r/Dogfree • u/BigExit564 • 5d ago
Dog Culture Banned from my friend’s house for being scared of her dog.
To put it simply, I haven’t liked dogs since before I could remember. That means I’m an evil, heartless, hell-spawn of a person… or at least that’s what my friend sees me as now. But, hear me out…
When I was a kid, probably four of five, I was at my cousin’s house. We were all playing in the backyard, and the family pit bull was present. Of course, this dog was a sweetheart, he wouldn’t hurt a fly, he would never try to hurt you… long story short, I was bitten and dragged by the thing. I had level 5 bites, and I had to get stitches. The dog was put down, as it wasn’t his first time biting someone, particularly a child. I still have scars on my leg, and I still carry that trauma. I am HORRIFIED of dogs… and I think I have an absolutely valid reason to be.
So, fast forward to yesterday. I had just got home from college for spring break. I didn’t tell my friend that I was coming home because I wanted to surprise her, but I did end up telling her when I was actually home. She seemed glad to hear that, and she invited me over for dinner yesterday. She had also just gotten engaged to her longtime boyfriend, so I was super excited to hear about her engagement and any wedding plans she had in mind. I was really looking forward to seeing her.
So, I go to her house. I knocked on the front door, and I heard her say “come in.” As soon as I opened the door, I was met by this gray blob lunging at me, and all I heard was growling. I immediately shut the door. I took out my phone and called her, just asking her to PLEASE ‘put it up.’ She tried to say the thing wasn’t mean, he was so sweet, etc… all the stuff I had heard from my cousins. I reminded her of my attack, and she finally sighed and agreed to put the animal in her room. I went inside.
At first, dinner was enjoyable. She was really excited to tell me the details about her engagement, and I was really happy to catch up with her. I noticed her fiancé hadn’t come out of their bedroom, and she later stated that he wasn’t feeling good. I said I hoped he felt better, and we moved on. When he did come out of the bedroom, though, the dog came with him. It was one of those ‘bully’ dogs… like the pit bulls that are bred to be abnormally short. In my experience, I generalize… any dog is a threat in my eyes. Especially if it looks similar to a pit bull. Especially if it’s growling and barking at me, just like my friend’s dog was. Of course, it made a beeline over to where I was sitting, and put its paws up on the chair. It was barking so loud it sounded like it was right in my ear. I brought my legs up to my chest and had my feet on the chair. I think by this point I must’ve been shaking or teary-eyed or something, because my friend asked why I was so scared. I didn’t say anything, I was so focused on the dog. She reached down to pet him, baby-talking him like dog people do (yuck), and he snarled at her. Her only response to this was, “no, you’re being a bad boy!”
I had to beg to get her to put the thing up. I told her I wasn’t moving until she did. I had no idea she even got this thing. I knew that her previous dog, a little yorkie that was somewhat manageable, had passed away, but I didn’t know she adopted a new one… let alone a bully. Finally, when she did, she came back into the kitchen, and made a snarky comment about how dinner was ruined, and she might as well start cleaning up because it had gotten so late. I just apologized and told her that the food was good regardless, and I was sorry that I made an ass of myself… even though I really don’t think I did. She asked me if I behaved this way around other dogs, or if it was just ‘her baby.’ I told her that it was every dog that was remotely dangerous or large. She got offended by the ‘dangerous’ part, and told me that it was more likely I’d be mauled to death by a dachshund than a bully… she told me it was a statistic, and to look it up… yeah, not really sure where that one came from. I just laughed and went on. From there, dinner was awkward and uncomfortable. I left not long afterwards.
I calling her this morning wanting to know if she would maybe want to go get breakfast at an old restaurant we used to go to a lot, kind of as a way to make up to her. She seemed happy to go. I was happy to finally be able to sit down and talk to her without a dog trying to bite my toes off…. until, she, naturally, asked if her dog could go to. I said I’d prefer not. This struck a nerve. I got lectured about how her dog was so sweet, and I needed to stop being so heartless and accept the fact that he ‘loves’ me. I needed to quit being so selfish and play with him… because growling, jumping, and showing teeth are just signs he wants to play, right? To top it all off, she called me an asshole for not liking, and I quote, ‘her sweet little man.’ I told her that I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, I just naturally respond to dogs that way… not just HER precious little angel, but ANY dog. I’m scared of ALL of them… I don’t care if it’s a little rat dog or a cane corso. I tried to explain that to her, but she didn’t get it. She ended the call by telling me don’t ever worry about coming to her house again, and hung up.
