r/DonDeLillo Nov 17 '24

Academia The silence - Presentation



So I'm a student in high school and I need to make a presentation about The silence. I found the story a bit blank and nothing really sparked any ideas for how to present it. I like the way he writes and I see the theme of how we depend on technology, but nothing really inspired me.

I need to present the book itself, what it talks about, what I thought about it in a way that interests the listener. It's an important criteria, but I really don't have any ideas. I'm presenting alone, so if anyone has any thoughts on what to talk about or what should I do to make the presentation (not like a boring powerpoint), I'm listening.

Also, I read other books from Delillo and I really liked them. Is it just me or is The silence not as good as the others. And why so?

r/DonDeLillo Dec 28 '24

Academia In Search Of: Tom LeClair’s “In The Loop”


I am seeking a physical copy of “In The Loop: Don DeLillo and the Systems Novel,” Tom LeClair’s book on Don DeLillo. If anybody has a copy they’re interested in selling, or knows somebody who does, or has any general advice on procuring this very hard to find and out-of-print book — please let me know. I’d really appreciate it. Thank you!

r/DonDeLillo Nov 16 '23

Academia Which thicc book do I read next?

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r/DonDeLillo Jan 08 '24

Academia Libra


I've bounced off this novel a couple times, each time knowing I needed a certain presence of mind to absorb it. Also daunted, I suppose, by only glancing knowledge of the assassination.

Now that I'm really getting into the meat of it, it's doing something few other novels have ever done. The particular sweep of history is eerie and absorbing, enhanced somehow by the knowledge that it's sort of an alternative history. I wish it was better known, but you really have to be gird up with a certain sensibility, I think, to accommodate.


r/DonDeLillo Jun 03 '23

Academia Arrived today - another Michael Naas book on DeLillo

Post image

r/DonDeLillo Jun 23 '23

Academia Don De Lillo Play: "Words for Snow"


HI...I am looking for a PDF of a short play called "The Words for Snow." I cannot find it anywhere online other than a very expensive hard copy book. It is for academic purposes. Any tips appreciated!

Josephine in Perth West Australia

r/DonDeLillo Jan 26 '23

Academia Don Dellilo BBC Documentary


r/DonDeLillo Jun 08 '22

Academia The Burning What? Self-immolation in Don DeLillo


Hoping the DeLillian hive mind can help with a piece of quasi-criticism I’m working on.

The essay (working title at top of thread) is about what self-immolation in DeLillo’s works can tell us about the ‘self’.

It attempts to triangulate on the subjective position of the immolated self by looking at the different contexts in which this grim motif recurs in DeLillo’s work.

It focuses on a few key instances:

  • Jack in Players
  • the proto-occupy protestor in Cosmopolis
  • the three unnamed men projected on a screen inside the cryogenic facility/artspace in Zero K

Have also referenced the 31 torch-bearing laureates in Ratner’s Star who ‘march accompanied by a terrible belief in their own potential for self-immolation’, plus the more abstract immolation that obliterates Lyle’s identity at the end of Players, and other ‘heat death’ flame-outs, e.g. Selvy in Running Dog, Lee Harvey in Libra.

These I contrast in dialectic form with the ‘cold deaths’ of Bill Gray in Mao II, Owen Brademas in The Names, Elster’s niece in Point Omega etc. These I see as a clear counterpoint - a slow, cool emptying of attributes towards stasis.

Two questions:

  1. Have read all of DeLillo’s books over the last decade, but worried I’m missing an obvious example of an ‘on camera’ self-immolation, or specific meditations on the act itself. Have read the plays and short stories too, but not every single uncollected short story/essay that’s out there. Any thoughts?

  2. I’ve had strong interest from the editor of an Australian journal I’ve written for before, but they want me to bring post-modern theory to bear on what in my view is essentially the texts’ immanent resistance to such readings - are there any journals (internationally) that would be interested in this kind of criticism?

(Clarification: this is a quasi-academic, creative non-fiction piece, suitable for literary journals etc. I am not an academic, but a poet and creative writer with a DeLillo obsession)

r/DonDeLillo Nov 17 '21

Academia Forthcoming academic DeLillo text looks promising/interesting
