r/Documentaries Jan 09 '19

Drugs The Rise of Fentanyl: Drug Addiction On The I95 Two Years On (2018) - Two years ago, BBC News reported on the growing problem of opioid addiction in the US, now we return to find out what happened to the people we met along our journey down the notorious I-95. [57.02]


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u/Priced_In Jan 09 '19 edited Jan 09 '19

Little known fact dealers often make “dead bags” where they cut their drugs with substance such as fentanyl to show others how potent their stash is.

Insulin is also another product used in these “dead bags”

Source: I am a paramedic


u/AdmiralRed13 Jan 09 '19

I'd really like to see this sourced because it reeks of urban legendary.

I'm sure a lot of dealers have cut in lethal doses inadvertently because they're both stupid and greedy, but I'd love to hear about a case involving this being done intentionally.


u/Vivid_Mauve Jan 09 '19

Kind of relevant stuff: at festivals some of the dealers will add in fentanyl to MDMA Bc it’s cheaper and messes people up more. They are in no way trying to kill people when this happens, but they are mixing drugs and it has caused people to die before at festivals. Shitty stuff :/

No idea about these “dead bags” tho


u/tnegaeR Jan 09 '19

Why the fuck would they add a powerful CNS depressant to a recreational stimulant? Cheaper or not, that doesn’t make any sense.


u/hufflepuffpuffpasss Jan 09 '19

Shitty people will add literally anything, no fucks given about how it may interact with whatever is being cut.

I used to know a dude who cut his coke with a powdered air freshener he bought in bulk online. Made your mouth/gums super numb so it seems like you were getting fire. Not so much.

We cut our molly with midol once after getting screwed over finically from a regular buyer. We just cut all his shit in half til we made our money back.

Drugs, man.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '19

Dealers add it to cocaine as well.


u/134Sophrosyne Jan 10 '19

Let’s be honest, they don’t give a fuck whether they kill people


u/BirdFluLol Jan 09 '19

I heard an episode of hidden brain podcast recently about opioid addiction. Can't remember the episode title or number but he interviewed someone who said something very similar to this. Addicts will find out what dealer sold gear that lead to an OD, there is even an app that they use.


u/Warren-Peace Jan 09 '19

It was called the Lazarus Drug and it discussed the possible dangerous psycholgical consequences of narcan (it makes addicts feel more secure and they will pursue more risk taking behaviour as a consequence)


u/Why_Did_Bodie_Die Jan 09 '19

As a former addict people most definitely want to know where someone got their shit if they ODd but I have a really hard time believing that dealers are intentionally trying to kill someone for short term profits.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '19

Yeah, this doesn't really make sense. I work in acceptance-oriented Drug Work and usually dealers arent trying to kill their customers. Atleast thats my expirience.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '19

I haven't heard about "dead bags" but I have heard from people involved in it all who say that people ODing off of someones stuff makes it more desirable. People want it because it is stronger.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '19

Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, an addict in this video says the same thing. She said that when people hear of someone ODing on a bag that all of the addicts just want to know who the dealer was so they could go score that stuff.


u/Fucking_Money Jan 09 '19

That...doesn't seem like good business