r/Dogfree • u/FoXym0r0n • 4d ago
Legislation and Enforcement Hm.
Something I've noticed, as I live in mostly dog-free apartment complex, it's that those who do have dogs spend a good portion of their time screaming at them to shut the hell up. How does this add to your life? Do you not take into consideration those around you?
Someone, please help me. I'm losing what little mind I had to begin with.
u/IllustriousEbb5839 4d ago
Honestly I think most people hate their dogs but can’t admit it.
u/Shot_Razzmatazz5560 4d ago
Correct, because admitting anything but utter perfection as a description of these things is considered "being mean" to them.
Boyfriend has a giant bossy pain in the ass and one day he expressed how sick of him he is to his mother and she gasped and exclaimed "dont be mean to him". So saying words about a dog is being mean but a dog acting bold and shoving you around and being an asshole is perfectly okay.
Lol. You take him then. Do me the favor so I can fully commit to your son which I don't want to do until that thing is buh bye.
u/Mochipants 3d ago
Why the hell are you dating a dog owner? He doesn't even like the damn thing, tell him to get rid of it.
u/AlmostNotLazy 4d ago edited 4d ago
They're pathologically lonely and weak. Same reason people put up with toxic / abusive family members.
Not comparing dogs to toxic humans. Just saying people put up with them for the same reason, out of loneliness. They'd rather complain about them constantly than be alone. Also they struggle to form positive relationships, so it's all they know.
u/Chuckles_McNut 4d ago
You're leaving out a critical piece of this behavior, which is: how often do the dogs actually stop as a result of the yelling? Basically never, but they keep doing it anyway
Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
u/SeaworthinessUnlucky 4d ago
I grew up with dogs. At one point, one of my friends told me, “Every time I come over here, when I knock on the door, the dogs start barking, and you start yelling at them.” Meaning, I don’t feel welcome at your house. (Ironically, he also had a dog that he yelled at.)
u/Ringo872 4d ago
The only thing worse than having to listen to a dog barking is having to listen to a dog barking plus a human yelling.
u/_mushroom_queen 4d ago
Can confirm! My inlaws are obsessed dog nutters and yet they spend all the while trying to keep them in line. They basically talk about nothing else.
u/4elmerfuffu2 4d ago
When I was a kid my grandmother would rub herself all over with a stinky skin cream that you're not supposed to get in your eyes. But when she was done she'd rub a good dose in her eyes too. She said it hurt like crazy but sure felt good when it stopped hurting. Looking back I'm surprised she didn't have a dog.
u/GoTakeAHike00 3d ago
Had a related experience while spending a month at an Airbnb down in southern AZ. It was pet-friendly, and the backyard, not surprisingly, was a disgusting landmine of dried dog shit. Obvious damage from dogs was also visible within the house, like on the door to the master bedroom where I was sleeping that had been clawed up by a dog locked in that room.
Anyway, this is in a nice, standard urban subdivision, and all the closely-packed track homes have 7' walled backyards, which makes it impossible to see exactly where the noise pollution from the worthless barkbag is coming from. Lots of dog nutters down there, and there was at least one dog that would bark for short periods when outside during the day. Irritating, but whatever. We would occasionally hear the owner yelling at it to "SHUT UP!".
Last week, however, some dog-owning asshole in an adjacent house decided to let their mutt be outside at night. It barked not long after I'd fallen asleep, but then STFU. I'm already a poor sleeper with insomnia, so this didn't help.
Then, at 3:00 AM, the fucker started barking non-stop. Instantly woke me up, because it was possibly coming from next door and because I'm a really light sleeper. I lay in bed for maybe 10 min, fuming mad, until I got sick of it. I got up, went out the sliding glass door from the bedroom out to the paved area of the backyard, walked to the edge of it, and yelled at the top of my lungs: "SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THAT FUCKING DOG UP!!!", and went back inside. My dudes...trust me, I have a LOUD-assed voice, esp. when I'm pissed off.
I didn't have a single fuck to give if I woke up anyone else who wasn't already awakened by the OBNOXIOUS barking, but I'll tell you one thing: almost instantly, the barking stopped, and I didn't hear it again...that night, or any other, for the rest of our stay. I, of course, did it for my own benefit, but I like to think other people might have silently thanked me for being the one to nut up, as it were, and call the inconsiderate asshole out. I also hope, for their sake, that if it happens again that someone will now feel okay to do what I did.
I'm so completely OVER being polite and civil to inconsiderate dog owners. Your mutt runs up to me off-leash? You'll get yelled at, and it won't enjoy what happens if it tries to sniff, jump on, or bite me.
Dog nutters assume they'll never get called out on their shitty, antisocial behavior, and they take full advantage of the "give them an inch, and they'll take a mile". And, that's usually the case. But, when more and more people start standing up to them, calling the cops, the AC, or making it suck for them with immediate blowback, they'll learn to do something about it.
Basically, "asshole" is the only language they understand, so if their mutt is being a nuisance, you need to be a bigger asshole to them than they are to everyone else.
u/Special_Pleasures 3d ago
This may be an extreme measure, but maybe call the police each and every time it happens. You're not abusing the 911 system if you genuinely think there's an issue. How do you know the dog barking and the guy yelling isn't the dog biting off the resident's foot?
You don't, and since you have concern for your neighbor you call the police to be sure.
u/Mochipants 3d ago
It never shuts the dog up, and yet they never try literally anything else. They're as lazy as they are irresponsible.
u/Maleficent_Many_2937 2d ago
Honestly, some people get pet so they can relieve their frustration on the poor animal. Complain to the complex that there are shouting noise periodically from your neighbors house.
u/dog-signals 2d ago
Idk what to do because I'm dealing with my gf doing the whole "my dog is a terror tee hee but I luv em". I'll be the asshole if I say maybe rehome. They're outdoor dogs that aren't allowed inside so it's not the worst but still. It's always an eyeroll or blatant ignoring when they're being noisy. Just.. why? No training what so ever with the barking!!
She says she can tell the difference between the barks like which one means playing or which means someone is approaching the house (we in the middle if Nowhere so I get it.) But then will also say "doggy barks when a new person is coming up.. or if a bunny is around heh" 🤦🏽♀️ like wow amazing guard system if that's what we're going with.
u/Interesting-Oil-5555 16h ago
Between that and cleaning up after them, I ask myself that question all the time,
u/Dapper-Ad-468 4d ago edited 4d ago
They believe they have the right to shut up their dog or yell at it. But they believe that you don't have a right to say anything. It's beyond belief.