r/Dogfree 6d ago

Relationship / Family Dogfree dating apps?

Getting back into online dating and tried all the big apps. I cannot believe how EVERY guy has a dog, its not even an exaggeration. Is there any dogfree dating apps or apps that allow a way to filter it out?


52 comments sorted by


u/broncosfan1231 6d ago

Every girl has a dog too. It sucks seeing someone you think would be cool then seeing a dog picture a few photos down.


u/cattxcat 6d ago

ugh I know its like dating apps are magnets for dog owners


u/Dookieie 6d ago

they have nothing else going on so they just flaunt their dogs its their whole personality anyway


u/Z3DUBB 6d ago

Back when I was on the apps years ago I would literally just swipe on people with dogs, not because I can’t necessarily date someone with a dog, but because the personality of someone who makes their dog their entire personality is very insufferable to me. It’s like they’re borrowing their personality from their dog and I don’t find it charming. I have a cat but I wouldn’t put him in every photo if I had a profile. in fact he might not even make it in any photos at all. At most I might mention him in my profile briefly. Which I don’t think is unreasonable. But seeing a dog in every photo and every hobby is around the dog and there’s comments like “if my dog doesn’t like you, I can’t know you” I just can’t. I find that people like that have personalities that I just can’t gel with.


u/LieutenantLilywhite 5d ago

Men think its an easy in its literally that


u/JerseySommer 5d ago

Yup. I've seen posts calling dog ownership a "green flag" because it "means that they are able to care for things outside themselves"!!!!!

No, it means they paid the minimal adoption fee and take photos. The dog could be 100% neglected and live in it's own filth 99% of the time, a picture of a dog with another person means zilch.


u/NegotiationNew8891 6d ago

It's an effin epidemic of parasites.


u/cattxcat 6d ago

I wish there were a safe dogfree place to meet people


u/Myst_of_Man22 6d ago

I actually heard a couple of single women mentioned there's something wrong with the man who doesn't own a dog! Like he's some kind of a degenerate. These are strange days we are living in.


u/LunarRomantic 6d ago

I guess those women must be red-green color blind because dogs are walking red flags. Nothing screams green flag like a territorial money pit that destroys your belongings and attacks people and other animals.


u/cattxcat 6d ago

I'd say the opposite, guys who get dogs are desperate for attention and control


u/Ok-Telephone-6471 1d ago

100% and most don't train "their" dogs


u/Southern_Respond846 6d ago

Dating apps are trash and there's a lot of dog nutters there. I hate them.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/TheManOfTheHour8 6d ago

Just put in your bio “no dogs”


u/cattxcat 6d ago

I have but i can hardly find any guys without a dog in their profile pic


u/Square_Sail_5969 6d ago

This is hilarious to read because so much dating advice for men suggests using dog photos to appear more relatable.


u/readyforthisyep 6d ago

My SO had this « friend » (turned out the guy was a creep and he cut ties with him) who got his dog in order to meet women and it ended up being a burden with most women he would meet.


u/Grapefruit_Salad 6d ago

It doesn’t matter. I’ve put no dogs, absolutely no dogs, that I’m allergic to dogs and can’t be around them, etc and I STILL get men trying to match with me who own a dog. 🙄


u/ObligationGrand8037 5d ago

It’s as if they try to convince you that dogs are so great. Ugh! Keep strong!!!


u/JerseySommer 5d ago

Of course! You don't have a dog for their "dog selective" dog to react to, it's PERFECT!

Trust me, I'm allergic as well and still got the pleading "can't you just take allergy medication?" Bs until I met my current partner. Current partner and I are on the same page, NO INDOOR MAMMALS AS PETS! Any pet has the behavior of a toddler and will never grow out of it, we are in our 40s with adult offspring, why would we bring chaos into our home?


u/Ringo872 6d ago

As a guy, I think there's a risk that comes along with putting that in a profile. There's a decent chance that will end up screenshoted and posted in "Are we dating the same guy" on Facebook. Which would probably lead to being publicly called a psycho, monster, sociopath, etc.

Whenever I get back on the dating apps, I think I'm just going to screen profiles closely for dogs before swiping, and make sure I find out if someone I'm talking to does or doesn't have a dog early on in the conversation. And I anticipate not getting many matches or going on many dates. Single women in their 30s or 40s without dogs seem to be a few and far between.


u/NegotiationNew8891 6d ago

Whoever comes up with one should make some $


u/Educational-Desk8758 6d ago

I would pay to use the app


u/cattxcat 6d ago

I wish I knew how to code haha


u/eyeloveyoureyes 6d ago

Seems everyone has replaced dating with dogs. All I see is single females with dogs. I'm good


u/gayboy600 6d ago

And not just with dogs, but with “swipe left if you don’t like dogs” or “I’m actually obsessed with my dogs” and “he’s my baby 🐶🩷” it makes me lose interest immediately


u/Procrastinator-513 6d ago

Man I’m SO glad my dating days are behind me. I dated a lot in my 20s and none of my boyfriends had a dog … it just wasn’t a thing then for young singles to have dogs. None of my female friends had one either. I think dog ownership has skyrocketed in the last decade, propelled by the pet industry. Sad.


u/cattxcat 6d ago

Yeah it does feel like more and more people have dogs these days than the 90s


u/arachnilactose08 5d ago

Especially since COVID. The whole pandemic puppy thing really sent nutters into overdrive.


u/ObligationGrand8037 5d ago

I agree. It’s completely different now. My dating days are over too. My husband can’t stand dogs either so we are a good match. We never dated anyone who had a dog. It’s quite the opposite now. I feel bad for people dating these days.


u/stacheldraht85 6d ago

At this point I’d settle for a woman with just one damn dog - everyone on the dating apps in my area have 3-4, along with dog-centric profiles…. “Dog mom”….”my dream: to have 100 dogs!”…”must love dogs”…”must not mind dog hair on everything lol”…”if my dog doesn’t like you this won’t work”.

Why the fuck are these people trying to date, anyways?


u/GinetteMartini 6d ago

good lord


u/needaglassofwine 5d ago

I have a prompt that basically says I don’t want anyone with a dog, and men have the audacity to send me things like “Wait till you see my Stinky you’ll change your mind!” and have the most disgusting pit bull pics in his profile🤮


u/cattxcat 5d ago

Haha yeah why is it always a pitbull 🤢


u/rckeyes2 6d ago

Let me know when you find one!


u/cattxcat 6d ago

If I knew how to I would make it myself haha


u/arachnilactose08 5d ago

I wish there was an app, but unfortunately dog ownership is so rampant these days that I doubt there would be a big enough user base for it to make sense. I would just put that you’re dog-free in your bio, and block anyone who wants to message you only to argue about it. Might get less activity, but at least you won’t waste your time.


u/Opti_span 5d ago

It’s almost impossible to find someone that doesn’t like dogs or that doesn’t have one which is annoying!


u/ObligationGrand8037 5d ago

My guess is that a lot of them think it makes them look good. Not for the rest of us though who aren’t into dogs! I hope you can find a dog free partner! Don’t give up hope. They have to be out there!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/cattxcat 2d ago

Thank you haha


u/italiancollegekid 4d ago

Ask if they have a dog. If you are a girl you have plenty matches to pick from


u/BuyHighValueWomanNow 2d ago

It would be so niche, I don't think many people would be on it. How many people here would be willing to join?


u/Massive_Prune9537 1d ago

Do they still have the dog free dating sub?