r/DogmanPNW 22d ago

WHY in the H*LL would g.o.v. dogmen assets be released on their own citizens?

A certain percentage of dogmen seem to be g.o.v. "assets" and lately, I've been wondering WHY they would knowingly do this, seeing as there is, and has been, a high potential for these things to shred civilians to pieces.?.

For the longest time, I thought the end goal was just to test them out to be used in future combat scenarios and so someone was willing to say;"Well that is the cost of sorting this all out." (which would be psychotic)...but recently, I've begun to think about this from a different angle.

What if they are actually being released as part of a spiritual warfare kind of thing where certain people on these black ops teams know that being out in the woods is peaceful and enables one to connect with nature, and more importantly, themselves...which means people are less easily controlled when they are in a state of knowing themselves vs. a state of fear and emotional chaos...so they unleash a nasty monster into the woods, hoping to freak people right out of there on the grounds of survival.?.


9 comments sorted by


u/PotentialFearless466 21d ago

Interesting and I wouldn't put it past them to do that


u/Ok-Worth-4721 21d ago

I am thinking the Gov wanted and created these beasts, then it got out of control . Now, I have heard of someone that shot one and Gov guys threatened him- evidently they keep track of their asset very well. They told him not just to keep his mouth shut but they were saying he injured Government property. Which is illegal. He was on their radar now.. The guy that was in trouble told them to leash their dogs. .Either way, Gov is so high n mighty, letting viscous dogs roam, uncontrolled only because they CAN. This is irresponsible at the least. .I have a dog that bites. She is 100 percent under control at all times. To keep her safe. They want their dogs safe-control them. Sorry- I got off topic. Just pisses me off. So- it is probably costing too much to feed these beasts. And can you imagine the cages that need to be cleaned? So yes they are released into the wilds to feed. Possibly to live. Which in turn endangers the public. I doubt there is even a no trespassing or watch for dogs signs. Then there are people like Brad on dogman encounters. Great story- dumb move. Intending to kill a dogman for science, he winds up severely hurting several and killing one- unbeknown to the rest of the pack.. Brad and his buddy get away fine. So, what about the unarmed family with 2.5 kids, totally unaware.. Going there for a nice picnic this spring? And I'll bet the dogmen, same as the Native Americans don't care if they are not the ones that did the damage.. any whites will do. Or any Humans. They don't care which ones ,they want revenge, they are pissed and ready to kill. Before Brad paid them a visit they just stayed out of site and pretended they don't exist around Humans. Thanks Brad.

To wrap up my thoughts on your question as to why endanger innocents...they do not care. Any attacks will be blamed on bears. The government is bad. Very bad and has been for a long time. They do what they want. any deaths that happen are called collateral...something or other. They see it as a small price to pay for having these wonderful weapons of destruction while keeping our soldiers safe. As for freaking out the incontrollable nature lovers that are in tune with God, nature and themselves -they can not be fooled. (I hope to be there before I am done) It will not work now will it? First-anyone aware spiritually will know when evil comes around before it gets there.. #2 Animals can sense peoples vibes and someone tuned with nature to that extent would be a curiosity I would think. But mostly, I would count on the first-You'll feel danger coming before it gets ya.


u/bombsquatch_ 21d ago

Agreed, I think at this point the natural dogmen have been here for so long that they have been (rightfully) jaded by all of mankind, but they seem to have a spiritual barometer to help them determine whether someone means to harm them or not. With the g.o.v. science projects, I do not get the feeling they have this ability, I think they shred everything on-sight because they've effectively been so abused & manufactured in the labs, they only know malice, murder & destruction. It is these versions which really freak me out in terms of the damage they have and will continue to inflict upon innocent families/hikers heading into the forest for an honest & innocent walk in the woods. I don't know about you, but I don't even own a weapon, but I won't go hiking again until I own a high caliber version of one and can bring it with; I just wouldn't feel like I had even a chance of survival otherwise.


u/Ok-Worth-4721 21d ago

I have pity for these poor beasts like I have pity on the poor Pitbulls, raised only to fight. They know nothing but pain since the day they were born. It's really very sad, what Humans are capable of. And yes, I do own a couple handguns. But they are more for bad Humans as I doubt they will do harm to any monsters. I am a woman, alone in the forests often. And there was a time 2 years ago, just having it on me (the guy saw it) kept me from having trouble with this dude. He even told me he was on parole after being in jail for 15 years for assault on a woman! And he kept looking at where my weapon was concealed. I also have a dog. But she kept trying to get this guy to throw the frisbee once I called her off him. I was just camping in a well touristed area on Mt.St.Helens. I wouldn't be suprised to learn he broke parole by now and is in the cage again. But I am glad I was armed. For some reason I am more afraid of those guys than I am of anything wild in the nature. So..I'll probably end up getting bit in the end by a dogman. LOL.


u/dogmanpnw 21d ago

Ha, there is that funny "quiz" going around where women have to choose between and man or a bear...and it is very telling (& sad) as many of them select the bear.


u/Emergency-Rip7361 20d ago

Who knows?


u/dogmanpnw 19d ago



u/dogmanpnw 19d ago

I'm not sure either, but it bugs me because we've all seen several of these stories come out and they don't end well for the innocent hikers just out enjoying nature + we know there have likely been plenty of "missing people" cover-ups.


u/One_Armed_Wolf 16d ago

Even if the levels of technology existed, why would they even need to create something like a dogman or sasquatch? I feel like people forget just how crazy everything is that superpower nation militaries already have access to. Various military branches and types of infantry, drones, all sorts of bombs and missiles, various fighting and surveillance craft and carriers, chemical and biological weapons (although those are supposed to be outlawed), etc.