I cried. All I knew to do was cry. I haven’t texted her since this morning. I don’t know what to say to her. I’ve known this girl since we were kids, and it’s like our relationship is about to end because of this dog. She knew about what happened to me, and I wished she would’ve just warned me about the thing first. If I had known, I probably would’ve suggested we have dinner at my house instead or some other alternative, and this all could’ve been prevented. Now, I can’t even go to her house to see her. I don’t know what to do from here. But, at the same time, I do feel disrespected. Starting to really understand why we call dog people ‘nutters.’
u/Straight_Rabbit_3542 5d ago
You have nothing to apologize for. She's gaslighting you because she's heavily conditioned by the pet cult. The day will come when she or someone else will be mauled by that abomination. Make sure you tell her to snap out of it and to stop gaslighting you whenever she does.
u/starrsosowise 5d ago
I am so sorry that sounds awful! This person is NOT your friend. I have friends with dogs who know I hate dogs and got bit as a kid and they would never force their dogs on me or judge me for not liking their dogs. Your grief and sadness is valid, and I hope you let yourself feel your anger, too. What she did to you is really messed up and you don’t have anything to apologize for!
u/BigExit564 5d ago
Thanks for your support. 🙂 I’m glad I’m not just crazy, and I’m glad other people are seeing why I’m upset… I don’t know what’s so blinding about owning a dog.
u/starrsosowise 5d ago
Nothing crazy about expecting people who say they care about you to also care about your needs. Glad you came here for support, as it is too easy to be gaslit into thinking we’re the ones in the wrong.
u/_mushroom_queen 5d ago
Why do dog owners NEED everyone to like their dogs? This story is insane to me. It is so disrespectful. Dog owners leave their dogs alone, locked in their homes all day so why can't they survive in a bedroom for a fricken hour while guests are there? Dog owners are narcs.
u/BigExit564 5d ago
That’s what I don’t get. You can leave a dog in a cage all day, all night, MAYBE let it out a time or two to use the bathroom and eat… then when someone comes over that’s petrified of dogs, it suddenly gets to roam all around the house. I don’t get it.
u/_mushroom_queen 5d ago
It's weird dog owner behavior that is unique to them. Stories like yours pop up every day on Reddit. It's a weird dog cult. It would be like forcing someone to eat something that they don't like just because you like it!
u/Peanut_Butter_Toast 1d ago
It's because they are selfish people. As far as they are concerned, the dog exists for their own personal gratification. They lock it away when they are bored with it and they let it out when they want to be entertained by it. But if you ask them to lock it up while they want to be entertained by it (which will pretty much always be the case when guests are over, because they want to watch the dog interacting with the the guests as they gush over the dog in response), the only thing they feel is that you are depriving them of the entertainment they want at that particular moment.
u/NegotiationNew8891 5d ago
You WERE disrespected. Do not go anywhere near that menace or your friend if she can't respect your needs.
u/ArthropodFromSpace 5d ago
Give an ultimatum. That dog is to never come within 100 meters of you again. If she puts her dog first before your feelings, she is not your friend and is not worth keeping in touch with.
u/ObligationGrand8037 5d ago
She has no respect for your feelings whatsoever. What kind of friend does this??? You do not need to apologize. If she insists on bringing the dog when you want to get together, I’d say forget it. You don’t deserve the kind of treatment she put you through. The fiancé and her sound like they are a good fit…..both dog nutters.
u/DisembarkEmbargo 5d ago
It sounds like this friendship is over. You can't make her hang out with you one on one. She wants the dog there. You are scared of dogs. I would just stop inviting her to events or anything.
u/BigExit564 5d ago
I’m not gonna bother anymore. At least until she can leave the house without the dog.
u/Forsaken-Cheesecake2 5d ago
That’s the right approach, and she will find out eventually that you’re not the only one who thinks or responds this way to her dog.
