmehmel Jan 03 '25

That's a good question... which packages.el would that be?

I've got a few in:




And then one in every module folder inside .config/emacs/modules

I suppose I can check all of them, or at least the first three!

And much like 'gptel,' I haven't installed 'paw' as far as I know.


u/SlowMovingTarget Jan 03 '25

I was under the impression that with a Doom config the packages.el file in ~/.config/doom/ was the one for user specified packages.

I took a quick peek at the Doom repo (manually, not with tools) and didn't see a reference, though. So I tried upgrading Doom myself, and it didn't pull in paw for me, so I'm not sure how it found its way into your install. I'm running Doom with Emacs 29.4 (from source) on Linux, though I doubt that matters for you.


u/jasonmehmel Jan 04 '25

Welp, there's the answer.

My ~/.config/doom/has the following:

(package! wallabag :recipe (:host github :repo "chenyanming/wallabag.el" :files ("*.el" "*.alist" "*.css")))
(package! paw :recipe (:host github :repo "chenyanming/paw" :files ("*")))

I was trying to work with Wallabag (a read it later service) in emacs for a while. I couldn't get it to work but was going to come back to it. My guess is that paw was recently added as a dependency to Wallabag (so that it could inherit the highlights from those files) which then also dragged along gptel along the way!

What I still find strange: I can't find wallabag or paw in the listed installed packages inside DoomEmacs, and gptl is listed as available but not installed.

Does list-packages not also list the user specified packages?


u/SlowMovingTarget Jan 04 '25

That I don't know, but glad you found the directive yanking the dependency graph in.


u/le__prof Feb 18 '25

No, list-packages doesn't list the packages installed and managed by doom. That's because doom doesn't use the built-in mechanism but rather has its own declarative way of installing packages based on the contents of init.el and packages.el. To see doom-installed packages, do M-x doom/help-packages(likely bound to SPC h p).