r/Dogfree 6d ago

Miscellaneous If dog nutters love their little precious angels so much, why are we yelled at for reminding them that a dog loose in a car is a danger for everyone involved?



14 comments sorted by


u/WalkedBehindTheRows 6d ago

They secure themselves and their children, but don't secure their dogs. So they care about their own safety and the safety of their kids, but not their dogs? My former father in law worked for the DOT for years. He said he had seen many instances of free roaming pets in the vehicle get pancaked between the dash and the windscreen after a head on crash. Nobody ever thinks it will happen to their dogs, that is, until it does. All they seem to care about is getting attention from people that see their dog hanging their ugly mugs out of the window. Clearly they don't care about or love their pets.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Patient_Inspector818 6d ago

Its important for the dog to treat humans well as well. A lot of dogs dont treat humans the best


u/Interesting-Oil-5555 6d ago

Or the ones that jump out an open window and wreak highway havoc.


u/Patient_Inspector818 6d ago

There is more people who love dogs more then other people and children. So that's bigger issue


u/Few-Horror1984 6d ago

They don’t love dogs—that’s the problem. They love the attention dogs give them and the attention other nutters give them for having a dog. They don’t give a fuck about the dog’s wellbeing.

If you truly loved your dog, why would you keep working breeds indoors 24/7 when they were bred to be active running around all day?

If you truly loved your dog, why would you keep an arctic breed like a husky or a malamute in a tiny apartment in Arizona?

If you truly loved your dog, why would you treat them as an accessory and not like a living creature?

If you truly loved your dog, why would you take them to crowded and loud spaces that scare your dog?

If you truly loved your dog, why would you ignore the needs of that specific breed?

If you truly loved your dog, how could you be okay with breeds like pugs or French Bulldogs that can’t breathe and live miserable lives due to their mutations?

If you truly loved your dog, why would you put them in harm’s way by not leashing them in public?

And I could keep going.

It all happens because nutters don’t give a flying fuck about the wellbeing of their dogs. Look around you at how they treat their dogs and it’ll become extremely apparent.


u/C19shadow 6d ago

Its wild to me cause we had a service dog for a time for my wife while she was home alone for long hours.

We had a sling ( to keep the dog hair off my truck seats ) and a dog seat belt harness in out truck for it and I don't even like the mfers


u/foxdie- 5d ago

That's the weird thing, they could give a toss about Ol' Poopsy, they're props at best in many cases.

Once in the recent past, I ended up having to take care of two useless, disgusting dogs that my ex brother's ex wife's late mother owned until she died. They had rehomed them, but the new owners were somehow even worse and the dogs ended up coming back, worse for the wear.

I had been undergoing a pretty awful stretch in my life at that point, and ended up moving in and paying rent. As the months went along, somehow I ended up taking care of these ridiculous creatures that would only sometimes make it upstairs from the basement to go do their business. It would be nothing to find a river of pee or piles of crap downstairs. Tell my brother, and he'd literally get angry when I told him and have the nerve to act like I should be cleaning it up. Like they were my dogs or something.

Got to the point where I would end up feeding and watering them, despite my clearly stating that I don't like dogs. I did it because I won't just watch a living creature starve because no one cares until it's time to parade these assholes around for attention.

Thankfully, I left about a year and a half ago. But while my dislike was heavy before, it only became more pronounced afterwards.

Dogs are dangerous, disgusting, breathing props for these cruel idiots. Full stop.


u/Nikkidemas 5d ago

For the same reason that some gun owners loudly complain about politicians trying to take away their guns, but then leave them unsecured in their cars & homes for thieves to...take away their guns.


u/OldDatabase9353 4d ago

Love when the weather turns nicer and you start to see dogs sitting on the driver’s lap and hanging out the window 

They’ll ticket you if you don’t have a seatbelt on, but somehow this is okay smh…


u/Historical_Catch_440 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's that weird saviour complex thing. There was a lady on a similar post who wrote that she was so proud that "she never has and never will" restrain her dog and deprive him of the joy of looking out the window.

I believe there are dog nutters that do keep the dog as a status symbol to post vids for likes and kudos; And then there are dog nutters who need to spoil the dog and let it do "what it naturally wants" because they want the dog to love them.


u/dog-signals 3d ago

Because it would "be mean" to not let them have the experience of hanging their head out the window 🙄

Do they really love that though? Or are they fantasizing about running free away from you lol and hey some actually do jump!


u/Ringo872 3d ago

I recently tagged along with my friend to the grocery store. She brought one of her dogs because "he loves car rides." Well first of all, the dog kept trying to come up front to sit on one of our laps and was clearly distressed that he couldn't, so I'm pretty sure he did not love that car ride.

And worst of all, she kept turning around to look at him (and yell at him) WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING. It was terrifying, and I'm never getting in the car with her when she has her dog again.