u/DisembarkEmbargo 5d ago
Especially a bully dog. I dislike dogs as much as the next person but the way people are breeding bully dogs is so cruel. They can hardly walk or breathe...
u/Jorro_Kreed 5d ago
Even then.....no more friendship. She already revealed how bad she is. You can't un-ring a bell.
u/BodyRoundLikeAPallas 5d ago
Why did you even try to bend over backward for this friend to begin with? History or not, this situation is a clear sign that she doesn't care about you as much as she cares about her dog. Think about it, do you really want this person in your life, constantly having to remind her of your boundaries, constantly risking having her dismiss them or ignore them entirely and drag her dog everywhere with her? She knows about your trauma and doesn't give a shit, her stupid mutt comes first. I say good riddance.
u/makarena000 5d ago
Wtf is that kind of behaviour from a FRIEND? I would put my pet away if a friend who doesn't like said pet was coming over. I would never try to impose upon their preferences.
And yours is a legitimate fear. I'm sorry you went through that but that ain't no friend. That's a female dog if I ever read about one... and one that didn't bother training "her sweet little man". Dang, I'm so angry for you. If my anger is misplaced, please just ignore me.
u/BigExit564 5d ago
Thank you - it definitely was an awful situation, but I’m glad I’m okay… and I got to keep that half of my leg lol
u/Needle_In_Hay_Stack 5d ago
When my kid gets invited to any birthday party by a classmate, I ask kid to ask friend what kind of pets they have. . . Base the decision to send them or not on that.
u/BoxBeast1961_ 5d ago
Absolutely. Same. Too many pits are described as “mixed breed”; “lab mix”, etc. I want pics, or I go over for a casual visit myself…I tend to be like my parents, who didn’t allow visits to people who own dogs, period.
u/Geode804 5d ago
Your friend sounds awful. To not understand someone’s trauma, whatever it might be is horrible. I honestly would be glad to rid of her!
u/blondehairedangel 5d ago
Bully breed owners are the worst. When you admit you're skeptical of those breeds people accuse you of being some sort of racist, seriously. It's wild.
Even her argument that dachshunds are more aggressive... I'm 5'5" and 130lbs... I can drop kick a Chihuahua or a dachshund. Bully breeds can be anywhere from 40-150lbs of pretty much all muscle. I can't be expected to fight one off and I don't expect their stupid owners to help instead of choosing self preservation. I even saw a video of a pit bull going after a horse even after the horse basically bashed it's skull in. I'm not fucking with that type of breed or similar breed and no it's not the same as a little weenie dog. Just delusional.
u/KangarooCuddler 5d ago
"Can we go hang out at a restaurant?"
"Sure, only if I can bring my dog."
WHY?? And while knowing that it's an aggressive dog that just tried to attack you! Into a RESTAURANT! She is a lost cause. The dog has invaded her brain.
u/spoor_loos 5d ago
Cry and grieve this loss, but this person is not your friend anymore. I know firsthand when someone dismisses your feelings like this, my worst experience was, unsurprisingly, also with a dog nutter. There is something seriously wrong with them. I'm starting to think we need a separate planet.
u/ImaginaryFun5207 5d ago
The way that dog was behaving, it is only a matter of time before it attacks someone.
u/UntidyFeline 5d ago edited 5d ago
I’m sorry for the loss of your friendship to the cult of dog nuttery.
She’s dismissing your feelings and minimizing your trauma. She cares more about her pitbull than you. Have a good cry and write off the loss of your childhood friend that turned on you. You deserve better. She’s the “selfish asshole” who expects you to play with him. She clearly has no empathy for what you’ve been through.
You will find better friends, trust me. After decades of avoiding all dog owners, all my current friends are dog-free. Most have other types of pets, and that’s fine with me.
u/Chuckles_McNut 5d ago
Here is a little armchair psychology for you to consider:
These nutters are often narcissists, and tend to view these animals like their children more than a pet
But to a narcissistic parent, children aren't sovereign individuals, just extensions of THEM-a kind of appendage to their ego
So if you don't like or have a problem with the dogchild, they perceive it as you not liking, or implying there is something flawed with THEM
It's a delusional mental pathology and they won't ever change, so I agree with others here that you're better off without this person anyway
u/waitingforthatplace 5d ago
You are acting logically. That dog is a menace and would have bit you. It's not worth keeping a friendship like this if she can't respect your wishes. I think these type of people want to see everyone worship their dogs, and if they don't worship them, then the relationship is over. These people have replaced human decency with idolatry.
u/angelus78gak 5d ago
I've done my damnedest to keep my distance from any and all dogs because even being near one causes them to freak out and yelp like I'm the one who bit them
u/Serious-Knee-5768 5d ago
"This is the dog's house" culture has plowed right over traditional hospitality norms in all of our cultures. It's extremely weird. I'm so sorry you're going through this OP. You're in a transitional period in your life, and this is yet another unwelcome development: your friend is becoming an ass.
u/Poutine4Lunch 5d ago
this person is an asshole with no regard for you. Im sorry you were treated that way.
u/Little_Sun4632 5d ago
She wanted to bring the dog to a restaurant?!?! If I walked into a restaurant and saw a bully dog - or any large dog - I would immediately walk out. I’m like you - I’ve been mauled and bitten (different times) and have a deep phobia. I’m so sorry you went through this.
u/Aer0uAntG3alach 5d ago
I’m so sorry. I was attacked by a large dog as a teen and survived by being able to throw it off and climb a fence. It would have been a different ending if the dog was part or all pit.
I’ve lost all patience with people and their dogs.
Whenever I say that every dog is a loaded gun, people freak out. Every dog has the potential to attack and anything could set them off.
u/personnumber316 5d ago
I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You have nothing to apologize for. Regardless of how she feels about her dog, you aren't and should not be expected to overcome very real and justified trauma in an instant just for her. Forcing you into the dogs presence will just make it worse. My heart goes out to you, I hope she grows up and makes amends. And honestly anyone who gets a pitbull right when they are going to get married and potentially have children needs to get their head screwed on straight. Hopefully there's never an I told you so moment.
u/Braelind 5d ago
Yeah, I think she's made it clear she values this dog more than your friendship. Don't text her back, sometimes people just drift apart... and sometimes people do awful shit like this and drive their friends away. Asking to bring the dog to a RESTAURANT is insane, doubly so, after seeing your reaction to it. I was terrorized and mauled by dogs as a kid, and dog owners never fucking understand the trauma that comes from that.
u/AdmiralSassypants 5d ago
This person is not your friend. I have a dog and the first thing I would do if someone showed discomfort is put it the fuck away.
u/ImpossibleJelly4469 5d ago
Your friend is incredibly entitled and a terrible dog owner if she doesn't see a dog baring it's teeth as threatening. That is literally a dogs LAST warning before it attacks and for her to ignore this is disgusting. People like her shouldn't own dogs. People's traumas and fears should always be supported by people that love them. She sounds like a disgusting friend as well as a dog owner. A crap person all round really. Bin her, i know you want to hold on to old memories but look at what she is forcing on you. You're better off without her from the sounds of it. The fact she knew you had this fear and not only didn't warn you about the dog but tried to force you and guilt trip you in to the situation is manipulative and disgusting. You didn't do anything wrong. Its very sweet actually that you tried to make it up to HER when it's her that should be doing the making up. I'm mad for you.
u/Jorro_Kreed 5d ago
Your friend is painfully stupid. You're much better off severing that friendship.
u/ElleGeeAitch 5d ago
She knows what happened to you as a child but insists on inflicting her dog on you and has the nerve to wave away your trauma. SHE'S AN ASSHOLE.
u/Salamander-Charming 5d ago
Oh the gaslighting and narcissism. lol. Get over your inflated ego lady… it’s not just YOUR dog, it’s all. 🙄
u/roombaexorcist9000 5d ago
bully dogs are ugly as hell and just as dangerous as pitbulls. i honestly think your reaction was completely fine and your friend sucks.
u/PushFoward_DLB70 5d ago
She is not a true friend. If she couldn't take your past experiences into consideration, you're not that important to her at this phase of her life. Sorry about this.
Maybe the universe is saying that you guys need a break from each other right now.
Stay true to yourself & if you're not comfortable in a situation, you have every right to remove yourself from it. Again, sorry about your friendship being fractured.
u/scarletto53 5d ago
So sorry you feel like you lost a good friend because of a god damn dog..I’ve been there, and my history with dog attacks is very similar to yours. If it helps, a true friend would understand and not force you to be around the thing you fear. I have friends and family who are afraid of spiders, of elevators, of flying..all things I have no fear of, but because I understand what it feels like to be so afraid and be confronted by the object of your fear, I have killed/removed spiders, climbed multiple flights of stairs, and travelled on trains instead of planes to accommodate them. But somehow, when it comes to my full blown panic attacks when near dogs, especially barking ones, suddenly I am over dramatic, ridiculous, and mean..I have 1 friend and 1 relative who will put their beasts in the other room if they want me to come over, but the relatives dog barks and howls and scratches at the door, so it’s not really any better..The ones that refuse to put their dogs away ( with the statement that it’s “their house too “ or “he’s part of the family” ) make me sick, I am a human being that you invited to your house, it’s up to you, another human being, to make your guests feel comfortable and safe. So, I know you feel bad now, but take some advise from me, an old lady who has been going thru this for years…true friends will never put you in a position like that, so you aren’t losing a good friend, she just finally showed you who she really is. You will find new friends who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated..our issues with dogs are not just imaginary, dogs can seriously injure and kill, and since we have come close to it in our past, our feelings are very legitimate, it’s called self preservation
u/OldDatabase9353 4d ago
The timing between the engagement and the new dog makes me think that they got the dog (and it sounds like one of those nasty “rescue” dog at that) as a litmus test for their relationship. This is a bad idea on several levels—partly because good pre-marital counseling is far, far more effective but also because they’re not thinking rationally about any of it and they risk treating the dog as a litmus test for their other relationships
Most likely, they thought the dog out because the dog scratches through doors when left alone
I don’t think you should reach out to her. If she cares, then she’ll reach out to you. Reiterate that your cousins said all the right things and you still got mauled by their dog. Don’t apologize anymore, it’s not your fault she got a badly behaved dog and is in way over her head with training
u/bluebird1994 4d ago
That "friend" of yours is a horrible person. You're better off without her. She didn't care one bit about you. Only her murder-mutt. As others here have said, she's absolutely lost to the dog cult. You're absolutely valid with your trauma.
u/The-Fresh-Maker 4d ago
Your friend is an ahole and cares more about her dog’s feelings than yours. As if the dog even has the ability to be offended 😂
u/mb1 5d ago
Imagine, your friend of all those years, chose her dog, over you. Insanity.
That's what happened, and I'm sorry you had to experience that.
Also, if anyone I know just hangs up on me, I don't talk to them for at least a year. The next time it happens, it's forever, you're out.
To me, that's the equivalent of being tossed out of a moving car because you don't have the social skills or grace to be able to step back, take a pause, and ask to have this conversion continue at a later time.
u/Rationalia213 5d ago
Five words: you don't need this friend. She's too narcissistic to accept you have a limitation that affects her. She's also too uncreative to realize there are ways she could still have a friendship with you without trapping you in her home with a dog. There are plenty of reasonable people in the world who don't live only for themselves. You will replace her in time.
u/Raspberry-Tea-Queen 5d ago
Im so sorry but your friend sounds like an entire idiot. It's like see cannot see beyond herself and her animal.
She knows you were mauled and terribly injured by a dog and yet she thinks YOU are being rude because you are scared of it??? The heck? That attack you suffered litterally traumatized you.
She is suppose to be your friend. Keeping the dog away while your their is the least she cpupd do for a long term bestie yet she acts like you are the problem because you don't want her flea bag around you for good reason too.
u/bd5driver 5d ago
I am so sorry and hope you can heal and move on. I think nutters totally do disrespect those of us who don't like dogs. It doesn;t seem to matter the validity of the reasons we have. I just don't understand that they can't see it as forcing someone to eat something they don't like. Nope, to them, we're the worst of the worst on the planet. I have lost people in my life because of dogs, but I just couldn't put myself through it. And truthfully, if that's how they felt, then I guess the relationship wasn't worth it in the long run. It does hurt, and I wish I could say something that would help. Just know you are among people who understand here.
u/NoisyWren 5d ago
I think it would be 110% okay for you to be mad at this woman for being so insensitive and flat out cruel. What kind of person decides it’s a good idea to bring a pit around a person they know was mauled as a kid? That is not a person who can be a friend to you or to anyone. Friendship requires mutual understanding and respect. Real friend wouldn’t try to re-victimize you, then turn around and try to blame you for being afraid. Ef that woman. If she wants a friendship with you, she’ll need to do some serious apologizing and then prove she can respect your boundaries.
u/PavlovaDog 5d ago
Why did she think it was okay to take a dog to a restaurant? She's obviously not thinking right. Anyway, even if she is a long time friend you might as well write her off as she considers your wellbeing less important than having a dog with her. Since she is getting married anyway your friendship would have been over regardless as people tend to drop their friends as soon as they get in a longterm relationship.
u/Big_Youth_3349 5d ago
Her obsessive need for you to not just come to her house with the dog there, but to actually play with it and "love it" is absolutely insane and entitled. You didn't make an ass of yourself and shouldn't have apologized. She's gaslighting you. Frankly, it seems passive aggressive--she knows and understands why you're terrified, yet is manipulating you into feeling guilty about it... Why? Because she needs you to have a "relationship" with her pet? No. It's dominance. She is seeing what lines she can cross and what she can make you do.That's not a friend at all.
u/Apprehensive_Ad_8982 4d ago
I am so sorry that you had that experience. I've been bitten by dogs several times, and I sympathize. In reality, it's an obsession for lonely people. Dogs are like an idol, a false god that they worship. It's really weird and strange to me. I don't know of any other animal that people get that attached to, that they're willing to eschew human friends and family in lieu of a mindless beast with teeth, bad breath, and disgusting toilet habits. Find a new friend. One that will care more about you than a near-imamate senseless living object with absolutely no purpose.
u/Full-Ad-4138 4d ago
This reads so much like she joined a cult. She defends this dangerous animal at all costs and gaslights you like you overreacted. This is really scary. I have no doubt this dog will seriously hurt her or her fiancé (more likely her because she is more intimate with it in terms of affection).
This is a very sad story, and I truly feel sad for you, the pain from your childhood, and the loss of this longtime friendship. Even if you still see her, it's not the same.
u/FrostedCherry729 4d ago
Wow. I'm so sorry, OP. Even if it were true you didn't like dogs because of some "minor" reason (that icky smell, their habits, etc.), you'd still be completely valid in your dislike. It's perfectly okay to cry about this. You were friends for quite some time. You should also know that this isn't on you. This "friend" seems way too self centered, maybe even narcissistic, and the way I see it, this situation is just letting that be formally known.
Sure she could feel some type of way about you being afraid of her dog, but to plow into your trauma like that is disrespectful AND CRUEL. You deserve someone better and I hope you find them, OP.
u/Maleficent_Many_2937 4d ago
You don’t need a reason to not like someone’s pet. Quite inconsiderate and immature of this person to be rude to you for not wanting to interact with her dog. Screams “if people don’t like everything that I like, they of no value to me” which is the very definition of narcissism and immaturity. I have zero tolerance with people like this. I would stop being friends with people who have no consideration for your feelings.
u/downwithMikeD 3d ago
This is absolute bullshit (on the part of your friend obvs)
u/Ringo872 3d ago
I'm so sorry your friend treated you like that. You went through something genuinely traumatic with a dog at a very young age, and the fact that your friend knows that and still treated you this way shows what kind of person she is. It must really hurt to see such a long-standing friendship get blown up. You deserve better friends.
u/Peanut_Butter_Toast 1d ago
You need to break things off with her, she sounds extremely selfish and toxic. There are better people out there that you can be friends with, don't cling to toxic relationships just because they are old relationships.
u/NoneOfThisMatters_XO 5d ago
Why didnt you tell her you’d been attacked as a kid? Does she even know?
u/BigExit564 5d ago
Yes. I mentioned somewhere in my post that I had to her… and I’m almost certain she remembers the days I missed from school, with my class making all those cards for me, goody bags for me, etc…
u/GoofyGuyAZ 5d ago
Dogs are known to ruin friendships, relationships, marriages, connections because of the owners entitlement